Creative Mat Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5741

Creative Mat Flow
Amy Havens
Class 5741

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I love this workout!  I'm always looking to do more upper body workouts, not only for building strength but also for relieving tension in the shoulders and neck. This workout did the trick.  I also like that is a convenient half hour long.  I used 2 pound weights for a good challenge.  
Jessie B
Great class. Easy to follow cues! Used no weight because all I had was 5lbs and heeded the warning. I think it was a good plan. Thank you!!
Another AMAZING class! Felt so great after. Total body is worked out. Thanks Amy! 
Dawn U
I adore you, Amy Havens.  I always come back to your classes.  The class was very relaxing for me and I used 2 lbs. weights.  Happy New Year.
Fun one, Amy! Look forward to more in 2025! I used 1.5 lb weights which worked well.
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