Mobility-Focused Workout<br>Jamie Isaac<br>Class 5757

Mobility-Focused Workout
Jamie Isaac
Class 5757

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1 person likes this.
Jamie, I always enjoy working out with you! 😍 Your energy is upfliting and your classes are helping me stay in very good shape. Thank you very much! 
Kathie L
1 person likes this.
I would love it if you did more strength training with weights for those of us with osteoporosis. The first two videos are wonderful. Thanks
Kathie L
1 person likes this.
I would love it if you did more strength training with weights for those of us with osteoporosis. The first two videos are wonderful. Thanks
Marchel A
3 people like this.
Kathie L, Marchel here from the Customer Support Team. We will certainly keep more osteoporosis-featured content in mind for future programming.

Jamie Isaac
Chantal C Thank you! So happy to share this wellbeing and movement with you 🙏
Jamie Isaac
Kathie L Super happy you enjoyed the workouts. Loving that they are helpful for osteoporosis too. I hope to share more with you in the future.
Hey Jamie,
Thanks for this great workout.  I've saved this as my go-to morning wake-up/start the day routine .  Nice that you're from the lovely Isle of Wight - I know it well as my family-in-law live in Lake, Sandown and Newport.  
Take care and looking forward to more videos from you, 
Sandy (now in Leeds, Yorkshire)
Great 👍🇩🇰
Thank youuuuuu Jamie!
This felt amazing! love all the mobility work and nice smooth flow of this class. 
1-10 of 12

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