Class #5757

Mobility-Focused Workout

30 min - Class


Join Jamie Isaac for a mindful, fluid Strength & Mobility class that adapts to your body's needs. This intermediate-level workout combines mobility-focused exercises with subtle core work, allowing you to give attention and movement to areas that need a little TLC. Grab an optional yoga strap and flow through this cheeky, flowy session designed to leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated.
What You'll Need: Mat
Optional: Yoga Strap


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Hi. I'm Jamie Isaac, and welcome to this workout. So we're gonna work a little on mobility here with a few cheeky core exercises in the mix as well. So even when we're stretching, I want us to still be moving from the center and staying strong and well connected. But let's begin. We're gonna take it down to the mat to stop.

So let's sit with our legs crossed. And just center ourselves a little. So bring ourselves into the map, bring ourselves into our bodies, very often in life, we're running around from one thing to the next, and the workout just kinda gets incorporated into life. Actually, it can be really beneficial at the beginning of any workout just to stop. Just take a moment, tune in. See, ask yourself, how are you feeling? What needs work?

What needs a little little TLC? So right here, let's sit and take that moment. We'll do a couple of breaths. Just inhaling, lengthening, exhaling. Just releasing any tension.

One more. Just breathing in. And then exhale out. And keep breathing. Good advice anyway, but keep breathing. We'll start to add some circles around our seats. So we're sitting. See, notice.

My knees are moving. My whole body's moving. But I'm trying to sort of keep a good grounded energy as I move around, circling around, increase the range, and then reverse it, come back the other way. Just moving around the hips. Stay strong through the center.

Couple more. Here we go. All the way around. Into the center. Now take your hands forward. Let's walk them out in front of us. Round our back and just take a moment.

Stretch our spine. Maybe wiggle your hips, bring a little bit of energy through the pelvic area. I'm gonna walk my hands back, take them back behind me, and just lift my heart so we can all lift our hearts up arching up. Good moment to breathe in. And then exhale out.

Take the opposite hand to the opposite knee. Sit tall. And as you exhale, let's just rotate a little, bring a little twist that we're encouraging. I'm not forcing, but encouraging with our hands. Looking all the way around. Take a look around.

Just come back through the center lift all. And once again, as we exhale, just rotate twist and encouraging that twist with our hands. And it's come back through to the center. Okay. Bring our legs out in front of us now. And you're welcome.

If you want some support to take your hands behind the backs of your thighs or for a little more of a turned up version, reach your arms out in front. We need to take five attempts to come down onto our back going a little lower each time. So sit tall. This is where we really do have to connect with our abs, make them work, and our glutes as well, inner thighs, drawing together, that scoop our abs lower back and then come back up, sit tall, lift. And again, scooping, coming back a little further still, how far back can you go lifting up tall? And, again, rounding back.

Almost touching the first ribs here. Coming back up. 2 more. Let's go to the shoulder blades. Let your shoulder blades. Just kiss the mat and then come back up.

Lift off. One more time. And then we call that 5. So let's come up one more and then a little bonus lower back. So lower ourselves all the way onto our backs, bring our arms down by our sides. Okay. From here, let's bring our arms out wide.

We'll stay with that twist in through the body. I want us to anchor our upper body into the mat and lower our knees to one side. Use our core to draw our legs back through the center. And once again, lower into the other side now. And you'll notice I'm keeping my opposite shoulder pressing down. I want you to do the same.

It's gonna keep this stretch safe and well connected. And center. Let's go one more to this side. Alright. Stretch it out up through the center. Alright. Now from here, We're gonna do a little stretch for the side body before we engage our obliques.

So I want you now to take your opposite hand to the outside of your knee, keeping your hips as square as you can. Curling up, reach the other arm up and back behind you. And now from here, we're pressing with his hand and just reaching and breathe and just reach all the way out, fingertips reaching, hand presses, and this hand pressing stops the knees falling to the side. Let's do the other side. So same again.

Kur opposite hand through the opposite knee. Reach the other arm back behind you. And then we rotate and we stretch and stretch looking all the way back behind you. Alright. Come back through the center. Hands together into prayer position at the top now.

I want us to curl up and take that same hand to the opposite side of our thigh. We'll do some oblique curls here. Just curling up for 5, 4, 3. To one more coming down to the other side and reach, really reach, press your thighs together, 2 more, and reach all the way down. Lower your arms down by your sides here. Alright. Let's press our hips up now into a bridge.

So reach your sit bones towards the backs of your knees, lift your hips up. Stretch it up. Now here I want us to inhale. Take our arms all the way up above our head. Reach out. Leave them up here. Exhale.

Can you articulate down? Introducing each individual vertebra down and then bring your arms by the side of your body. Let's go again. So press kips up, sit bones towards the backs of our knees, big inhale here. Exhale. Lowering down, mobilize the spine, fire up the glutes, Alright. Let's have some fun with that. So let's let's lift our hips up once more.

Lift them up. Bring the arms up. This is where it gets a little funky. I want you to keep the left side up. We're coming down through the right side all the way through.

All the way through the ribs, take the hips to the other side, and now go up through the right side. Lift it up, up, up, meet in the center, and let's come down through the left. Here we go. Ribs, introduce them. Keep the right side as high as you can.

Roll through to the right. Lift your hips up on the left, into the center, and lower down to the mat. Bring your arms down by your sides. Looks feels a little strange, but it's a great way just to open it up our thoracic cage. Alright. From here, let's see if we can add a little fire to that that bridge.

So press our hips up nice and high. Push one foot up to the ceiling, really strong. Now hold here for 3 leg circles in each direction. I want you to try and keep your hips even. So that includes pushing with your arms. That circle around and stop. Around and stop. One more reverse.

And press one more. Don't have to be big circles. Lower the leg down. Press the hips up again. Other leg this time, pushing it up to the ceiling, Borsch it through the ceiling.

Keep your hips even as we circle. Circle 1. Circle 2. 3. Stay strong.

One more to go. Lower that leg down and then lower down through your spine. All the way down. Bring your knees into your body. Give them a little hug.

A little rock from side to side. Okay. Let's roll on to our side from here, and we can turn over onto our front for a little bit of Swan here. So nose to the mat. Press as you inhale, press your nose to the top of the mat, lift your head, chest, shoulders, draw them back. And then lengthen as we return back down to the mat. And again, inhale, lengthen up, exhale and down.

One more time. Inhale lengthen up. And let's take a look to one side. Bring that chin to the chest. Roll it around through to the center to your other side.

Look chin to chest, roll it around through the center, lengthen and come all the way down. We just take a beat in rest position. It's a good way to count to stretch after all of that extension. Couple of breaths here, and then return onto our tummies back into that Swan position. For tea, Paul's, I want you to imagine you're on your Pilates reformer now.

So or or if you want, just imagine you're like flying arms out to the side. So lift our head, chest, and shoulders, and reach our arms back, stretch them back. And you notice I'm keeping my palms facing down because that's gonna encourage my shoulders to open. Back out to the sides. Think long along with your body. Reach.

And again, and lift in lengthen. And again, there's 3 more. Here we go. Press and reach. Lift. Lift. Lift. Lift. Lift. Lift. Key more.

And last one. Take a moment. Just rest your forehead on your hands. Little moment to wiggle the hips, which can feel great. And now bring your arms by the side of your body. This is where it starts to get a little mean, but just bear with me.

It's it's all good. Here we go. This lengthen up. I'm gonna do a an exercise from Pilais, which is the 100. But we're doing it upside down. Why not? Right? So from here, let's just pump our arms.

Just breathing in and breathe in fully up. Keep your abs up there. Lift them away from the floor as well as a little bit of ice under your belly. You're like, oh, pulling your navel in. Keep pumping.

Keep breathing in. Fully out. Full breath in. Full breath out. Scrolling longer, lengthening.

Still a couple more reps here. Just pulse your arms, pump them up, and lengthen. Last set. Exhale it out, and then bring your hips back so you can rest your seat on your heels again a little bit more of a rest position. Now from here with this rest position, let's stretch laterally again.

So walk our hands over to one side, draw our hip back, in the opposite direction and breathe into the side, buddy. We walk over to the other side. And back through to the center from here. Let's walk our hands back, come up to kneeling. We're gonna grab our strap now so that we can do a little bit of a stretch as well. So we'll take the stretch.

Take the strap, turn over onto our backs. And what I love about this one is it's it's not just a stretch. It's a great way just to reset your hips. Great way to sort of allow the femur to settle into the joint. So I'm basically keeping both my legs bent, one on the floor, and then I bring the other into the strap. And then from here, we can straighten it. And you'll notice, like, a lot of people will use this for, like, a hamstring strap, but we're actually bringing the the belt over the top of your heel.

And I'm turning my palms to me. The energy is down into my hips. So I want you to pull down into your hip and use your arms to stir your leg around. So your legs going along for the ride, even though it's strong and active. Alright. It's a strong leg, but the the arms are doing the stir and let's reverse them. Just like trying to just reset the bone into the joint. One more.

Alright. Bend that in. Let's change legs. So that foot goes down. This one hooks on. Once again, on the heel, not the balls of the feet, and the energy is straight down and pulling straight towards my my hips, and then just using my arms to stir my leg and just roar and encouraging the femur to just connect into the hip joint. Actually, it just feels really good.

Let's do one more and then reverse it. Stay active in your legs. And strong with your arms. The more you pull at the deeper connection you'll feel. 2 more.

And then bend your knee down, and we can take the strap off. We're gonna use the straps. Soon as we've got it, we're gonna use it for the next exercise. I'm gonna turn over onto our tummies. For a little bit of a thigh stretch.

And from here, you wanna take the strap and actually you can hook it over your over your legs. It's a bit awkward, but once you get there, Here we go. Turn on our tummy. And then from here, with the forehead down, we have the strap here that we can pull. It's gonna help us pull our heels towards our seat. Now as you progress with this, you might find that you just don't need the strap anymore in which case, by all means, just fold it up and place it safely away from you.

It's not gonna get in the way of your workout. So once again, taking our feet or with the strap and aim to bring our thighs together. We're gonna press our heels towards our seat. And lengthen our body and just breathe here. Pushing your hips down towards the mat.

It's gonna intensify the stretch. But still feeling long as long as you can be through your entire torso. And then rest your legs down. Let's push our seat back to our heels back into rest position. Now, let's take some of those shapes that we've already done and combine them into a little bit of mobility and movement.

First thing I wanna do is curl my toes under, and I like that to stretch the bottom of our feet. How does that feel? Feel a nice stretch in our sole. Take our arms wide and our nose to the mat. Alright. Wait on hands as we take our nose along the mat.

Lift our heart. There's this one that we've already done. Abscoop rounding back. There's our rest position again. And again, lift our heart, lengthen inhale, abs deep, round it back. Still a few more of these.

This can feel really nice through our spine. For our entire body, actually, stretching the toes, stretching the sole. One more time. Here we go. Round and back, and then we'll turn this up a little as well. Always turning it up, challenging ourselves more.

Alright. So same movement through the fun, lifting up. Now this time, lift up and press our hips back. Stretch out here, lower back down to our knees, through them out again. Lift our heart. Back into a down, though.

Stretch. Lower our knees. One more. Lift our heart. Big inhale here. Really draw that area in.

Press up. Scoop your abs. Press back. And then a little pedal out of the legs. Just a stretch. The back of your legs.

And from here, as soon as we're here, one of my favorite push ups, which is the yogi push ups. So we just work through our shoulders. We'll do 5 of those. 2 more. Getting the stretch and a workout at the same time.

Reach. Okay. How about this thing? From here, bring our weight forward over our shoulders. So holding the plank, we're gonna add a little bit of a lunge in when you lift one foot. Bring it outside of your hands and just pulse a little forward, step your foot back back into that same rest in down dog position, forward into our plank, bring the other foot forward. Jamie lunge. We got a lovely stretch of our hips and back.

Wait forward. And back. It's a lot of weight through the shoulders. Through the arms and then the core all the way through just engaged keeping us safe whilst we're stretching at the same time. So it's kind of like a little bit of everything in this exercise.

Which makes you really good value. Let's do a couple more. Here we are. Press it back. Foot to the outside.

One more on this side. Rest it back. And then let's come down to our knees for a moment. Just take a moment just to roll our shoulders back because we're gonna need them for the next exercise. Take a breath in and then turn on to our side for some side bends. So here, it's a lot of weight through our shoulder.

So if you feel like you want a little less stress on your shoulder, then stack your knees and come onto your elbow and forearm. That way, you can still do a really nice side bend, get all the benefits from it without the weight through your shoulders in the same way. But if you wanna turn it up, come join me. Alright. One foot in front of the other hand, plant it down nice and strong. Let's do 5 of these. Really lift it up. Everything engaged.

Big stretch of the side, buddy. Lower down. Just touch the mat. Go straight back up again. And again, as we lift up and down, 2 more. Reach and stretch.

That's it. Last one. Reach and stretch. Now I want you to reach up bring your hand down and come into a plank position. And I know you're saying, Hey, we haven't done the other side, but it's coming. Trust me. It's coming.

We'll get there. Let's have some fun before we do. Alright. Hold your plank. Lift one leg up, and then from here, Let's bend it in. Nose to me.

Hold that plank. Strong and straight. Nose to me. Out. 2 more. One more. Change legs. Hold your other leg out. Strong.

Whole body working. Here we go. Need to nose. Need to nose knows the knee. It's all the same. We meet in the middle.

2 more. And one and then come down onto our other side for our side bend lifting up for 5 reach. Really big rainbow shape with the whole body. Two more. Last one, and then bring both hands together.

We meet in that same plank position, lower our knees, and just take a little stretch out, taking your seat back. Just round over. Couple of breaths here, and they come up nice and tall. We'll turn back over onto our backs and do a little bit more ab work here. So just turning over. Alright. Reconnect with your course of Abs deep and then powerhouse glutes, inner thighs, shoulders, want us to curl our chin to our chest and bring our leg straight up for scissors, two hands to the ankle. Reach her out the leg away. Give it a pull. Pull pull and switch.

Po pull switch. And again, hamstring stretch, nice dynamic stretch with lots of deep ab work. Keep working strong, deep abdominals, strong straight legs, elbows wide. One more on each leg. And bend your knees. Lower your head down.

Now from here, one leg reaches up. Arm up to the ceiling. Let's reach away and touch and touch. And the foot is going to 12. The body's doing the rest. Don't over kick your leg.

2 more. To get the obliques working. And then we'll change legs at the top. Here we go. Lower away and reach and reach Two more. Last one.

And then lower everything down. Hugu knees into your body that are rock from side to side. You feel a little toastiness in our abdominals. Will roll to one side and over onto our knees again. From here, let's take a just a moment. Just a nail nice and strong, get our glutes engaged, both hands down, and let's come back into that plank position.

I like holding planks there at any moment. It's good. That full body integration, and we're gonna use this one to lower us down onto our tummy. So elbows in, if you can, hugging the ribs. Lower down. Lower down.

And rest. Good. Okay. Make fist. Lift your heart. Place the fist together.

Lift your heart nice and tall up onto the wall in front of you. Flex both feet. We're going one leg at a time. Here we go. Kick, kick, change. Kick, kick, kick, kick, keep lifting with your abs.

Squeezing your back body. Lifting your heart nice and high. Kick kick. Good quad stretch in here with that core stability. One more.

And then lower ourselves down. Okay. Turn our head to our side. Hands behind our back. As high as you can up your back allowing your elbows to come down. And here we go. 3 kicks with your heels to your seat.

1, 2, 3, and left. Lift, lengthen, and change sides. Cheek to the mat. Here we go. 1, 2, 3, and reach.

Reach and lower again. 1, 2, 3, and reach stretch it out and lower. 1, 2, 33 kicks, strong reach. And lower one more on each side now. Here we go.

1, 2, 3. Whole body engaged. Switch it all on. Last ones. Reach stretch it out and then rest in all the way down. I like to rest my forehead on my hands.

Just loosen my hips for a moment. Release any tension. And then press that once again into our favorite rest position, which is becoming a popular choice for this movement. Here we go. Stretch it out. Couple of breaths.

Since slowly bring ourselves up. Let's come up to a Neil and a high Neil here. What I want us to do is separate our feet, make sure your toes aren't touching because they wanna track back behind your knees like train tracks. So they're running back behind you for a thigh stretch. So what tends to happen when we go into thigh stretches, we tend to arch back, and I want us to not do that for this one. I want us to connect with our glutes.

Almost take the tail under a little. So we're here strong and here strong. It's gonna really maximize the stretch in our quads. I promise you. Alright. So arms out in front.

Just go back to wherever you can, wherever you feel comfortable. So it's hinging back at your knees, and lifting up. Nice and tall. And again, in the thighs are active as well. Let's scoop our abs Engage our seat.

Reach back. Lift in tall. Just do one more thigh stretch here, and then we'll add a little dimension to the stretch. Lift up tall. Now Take one arm. Reach back to your heel if you can get it. And the other arm reaches up overhead. If you don't feel comfortable taking your hand all the way back, then just stand here and reach your arms up and stretch that way.

You're gonna get all the same benefits, but this one allows us to open our body now. So we can come into that extension, press our hips forward, reach our arm up, and just stretch upwards before we go backwards. Bring that up. Let's change sides. So we're reaching back. Stretching out.

Coming back out now. Option to just kneel up, tall, reach your arms up. I'll take your arms all the way back behind you. Both arms back. Let your head go back.

Just breathe. Chin to chest. Reach your arms forward. And return back up to kneeling. From here, hands in front of us, and let's come back into that plank position once more. I know I thought all the planks were over too, but here we are.

Let's do this. Last one. So simple as this, a little bit of jogging and running Let the knees go and then start to bring them up. Let's bring them up. Can you push the floor away? It'll be a little round in the back, but your abs are working to hold this position. Your whole body's working, to be honest.

It's speeded up a little. Couple more. And then take the legs back. Hold that plank. I'm just gonna jump my legs as close to my hands as I can get, and we're finished standing. So just jump in stand up.

And for this last one, very simple. Bring in the attention back down to our legs. Couple of calf raises. Your arms can go wherever you want, wherever allows you to balance. For me, that's out in front.

Okay. Core engaged, press up through your feet onto your toes, and then lower your heels down. And again, just lifting up. Reach your heels back down. Let's do a couple more of those. Try and feel the whole of the foot touching, get in contact.

So from your heels, through balls of the feet, both the little toe, big toe, reaching toe through the top of your head, last one to go now. Here we go. Last little car freeze. Good balance work. Just press it up. Lower your heels down.

Lower your arms down. You can just shake that out. Hopefully, you've worked the entire body. You're feeling connected and mobile because we've stretched and moved, and that's a great feeling. For our body. So thanks for joining me for this workout, and I'll see you back here on the mat again.


1 person likes this.
Jamie, I always enjoy working out with you! 😍 Your energy is upfliting and your classes are helping me stay in very good shape. Thank you very much! 
Kathie L
1 person likes this.
I would love it if you did more strength training with weights for those of us with osteoporosis. The first two videos are wonderful. Thanks
Kathie L
1 person likes this.
I would love it if you did more strength training with weights for those of us with osteoporosis. The first two videos are wonderful. Thanks
Marchel A
3 people like this.
Kathie L, Marchel here from the Customer Support Team. We will certainly keep more osteoporosis-featured content in mind for future programming.

Jamie Isaac
Chantal C Thank you! So happy to share this wellbeing and movement with you 🙏
Jamie Isaac
Kathie L Super happy you enjoyed the workouts. Loving that they are helpful for osteoporosis too. I hope to share more with you in the future.
Hey Jamie,
Thanks for this great workout.  I've saved this as my go-to morning wake-up/start the day routine .  Nice that you're from the lovely Isle of Wight - I know it well as my family-in-law live in Lake, Sandown and Newport.  
Take care and looking forward to more videos from you, 
Sandy (now in Leeds, Yorkshire)
Great 👍🇩🇰
Thank youuuuuu Jamie!
This felt amazing! love all the mobility work and nice smooth flow of this class. 
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