Healthy Spine Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5808

Healthy Spine Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 5808

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Elizabeth D, Thank you for your feedback, that’s great to hear! I think the combination of the position of the pelvis/ hip joints to the legs and the rhythmic eccentric stretch is the winning formula! Keep enjoying and all the best!👊🙏
Thank you. Loved that class. Really relaxing and love the cues and calm pace. Just what I needed. 
Jen U
Awesome class with awesome cues!  Love the laughter too!
Marithé Lessard
Thank you so much MR McCook…cooked very well this class 😂 so intelligent , j’aime tellement votre façon d’enseigner merci ,merci merci 
Peggy B
I love this class! I’m also thankful these classes are taped live. The one movement where you stopped to instruct one of the students was nice, because I was having problems with the same one. Really good cueing.
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