High-Energy Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 840

High-Energy Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 840

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2 people like this.
One of the best. Thanks for a 2/3 class that delivers. I know I can always count on you for a solid class when I'm busy.
1 person likes this.
The holds and stretch forms were so nice. I feel elongated after this class. Thank you. Hope to see more of your classes!
Thank you ladies!!
2 people like this.
Outstanding class! Thank you.
2 people like this.
So great! Really enjoyed this class! You are such a favorite teacher of mine!
Thank you so much Kami!
1 person likes this.
Great class with wonderful cues! Meredith makes this so effortless! Her posture in all the moves are exquisite!! Lovely teacher and love all her videos!!
Thank you Sals...i'm flattered :)
1 person likes this.
Judy ~ Thank you for your feedback. After reviewing this class, I have decided to keep it at a level 2/3 because while it is challenging, these exercises would be safe for a level 2/3 student. Level 2/3 classes are meant for more advanced practitioners. Also, the moderate pace makes it more intense because you are moving at a slower pace. I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this class!
1 person likes this.
thanks gia i deleted my comment i love this class and teacher and no longer feel it is relevant after reading your feedback.
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