High-Energy Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 840

High-Energy Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 840

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Thank you Judy and Gia....
I appreciate the dialog. Hugs to you both!
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Amazing as usual! I love your use of flat back throughout classes and love the jack knife! xx
Thanks, Racheal!
I saw it today (2015) and it is still good! Thank you!
Awesome, Ira. That's one thing about filmed classes...they keep!
Happy New Year!!
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Meredith just did this class- it is awesome! Boomerang is always welcome- so much fun! Thank you.
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Wow, what a fabulous class, but the teaser combinations were just killing me! I wonder how your level 3 classes look like...
Katia, they were killing me too I'm sure!
Only way to find out is to try!!
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Enjoyed the thoracic extension series with a seamless transition into Swimming and a Crab variation I haven't seen before. The rolling over the fists made it less scary for my knees. A great class overall. Does it qualify as "old school" by this point or not quite? :)
Ivan Z this one is definitely old school!!  Sigh....remember group classes. :(
Thanks for joining me here!!
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