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Begin Pilates

Beginner Mat Series

This playlist includes classes for beginners that have a specific focus for each workout. These classes will help you tune into the mind-body aspect of the Pilates Method.

Beginners, Breath, Imagery, Mind-Body

Jul 08, 2019
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Beginner Mat 1
Cara Reeser
30 min
Cara Reeser Pilates Aligned
Back, Shoulders, Beginners, Progression, Awareness

Jul 19, 2019
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Beginner Mat 2
Cara Reeser
35 min
Cara Reeser Pilates Aligned
Beginner, Stretching, Breathing, Awareness

Jul 22, 2019
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Beginner Mat 3
Cara Reeser
35 min
Cara Reeser Pilates Aligned

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