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Girl Time with Kristi and Meri

Mat Classes

Inspiring Mat classes that target your entire body.

Grace, Ease, Fun, Friendship, Girl Time

Jan 01, 2018
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New Year's Mat
Kristi C. & Meredith R.
35 min
BASI Pilates®
Movement, Boomerang, Letting Go

Oct 03, 2017
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Free Flowing Mat
Kristi C. & Meredith R.
40 min
BASI Pilates®
Next Video

Girl Time with Small Prop

Monday, Jun 30
(3 mos from now)


2 people like this.
How had I not found this series until now?  These are such fun, approachable classes that have that "dropped into class" feel.  I like the sense of humor and sprinkle of conversation while still receiving expert instruction.  These are great classes when you just wan to drop by Pilates Anytime.

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