Tutorial #5677


1 min - Tutorial


Muscle Focus: Back and abdominals.

Objective: To create extension through the spine while maintaining stability in the abdominals.

Reformer Setup: Long Box is on the carriage of the Reformer, the footbar is all the way down. You can use two light to medium springs.

Start Position: With the Long Box on the Reformer and the footbar all the way down, place both feet on the frame (or the footbar). Place the upper middle of the thighs against the edge of the box, allowing the torso to come down against the length of the box, with the arms engaged and lifted up by the ears. Your knees can rest on the inside or outside of the frame.

Movement: Reaching the tailbone toward the knees, inhale to lift the upper body up into a back bend, exhale to lower halfway down. Inhale to press through the feet to extend the carriage out, then pull the abdominals in and up towards the spine as you pull the carriage back in to the starting position. Repeat three to five times.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Dec 12, 2024
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Hi. I'm Lesa Logan, and I wanna nerd out with you on Swan on the reformer today. I know you might skip it. You might hate it. You might just feel like it's sticky. Here's the deal. You can do swan prep as long as you need. But if you're ready for swan, it's important you get your set up right.

So let's talk about that. You wanna place your feet either on the frame of the performer on the foot bar, and then you'll place your thighs. Put the box on that mid to upper thigh, so not on the crease. I promise you it'll make sense in a second. Your knees can go on the inside or the outside of the frame. You'll know this from doing a frog on the window chair called piano frog.

And then your arms are connected to your back. So not hanging out here, lifting them up by your ears, reach that tailbone towards your knees, and then keep reaching it towards your knees to lift up into the big backbend. A lower part way down, find a superhero position, boom, and then lift your arms up, get nice and long, and then you wanna lift your stomach to pull the carriage home. Again, big lift here. Nice, big backbend. And the second one's so important. Those knees stay straight, and you lift the upper back just a little bit.

And then you pull all the way in. To get out of it, you just take your feet to the foot bar, take your hands to the box, do a little push up, bird on a perch, drop a spring, and set up your pull straps. You're ready to go. Have fun.


1 person likes this.
I feel like everything you said about this exercise is how I feel about it! Your instruction did help some, but I’m sorry I still don’t like it! And I’m just not good at it
Connie M my teacher Jay would say "we don't like what we need." and I know that's sooo annoying.  But, it's possible you just need more other exercises to make this one more possible. Not necessarily enjoyable lol. I'd have to see ya to say what the exercises are that you need. But, this past week I worked with someone and they needed to work on their Rolling in and Out prep on the Tower/Caddy, Knee stretches knees off. Someone else needed more arm back connection. It's an exercise that tells us where we can find more connections elsewhere :) xx~LL 
1 person likes this.
So, so good. Spot on cueing. Love this. 
Lori M thank you!! 

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