Tutorial #5838

Swan to Teaser Prep Flow

10 min - Tutorial


Objective: This flow allows for full spinal articulation, with spinal extension with the Swan and flexion with the Teaser Prep.

Important Cues: Allow the Reformer to assist you through this movement series.

Recommended Springs: 1 Red
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

About This Video

Feb 06, 2025
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Bring yourself up and grab your box. And we're moving into Swan. So the box is going into the long position. Set yourself up with one heavy spring, but truthfully, right now, the the tension is neither here nor there. Okay. You do that more gracefully than me, lay down with your chest off the edge, hands shoulder distance, and start with your body in a perfectly straight line.

Take a moment to make sure the abdominals are lifted. Inhale, push down on the bar, take the heart forward, lift into your swan, pubic bone stays on the mat, and lower down. And again, inhale, grow tall, and take yourself really far forward as you lift. Control as you lower. Last one here, draw down and lift out and up, and take it back down.

So if you have a shoulder issue, you might wanna go a little bit lighter for the next thing. I'm gonna keep where I am. Reach around and grab your left foot and just find a quad stretch, right, because we already did a very big heavy quad set. So really enjoy that stretch. Notice your pubic bone and hit bones to the mat. Take the machine out now. And from here, kick the foot back and lift into a modified rocking horse and come all the way down.

And, again, push down and lift So the machine is really assisting me quite a lot. I would not look like this without this machine right now. It would not be nearly so pretty. Push down and lift. So really allow the carriage to help you get that height. Push back with that back foot Come all the way in, and let's change sides.

So first, enjoying that quad stretch, really bend the elbow, pull the heel into the glute. Of course, if there's a knee issue, you're gonna be very mindful here. Push the left arm straight, drive the hips to the box, push the foot back, and lift, and lower down. And, again, and lift. Stay square with those shoulders.

Last one, big inhale, and lower all the way down. Come on in. And take your footbar down. Okay. So getting into the next exercise can be a little bit awkward. This is what I do. We're going into a hamstring curl.

You can get there. However, it works for you. The more grace, the better, loops onto my feet, and my little circus trick. And there you are. Okay? So start by bringing your hands onto the frame, and just push the carriage out. Turn out the legs and pull the heels tight to your behind. So notice there's no slack on my machine.

My goal is to keep my legs. I'm gonna take one hand off. The other hand off. Back is straight. And now from here, little pulses into your sit bones.

And if you need to adjust the carriage, go ahead and do so. I'm on a heavy spring, and it feels pretty good. 4, 3, 2. 1, lower the legs, reach behind you, interlace your hands, pull the chest up, reach the whole shape off the box. So this is the stretch from double leg kick, inhale into the chest, Exhale lower everything down, hands to the frame, push the carriage out again.

Same thing parallel. Needs together. Feet together. Heels close to the butt. Don't let the butt do that. Pubic bone down.

Release one hand, then the other. Put your focus here and then little pulses up. So I'd really like you to experience your glutes with your hamstring, not just screaming ham hamstring pain. I'm getting out of breath. 3, 2, 1, all the way down, interlace those hands again, inhale, lift yourself up, open the chest, inhale into the chest, exhale lower all the way down, and let the ropes drop. Come on up and face the back. So you scored points if you made it through without dropping those those loops off your feet. Have a seat at the edge.

We're going into rollback, which is gonna feel awesome on the lower back right about now. Tuck the tail under and peel yourself back. If it's available to you, going all the way up and over the box. Chin in first always, peel up compressing, pushing that back into the box, and all the way up, again, like that. Tuck, right, keeping legs. So I don't want you to be here. Keep length as you roll back, open the chest, deep breath into the heart, chin in.

Enjoy that sensation in the abdominals as you come back up. To vertical. You can continue that if you'd like. Tuck and peeled act. We're gonna try teaser.

You may or may not try that today. One leg to tabletop, the other leg to tabletop, inhale here, Exhale up to teaser. You have the machine here to help you. I just used it to help me. I don't know if you saw it, but I did. From here, legs to tabletop control the descent.

Inhale. And exhale right back up. Oh, that one I did all on my own. Stay here. Inhale. Lower one leg down. Big exhale up.

The other leg down. Let go with something in the neck. The shoulders, the face, big exhale up Leone more time. Inhale down. K. Almost like it's the breath, the exhale that pulls that leg up and float the leg.

Inhale. And big x. Hell up. Bend the knees. 2 feet down and sit tall. We're moving on.


Great sequence Maria - I like how you got your self into hamstring curls!Ā 

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