Tutorial #5859

Back Extension to Teaser Prep Flow

5 min - Tutorial
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Objective: This flow includes exercises that allow for upper body and abdominal engagement with minimal flexion in the spine.

Important Cues: Be mindful of your posture by avoiding collapsing into the vertebrae as you move.

Recommended Springs: 1 Yellow Spring
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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And we're doing something that I call Superman toss, and then swan dive toss, which, as far as I know, has not been done before. Bring your foot bar up where it was for footwork or maybe one level lower. Your machine's gonna be very light. So we are on a yellow spring here. You're gonna lay with your head and shoulders off the edge of the box, and the hands are gonna be about shoulder distance.

The arms go straight, and I just want you to find yourself in an absolute straight line from head to toe. Let's start with some swimming. Breathing in for five and out for five really feeling that action, coming from the thigh bones, not the feet. A lot of breath make a lot more noise for me, me, coup, inhaling and exhaling. The head is still no bobbing of the head, shoulder blades nice and wide, almost done. Few more here.

Last time and bring the carriage in. Now, this is not about a big push, right? It's more about the reach of the arms. So The back is slightly lifted. She's gonna begin to toss her arms forward. The arms reach and she lands.

If you haven't done this before and you really push, you might run into something with your feet. So keep that in mind. This is really fun. I'm not sure exactly why. I'm not the most fun teacher in the world, but this is a fun exercise I think that I teach.

Keep that upper back lifted. Last time here, Stay in, interlace your hands behind you. You're gonna roll the hands back and roll the chest up, really pulling the shoulder blades together. From here, release your hands pull them in close behind you on your back. This is where we're going to be jumping to now.

The hands come back to the footbar. And from here, we're going into the swan dive toss. So the chest goes forward. The arms explode back The heart lifts and we land. As if you were trying to get those hands to touch, all the way behind you, the abdominals are lifted.

The chest lifts nice and high. Continue here. Without losing control. Two more. No banging of the machine. Last Leone, and bring it in. Okay.

Add a spring to your machine. Add a blue spring. And you're gonna put your foot bar down and you're gonna join me at the back of your box. The headrest is gonna go down if it was up. I'm gonna do a little roll down series, sit yourself right at the edge of the box, choke up on your ropes, make sure your ropes aren't tangled, by the way.

Bring your legs in to tabletop and into a little balance here. Sort of like a modified teaser. Drop your shoulders. From here, roll yourself down into your very best hundred position, and then pull yourself right back up to that tabletop position. And again, peel yourself down.

Squeeze the legs tight. Pull yourself up to tabletop. Stay there. Take the legs up straight. And back to tabletop. Let's do that again.

Roll it down with control. Peel it up. Stay here. Take the legs straight or straighter. And back to tabletop.

Last one, peel it down. Come up to tabletop. Take the legs straight. And back to tabletop two feet down, turn your head from right to left. Okay. We're gonna repeat that.

We're gonna add a little twist at the top. So you're in tabletop. Roll down to your hundred. As you roll up, twist your knees to one side. You're gonna feel your weight more in one hip.

Come all the way back to your hundred. Squeeze the legs tight. As you come in, shift the knees over to the other side. So one hip is off the machine or almost off the machine. Back to a hundred.

Squeeze the legs out. Pull yourself in, arms stay low, stack your legs and come back to hundred. Other side, come in. Come back to your hundred. We go center this time, straight up to center, two feet down.

Turn your head from side to side. Alright. I'm gonna do something a little different, miku. Come back to tabletop, stay here. Roll down into your hundred. Pause.

Now, continue to lower the legs and extend the chest. Maybe even going over the box. Legs go Leone, nod your chin, push your back into the machine lift all the way up to perfect teaser. Hold it there. Roll yourself down.

Reach the legs away. Drop the shoulders, open the chest, chin comes in, push your back into the box, lift all the way up, bend the knees to tabletop, two feet come down. Repay your loops. Step off your machine and face me. Sit nice and tall or stand nice and tall, nod your chin.

Peel slowly down through your spine. Allow the knees to soften as they need to drop the head. Allow the weight to be really far forward on the front of the feet. Grab opposite elbows and just kinda sway back and forth here in ragdoll.


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