Introducing PRO Reformer Flows

Teaching Group Reformer is fun, energizing, and exciting. It's also challenging, especially for mixed levels with different needs. Our expert teachers will help you mix and match different sequences (or flows) so you feel like the ready and confident PRO you are!

We have heard your feedback! Our Pilates teacher members have let us know that they love creative, fun choreography, they want to learn from experts, and they want to plan safe and effective Group Reformer classes.

1. Build group Reformer classes with ease.

With our new program, PRO Reformer Flows, you can plan your Group Reformer classes seamlessly and with mastery in minutes. Mix and match sequences organized by body orientation to the Reformer to create hundreds of unique classes, modified for your clients' needs.

"We built this program because we have seen so many teachers, especially new teachers and franchise Pilates teachers, craving a fun, innovative, safe approach to teaching their Group Reformer classes," says VP of Pilates Anytime, Chanda Hinman. "We want all Pilates teachers to feel ready and confident in their teaching skills. By using this program, we hope it helps every teacher, wherever they are in their teaching journey, show up as who they are, with all the tools they need for a successful experience for them and their clients. I wish this existed when I was a new teacher," she added.

Seasoned teachers can benefit from this new program too! Pilates Anytime Content Producer, Nicole Hahn, envisioned a program where sequences could be built into custom playlists. "This program is simple to use. By adding sequences, or flows, to custom playlists, you can create totally custom classes. We hope you feel supported by knowing the sequences are based in solid Pilates fundamentals and, at the same time, you feel the flexibility of choosing your own adventure to tap into your own teaching style. Each flow description includes objectives, important cues, and recommended springs for additional teaching support."

From any video, click Playlists > New Custom Playlist. Give your Custom Playlist a name, which you can make public to help other teachers create their classes, or keep it private. Click Create Playlist. You can change the order of the videos by clicking Reorder This List and saving any changes. You will find your Custom Playlists in your account under My Playlists.

2. We have created three custom PRO Reformer Flow Playlists to get you started!

Pilates Anytime PRO Reformer Flows teachers Tracey Mallett and Maria Leone have been talking about this concept for a long time.

"We are so excited that this has come to fruition," says Tracey. "Our teacher training programs bring in students at all different levels of their teacher training, and they are so thirsty for sequences they can easily implement into their teaching. There are some really cool things happening on social media, but how do you know if they are okay to teach? We're here to help you decipher that!"

"Teaching Group Reformer can be overwhelming at first," says Maria. "Especially for some new teachers, they want to feel nurtured. Teaching a beginning session one on one is challenging. Group Reformer adds layers of complexity, but this program makes it easy to create amazing classes. We think teachers will love it!"

Check out more teacher resources in our new PRO hub here!

What do you need to support your teaching journey? Is PRO Reformer Flows a tool you will use? Let us know in the comments or email us anytime!

Natalia Garcia
About the Author

Natalia Garcia

Natalia is a Pilates teacher who has been in the Pilates world since her certification in 2016. Now the Content Publisher at Pilates Anytime, she pulls from both her athletic and artistic experiences to bring Pilates to practitioners all around the world.


Michael Mary S
Love this PRO series!  Thank you.
What a great idea & thank you. I will find this very useful.
These series are superb! Please continue to expand the series as they are really helpful especially for instructors (myself) whom struggled to plan their classes on weekly basis. The series are concise, targeted, well planned and fun!

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