Class #5765

Feet In Straps Flow

10 min - Class


Objective: Enhance pelvis stability through movement while focusing on the back body, hamstring flexibility, and spinal articulation.

Important Cues: Maintain proper foot, knee, and hip alignment, utilize your upper body effectively, and engage in unilateral work with one strap.

Recommended Springs: 1 Red (heavy) and 1 Yellow (light) for optimal resistance and support throughout the flow.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Dec 05, 2024
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Hi. I'm Tracy Mallett. We're going to be doing supine on the carriage with a very fun creative flow with feet in the straps. Now the object of this exercise is is working unilaterally because we're going to be working with one foot in the straps. So we're looking for pelvic stability, but also pelvic stability through movement. Also, you are going to be feeding your hamstrings.

So there's a huge focus on the back body, specifically the hamstrings, and we're going to be integrating a version of short spine and a modified version, which, of course, is really gonna be focusing on spinal articulation, which is what we love about Pilates. Now let's talk about the spring here. Now because we're working unilaterally, working with one leg, my recommendations is to do a red and maybe you might need a little bit more. So depending on what machine you're going to use, like, right now, tested this machine out, and I am going for a red and a little extra, a yellow. Just to give me a little bit more support because there's a lot of hamstring work. However, if I go too heavy, when we go into the flow with the scissors, it's a little bit too heavy if I went any higher than a red and a yellow. So the sweet medium here is 1 to 1 a half spring, but you might find 1 a half spring a little too heavy.

So let's keep it at a red, a red, and a yellow, or maybe just one red. Alrighty. So let's get down onto the carriage. Now we're going to start with the head rest down because we are be going to go up onto the back of our shoulder. So let's just keep the head rest down for now. Okay? I've got my spring set up.

We're gonna start with placing the right foot into the strap, the long strap. Now the opposite leg, the arches of the feet, is on the actual bar. Now we're gonna start here. Now look where my ankle, my knee, and my hip, and a straight line. So it's important that you're pressing your arches of your foot into the loop so you're connecting to your back body specifically the hamstrings. Now the arms are by the side of the bugatti.

We're gonna use the upper body to go into a bridge. Yes. A bridge. You're gonna feel those hamstrings here. So inhale. Excel, pelvic tilt, pubic bone, lift up into your bridge. There's your hamstring, and then we roll back down again.

Let's try that again. Roll all the way up. We can keep in this position as many reps as you would like The most important part is your spinal articulation here and keeping the ankle knee and hip in one straight line. That means I'm pressing forwards with my hamstring. Arches in the strap. Yes.

This is a killer for those hamstrings. Try and articulate through the spine as we're doing it. Let's do one more, then we're gonna go with the flow. So ready? Mallett tilts. Lower down, reach the opposite leg out, scissor, press down, and back.

Banding the knee. Palvet tilts. Curl down, lengthen that leg out first, hit that shape before you go into the Mallett. Don't speed up. We're going at a moderate pace here.

Roll up. Curl down. Keep that leg still. Extend the opposite leg out scissor with a hamstring. Back down. Let's just do a couple more arches of your feet there. Curl up.

Curl down, lengthen those legs out. Be mindful. We're talking about stability in the pelvis here. Let's do one more. Curl up. Curl down, lengthen that leg out, beautiful long legs, we're into our spit, and we're gonna continue with that split because we're here. Let's focus on a long waist, lowest rib to your hip, and we can do a few more before we go into the next flow.

One more. Cross that leg over. Now from here, we're going to lift up into the center We take it around to the right side, and then we come to the other direction. This is when I was talking about stability with movement. We're stabilizing, but we are moving functionally as spine needs to move, but we also need to learn to stabilize. So we're doing a nice circle here working into the obliques. Remember flexibility within those hamstrings, and let's just do about one more.

Bring any back into your center, lower down. Now, we're gonna do a varied variation of a short spine. So we're gonna inhale. We're gonna go to where the carriage stops as much as we can, and we exhale do a little pelvic tilts, curl down so the tailbone hits now press down with the hamstrings. This way, we're not going all the way up onto the shoulders. We're doing a little pelvic tilts. This is your 1st phase off a modified short spine.

Now we're gonna see if we can go all the way up, or we can just stay where we are, what we've just been doing, the carriage close is as we roll all the way up using your upper body. And then we're gonna curl down, lengthen through the toes, and we press down. Let's do that again. Close the carriage, use your upper body, you can either come with me or you would stay in that little pelvic tilt as we did before, spinal articulation down one vertebra at a time. And, again, hit the stopper curl all the way up, upper body is used. We curl down. And let's do one more.

That's it. Keep going. Press lift up. Curl down through the spine. Now unwind your leg and do a little stretch. So I'm gonna just chop that leg down if I can and finish off in a stretch before we quickly go into the other side.

Alright. Bring that leg up. Obviously, you can do add more stretches there depending on time in your class. We can do our hamstrings, our adductors, like all different stretches there. So let's get our set up. Foot in step on the bar. Lift that leg up now.

Make sure ankle, knee, and hip are in the straight lines. You're pressing your arches. Find that position before we start. Press down. Ready? We go. Palvic tilt.

Scroll down. X out pelvic tilt. Super important that we get that pelvic tilt first. The sit bones are reaching underneath you, and then back. But keep this leg still. Curl up. Whoo, you feel those hamstrings.

And again, exhale lift up. Remember you can do as many or as little reps as you want. Now we're gonna go into our flow. Are you ready? Pelvic tilt bridge. Go tilt bridge.

Press down, lengthen that leg out that was on the bar, Now, scissor. Press it down. You ready? Adjust. See how I adjusted that leg straight up, pelvic tilt. Curl down, lengthen the legs out. Hamstrings. Sizzza, place that foot down, adjust that leg.

Palveic tilch. Curl down. Lengthen those legs. Keep that pelvis as stable as we can. Here we go. Adjust, curl up, curl down, scissor. Let's see if we can do one more. Arches, adjust. So we're in alignment.

All about alignment and queuing the alignment to get the most out of your class. Now, we're gonna keep the scissors going. Relax your upper body beautiful scissors, working strength and flexibility here. Be mindful to keep the hips as still as we can. Alright. This feels super good. Let's do one more.

And let's thread that leg in front. From here, we're gonna go into that lovely circle. So let's bring it up to the center. That circle to the left side. Now imagine your tailbone is anchored into the mat and you're rocking around the tailbone.

So it's kinda like a cork screw, and we're just taking it all the way around. This is where we've got stability in the pelvis but we're moving. And we're breathing as we exhale, take it around in helping you back. Let's just do one more. So drawing that lovely circle and then to the other side of your hip and then bring it back.

Now from here, we're gonna go into our variation of our short spine. So let's start. Close the carriage, little mini pelvic tilt, Curl down. So you can keep that as small or as big as you want, depending on your class, their abilities, This is where we can layer it in. We always start with small little pelvic tilts, and then you can address with your class whether we think that they can go all the way up into a variation of a short spine. So let's go all the way up. If we feel comfortable, roll all the way up, use your upper body, rolling down, imagine someone's pulling your feet and each vertebra is layering one by one down onto the reformats to it.

Again, close the carriage. Excel. Use your upper body as your perfect tilts. Cur down one vertebra at a time, a lift to think have the spine as a string of pearls and your breathing space in between each of the pearls, curl down. Can we do one more? Last time, close the carriage, use your upper body, draw your scapular away from your ears. There you go. Upper body.

It's all about your upper body and your core to get yourself up there. Beautiful work. Come up. Take that leg down and stretch. Obviously, depending on time, we can do the helicopter here. We can do lots of other things, but that will be in another block for you later on.

There's that beautiful stretch. Pop your foot onto the top and gracefully get out, put your straps, turn to the right side, and lift up. Awesome work, everybody. That was really good. You can see you can wrap it up, bring the reps down, but be mindful that you set time to set them up for success with every single exercise that you do within that flow.

Awesome work, everybody. See you again.


Anna L
1 person likes this.
Fantastic! Great modifications and clear concise cueing . Thank you
Anna L thank you so much glad you found it helpful 
1 person likes this.
fabulous as always thank you Tracey
Lucy R
1 person likes this.
very effective block that felt lovely to do.  Thankyou
1 person likes this.
Love this one Tracey!
Thank you so much!  This series is really helping me learn during my teacher training.  I love doing, seeing and hearing how you would teach this.  Thank you for creating this content!

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