Class #5668

Transition Reformer

55 min - Class


Join Saul Choza for a rhythmic Reformer class that emphasizes the importance of transitions, encouraging you to be fully present within each movement. This dynamic workout focuses on lengthening and strengthening your body while moving through time and space, challenging you not to anticipate but to stay connected to the present moment. Experience the unique Pilates approach of alternating between heart rate-lowering and heart rate-raising exercises, creating an interval-like effect that will leave you feeling invigorated and balanced.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Hand Weights (2), Magic Circle

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Hello. Hello, everyone. This is. And today, we're going to work on the reformer. We're gonna do a 45 minutes. We form a workout, somewhat advanced.

We are gonna adapt to the body that's in front of us. Yeah. This particular body, Beverly's body, has, an, an old injury with her rotator of the shoulder. So we're gonna make some adjustments to that and also, you know, add some props just so we can get deeper into the work. So buckle in and let's head out. Here we go. We're gonna start with 1st position. Cross the arms in front of you for me, please. Seamlessly sit on the carriage and on your back in one movement. Boom. Good.

High on your toes. The weight is on the first and second too. We're gonna work a little bit wider so you can connect with your rotators, yes, as well as the bottom fibers of the glutes. With your a in here, you're gonna press outs and with your x, you'll bring it in 1. Use your powerhouse, yes, to move outs and in. Think of a wave going out.

There's the ocean over there. I want you to use the rhythm of the ocean to go out and in. Good out and bring the carriage all the way in. Careful that you don't touch the pelvis underneath you. Make sure your sit bones are pointing down. The pelvis is in a neutral position. The lower back is long.

If there's a bit of an arch in the lower back, it's okay. As you progress and you move forward, the spine is gonna get longer and no longer are you gonna have that exaggerated reverture. Excellent. On your arches for me, please. Good. And I usually like to start with a slight rotation of your feet, but your legs are still parallel. With the inhale push away and x will bring it in 1. Remember, the connection of the heels forward is what's gonna open that whole back line.

So Beverly, let me see those heels pressing all the way out the window, please. Yes. And again, and move like a wave out and in. It's a rhythm that you keep continuously throughout the whole workout. Right. Keep pressing the heels forward. Good.

Two more, please. And we're gonna play a little bit at the top of the movement. See you at the top for me. Please stay here for a second. Drop the heels down. And lift the heels up and drop the heels down.

Really drop the heels down. I want the heels oh, do you guys see what just happened with her pelvis? Her pelvis, all of a sudden, became neutral. Now lift the heels up without changing the pelvis. Drop the heels down again. Drop it down. That is the pelvis that I need from all of you guys. Again, drop it lift the heels up and then drop the heels down again.

That's it. Heels up. Excellent. From now on, this is the position of your pelvis. Come down for me. Please. Excellent. On your heels. Same thing. I want you to pull your toes back so much. Why? Because I want her to neutralize the pelvis.

With the a inhale, go ahead press out, toes back, toes back, toes back, and x will bring it in 1, like the wave out and in. Now don't touch me. Do not touch me with your toes. Pull the toes back. Right. So you activate the shin muscles because those muscles are very important when you execute a full squad.

Especially if you've seen any of my videos, I like to do a full squad into a jump. So this is gonna help you get into your quite after a rolling like a ball position. Good. Again, the win goes out and in. Sit bones point down to the 4. Point them down to the 4 more. Yes.

And release. On your toes for me, please. Heels together and toes apart. Make sure all the toes are on the bar. No little toe hanging from a cliff.

Here we go. In, he'll push away and drop the heels down. 1, 2, 3. And up to 3. So we're gonna do that same experiment that we did on your arches, bring it down, heels down, down, down. And I want you to press the heels so much down that you start neutralizing the pelvis. You're still gripping a little bit too much in the hip flexors. Please do not grip in the hip flexors.

See if you can drop the heels down even more. More. Gonna get along, get that lower back more. Now from lower powerhouse lift without changing the pelvis, keep this long up, up, up, lift up. Yes. Again, We're gonna try to open up the back line again every time you press the heels down, see if you can open up. Yes. And where the lower abdomos lift up. Excellent. Let's do 3 more. And, again, with the intention of what neutralizes the pelvis, right? So the pubic bone, the front part of the hips, should be all flush on the same plane.

So press the heels down even more, more, more, more, more, with your lower abdominal's lift. Let's do this one more time without changing the hips, Without changing the power bus, bubbles is neutral and press it one more time. Very nice. Excellent. Lift the heels up. Now with your powerhouse, bend the knees, let's bring the bar down with your feet and the headrest down with your hands, grab the handles, straight legs on the bar, straight arms up to the ceiling, lengthen those legs with your exhale come up into 100 position. Make sure you grab your handles.

There we go. This way you can strengthen the wrist with your exhale come up and pump those times. Inhale. Now Joseph Pilates used to, well, in return to life, it states your hands should be above your thighs 6 or 8 inches. So let's work on that serrated anterior and reach your hands to my hands. Come on. It's gonna be abdominals. Now can we lengthen those legs like you did in your tendon stretch, longer legs?

On the next actual, let's let's lift the legs up for 5 counts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And, you know, can you paint the ceiling? Can you paint the wall with your toes? And on the x, you'll bring it up again, up, up, stretch those legs longer, five counts, and 5 counts down. We're gonna do this one more time, and we're gonna finish the 100 at the top. So x will come up, up, up, up, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, and release. Very nice. Good. Grab the handles of the right hand for me, please.

Soon the body to the right and take 2 springs off. Notice how gracefully she turns onto her hips to return back for legs overhead. Here we go. Roll over. Press the arms down, bring the legs over, parallel to the ground, inhale lift the legs up, up, up, up, and with your exhale, slight rotation of the hips, roll down one foot about a time. And lift your arms up to the ceiling, hover the legs over the bar.

And again, do not rest those legs on the bar and exhale. Go over. Here we go. Over. Inhale. Up. Up. And exhale roll down. We're gonna do this 3 more times so we can get the rhythm of it. Here we go.

Length and grab your handles and with your exhale over. There's a breathing pattern that we have to honor so we can really flow through the movement. Yes. We inhale to bring the legs down on the bar. We exhale to bring the legs over the head. No movement, exhale.

We inhale to pick the legs up to the ceiling, and we exhale to roll down. Let's one more time. We inhale to lengthen those legs away from us. We exhale to bring the legs over the head. We inhale to pick the legs up to the ceiling up, up, up, and we axle to articulate this spine all the way down.

Very nice. Good. Coordinations for me. Please bend the knees into the chest. And grab your handles. So a tie grip with your inhale extend out.

Open the legs. Close the legs with your exhale. Bring it in 1. Good. Again, inhale. Stretch those legs even longer. Come on. Give me aah. Open. Close and exhale. Good. Again.

In her reach. Open. Can let me see that length of your tendon stretch. Good. And exhort bring it in. Now we're gonna beat 8 counts, 2 sets. Here we go. Daniel and beat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and x will bring it in.

Imagine there's a tennis ball between your chin and this turn up. Again, inhale lengthen and point 12. Space, space, space, space. Ah, there it is. And release. Excellent. Grab the handles with the right hand for me. Please, a growing series. Take one spring off. We haven't really talked about springs in classical, but usually we we, we have 4 choices.

So if I say take a spring off, that means take a spring off. Yeah. In the, balance body reformer, you can use 2 reds and 2 blues. And depending on your ability, you could either remove a blue or a red. So here we go. Look at your watch. We're what time is it? Scoop the abdominals and we scoop the abdominals and go back.

Open the arms out to the sides. And I like to use yes, palms face away. Now lift the sternum up to the ceiling, yes, and scrip the abdominals come forward, bring your hands to your sacrum. Now let me see the outward rotation of the shoulders. Push the ceiling up with the back of the arms and stretch the body forward.

Like a swimmer, advance forward as you pull the abdominals back. Yes. Again, here we go. Flo, 6 counts. In he'll go back. He'll be abdominals. Open the arms out.

Lift this turn him up to the ceiling. Keep going. Keep going up, up, up, flow, and lift, and body forward. Scoopy abdominals. You advance like a swimmer forward in about a 5 stroke one more time. Inhale. Go back, enable deep.

Open the arms out to the side so that palms are facing weight. Now let me see the sternum lift up to the ceiling as you shoot the abdominals. Think of your backward push through. Lift up and over. Keep advancing forward. Advance forward.

Advance forward. Forward. Forward. And flat back for me, please. Here we go. 2nd variation. Grab your handles.

Nice tight grip. Inhale. Go back. Naval deep. Yes. Keep going. Now she's open the, carriage. Keep that carriage open as you lift the arms up to the ceiling. Lift the arms up, up, up, up, up, reach the body forward from the pelvis with your exhale press the arms down and back.

And in your lift, let me see that outward rotation and open. And stretch and stretch. Let the scapulas live. You wanna make sure that the scapulas are part of the equation. Here we go. 2 more. Inhale. Go back.

Left the arms up, up, up, exhale, go forward, and he'll press the arms down. See if you can find the flow. And inhale rotate their shoulders back back. We, yes. And up and over, open the arms out and reach, reach, reach, What we're looking here, it's for the full range of that shoulder. Inhale. Go back.

Now don't move the carriage as you lift the arms up. Up, up, double the cage and forward with a body, stretch, stretch, stretch, pressing arms down and back, scoop the abdominals lift the arms back, find that outward rotation, and open the arms out to the sides, reach, reach, reach, stretch forward, and really good. Place the handles to the sides of the body for me. Please swing the body to your left, and let's slide yourself back for rowing 4, 34. Here we go. You don't have to deal with the springs.

The springs are the same. Grab the handles for me. Please And with your in, he'll let the scapulas rotate forward. With your ex, he'll bring the arms down. With your in, he'll lift the arms up to the ceiling scapular up, up, up, lift the arms up, up, up, up, up, and exhale, open the arms out to the sides. I can. Here we go.

Let's flow inhale forward. Exel down. Inhale, lifting arms up, up, up, lengthen, lengthen, and open. Good. Again, here we go. Inhale forward.

Exhale down. Allow the scapules to rotate outward like wings as you lift your arms up and exhale. Good. From the hips, flexi feet, inhale. Reach forward below your heels. Good. And roll up one foot at a time, flying that outward rotation of the shoulders with this scapula to lift the arms up ceiling up, up, up, stay and drive, stay and drive, arms up, and open. Good. 2 more. Just like that for me, please.

And with your inhale, flying that serratus anterior to push forward. Yes. And try not to use the hip, the traps with your inhale roll up and the hip flexors as well. Uh-huh. Good. Find that reach from the scapulas. Lift the arms from the scapula up up, connect with your serrated anterior, and open the arms up. Let's do this one more time.

Here we go. Scoop the abdominals and reach, reach, reach, go go lengthen. Right. And roll up, fly in the articulation of the spine. From underneath the armpits, lifting arms up to the ceiling, crowded the head up to the ceiling, being drive. This is what I call drive. Brady, bend the hips from the pelvis. Forward, forward, hips forward, forward, forward. That is what I call drive and open the arms up to the sides. And really. Good. Shaving, please. Inhale. Lift the arms forward.

Connect your arms. Yes. And take them behind the neck. So again, we're looking for a line from your hips all the way to the tip of your fingers and inhale reach, reach, reach. And ideally, we want to find that elongation of that lower back and connect to your syringe is more into the front of the body. And, yes. Now let me tell you a secret. If you're in the right place, it's almost impossible to reach the arms over the head.

I think she just found it. Excellent. 2 more for me, please. And Ian, he'll up and exhale down one more time. Inhale up, up, up, up, now open the arms out to the side, switch the crossing of the legs, and careful with your deltoids. We don't wanna use the deltoids.

We wanna use Ratus and pectoral muscle with your a and he'll bring it in and exhale open out. Close the hands for a second for me, please. And here we go. Lead with your pinky. Think of the Yep. Pinky coming forward. Right. And think of the scapulas opening up again. Breathe?

And exhale. Now let's reverse the breath, exhale, wider arms, and inhale. Again, Excel, v n drive. I wanna see your pelvis and drive again. Yes. One more time.

Mhmm. And scrip the amps in, enable deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, and release. Very nice. Good. Place the handles in the hooks for me, please. And let's set you up for long stretch. I'm sorry.

Not long stretch. A long box. Here we go. Grab the box. There's so many exercises with very similar names. So when you're in the moment, you kinda get lost in a specific exercise. We're gonna do swandive classical, which means that we're actually gonna place the feet on the frame of the apparatus, right? And we're gonna do this beautiful swan dive. Like, they're very That same swan dive that you do in return to life.

Here we go. Length those arms forward. Now I need to see the scapulas reach forward with those arms. So really lengthen those arms long for me. Please, here we go. With your inhale, it's really more about your hamstrings than about your lower back. With the inhale, she's gonna come up, lift the arms up to the ceiling, and she's gonna exhale to go back. The inhale, she's gonna lift the chest up to the ceiling stretch, legs, lift, lift, lift, look up, look up, up, up. Yes.

And with your exhale arms up to the ceiling again. Up up up. Now she's gonna dive into the pool, break the water with the hands and reach long neck, long torso, and with the exh so she comes down. And here we go. Let's dance. Inhale. Come up and exhale.

Go back. Now inhale, stretch the body forward. Stretch those legs. Yes. You dive up into the air and go back would be abdominal. So now you're gonna break the water, no splash of the water, and you're gonna go into a nice tight ball so you don't hit the bottom of the Again, inhale scoop the abdominals and exhale go back. Now lift this sternum up.

Here you jump up into the air, scoop the abdominals into the dye Now break the water, scoop the abdominals, navel deep, now round yourself forward so you don't hit the bottom of the pool and breathe Good. Very nice. Place your feet on the wall for me. Please remove one swing, and we are ready for pulling of the straps. But for this particular body, what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually use dumbbells. And the reason why we're doing this is because her shoulder girdle is a little weak.

So we're gonna actually strengthen the shoulder girdle in this way. It's still very similar as pulling of the straps. If you like, you can do pulling of the straps, but for this particular body, I want the shoulder girdle to get stronger. So we're gonna make a an adjustment. We're we're gonna take a little detour with the inhale, drag the arms down to the 4 just the same way you do pulling of the strap, and I'm gonna ask Beverly to press her knuckles up against my hand.

With your inhale, come back down and stretch, stretch, stretch, and relax the neck for me, please. This is not a backbend exercise. This is a shoulder girdle exercise. So here we go. It could be abdominals, drag the arms down to the floor rotate their shoulders. It's the pressing of the arms back that's gonna open her chest. One more tongue.

And her, their, her legs are alive. They're lifting up with your hamstrings and the glutes the lower back. Again, here we go. Anyhow, can I have connection with the heels? Can you press into my hands with the heels? Come on. More heels. More heels. Licks up. Licks up. And bring it down. Good.

It's gonna be abdominals. Now she's gonna turn the palms forward to the back end of the Reformer. And from this position, back into there, go. She's gonna open the arms out to the sides, like like setting herself up for pulling at the strap. Yeah. But I really want her to work from her ladder rotator.

Doesn't that feel better? Good. And with your ex, I'll bring it down with control and drop the head 1. We're gonna do this 2 more times with the AA. Here we go. Rotate their shoulders back. Back. Back. Back. Back. So right away.

Right away, we're stimulating her rotators and bring it down control without putting so much stress on the neck. Here we go. One more time inhale. Stretch those legs away from the center. Good. Find the obliques. And with your XL. Good.

Now we're gonna put the whole thing together. We're gonna do pulling of the strap. T. Here we go. Open the arms out to the sides. And let me say, word rotation of the shoulders as you take your arms back. And for Beverly, it's very hard to get those arms back here, but look at her now.

Open the arms out to the sides for me. Please end with your ex. I'll bring it down. 1, 2 more repetitions. Inhale, don't rush it. Yes. Go through every single movement.

Precision is one of the important parts. 1 of the principles of Pilates now rotate their shoulders back, reach, reach, reach, reach, and open the arms out to the sides, enable deep, and excellent. Excellent. Very nice. Good. I'll have those, please. And now come up to the right side.

And we are ready for backstop. Yeah. Grab your handles. Hand foot. Hand foot. She's ready for backstroke. Right. She doesn't sit until she's ready to bring her body all the way down to the box.

I, for me, it's very important that we use the grip in Pilates in order for us to strengthen the wrist, especially when we get into long search series, and we really need those strong wrists to support our body. With the inhale lift the arms up to the ceiling, exhale, open the arms up, inhale reach the body forward. And hold. Can I see that length of those legs again? Yes. An extra bringing in. 6 counts, up 1. Open 2.

Around 3. Hold it 4. 5 and bring it in 6. One more time. Inhale up. Open 2. Scoopy abdominals.

Links in those legs even more. Yes. And reverse swimming, please. Let's just do two repetitions in here. Reach forward. Hold 2, 3, out to the sides, up to the ceiling, scoop the abdominals, good. This is setting you up for what? For teaser. So this is it. Go ahead, Daniel.

Reach forward. This is the beginning of your teaser. Arms and legs out to the sites could be abdominals. And up, up, up, and really good. Grab the handles of the right hand for me. Swing the body to the right. Remove one spring.

Enable to keep your heels together and return back onto the box. Now remember, you have to go through your backstroke position before you come up into a teaser. Here we go. Inhills could be abdominals, arms forward. Yes. And then from there, reach, reach, reach. Now scapulas, wrap them to the front of the body and lift the arms up from underneath the armpits, and bring the arms down 1. Again, inhale up 2. Find that connection.

Hold arms and legs parallel to each other and roll down. Keep it parallel. Pillow, pill, and bring it down. Good. Now we're gonna circle the arms. Here we go. It's gonna be of Dallas reaching with the arms forward forward forward forward forward forward. Now for her, we're gonna make small little circles in front of the body so she can start activating her pectoral muscles, right, and hold that position. Hold.

Arms and legs parallel to each other, and she articulates the spine one foot about a time, and lengthen lengthen. Good. Reverse that circle for me. Please careful with the del tots, no del tots to radius anterior. And then from there, look at how beautiful that is. Excellent. Small little circles in front of your body for me, please. Good.

One more time. Hold. Arms, select parallel to each other. Naval deep, scoop the abdominals, roll roll. And really. Very nice. Excellent. Good. Come off to your left side for me, please. Oh, right side doesn't matter.

Here we go. Oops. And now we're gonna go into short box. She's gonna set her straps for short spine massage later. Sure. It's my massage. Yes. So it's my massage, Islamic massage.

Who here we go. Good. So two springs for this x size. And the reason is because you want to stabilize your carriage. Yes. I like the pad to be slightly in front of the box. So that way you have the articulation of, the pelvis.

Another thing for Beverly, because I want her to start using her her shoulder girdle, properly, I'm giving her a magic circle, but you can always use the boy. The really cool thing. Can we talk a little bit? A little bit just very quickly. The very cool thing about the magic circle is when your arms are over the head, it positions the arm in the correct position. Here we go. So this is this is a good way I like to set up a a particular body like Beverly's.

From here, I like her to press the arms forward. And I want her to visualize her scapula's wrapping to the front of the body. So they're sort of like wings to the front of the body first. And then with the scapula, she's gonna rotate the arms up and bring them over the head like everyone does with the stick. So it's called the abdominals. She articulates her scapulas up to the ceiling, up to the ceiling.

She's gonna get a feeling of the obliques coming in together. Here we go. With your annual, go back one piece length and length and lengthen and exhale up up. Look at that connection. Woah. Very nice. Keep lengthening the arms from the scampula's and breathe into the movement as you go back. Yes. And, Excel, you're not dumping anymore.

Very nice. I love it. She's really connecting with the whole system. And she's not dumping at the bottom of her movement. Excellent. Keep that length. We're gonna do this 2 more times. Remember, you wanna breathe in, inhale, and the exhale come up, up, up, up, up, Good.

One last time. See if you can give me more space in the hip flexor, more space, more space, exactly the way we did tendon stretch, and it 100. Good. Excellent. I want you to scoot back a little bit more, Beverly. Yes. You want to be in in the back of the, of the pad. So go back a little bit more. Right. And your legs, you wanna make sure that they're shoulder width apart. Let's set it up again.

Here we go. Bring this take everyone. Bring the stick. Bring the magic circle in front of your chest again. Bene the elbows first. Yes. And now from the scapulas, wrap them forward and reach those arms forward, forward, forward, forward. Good.

With the inhale, she's gonna lift the arms up to the ceiling. Up we go. Yes. Good. So she's gonna rotate with her thoracic spline to the right. Now from the pelvis, she's gonna lengthen the body forward a long spine, long spine, long spine, yes, and center 1. Beautiful. Again, inhale. Twists?

It's very important that we don't squeeze in Pilates. Why? Because you create restrictions I want you to think of expanding. So even here, instead of squeezing the butt, I would like you to think of pressing the legs out to create stability for your body. Again, inhale, twist first and then lengthen the body nice and long, long, long, long, one last time. Here we go. Twist from the thoracic. Give me that left serrate is forward.

There you go. And reach from the pelvis, reach longer, good, and release. Relax the arms for a second. Now we're gonna go side to side. 3 sets. Here we go. And help.

So, again, the thing that I want you to think of when you're doing short button, come back to center for me, please. Is that it cut it cut the movement comes more from your pelvis and less from the trunk. Once you understand the mobility of your pelvis, Then you can start a lateral flexion of the thoracic. But first, really start creating some mobility in the pelvis. We don't walk like this.

We walk with a nice upright position, so there should be no congestion in the pelvic area. Lengthen out more and more. Yes. Very nice. Good. I want to start, keep thinking of that space between the pelvis and the legs one more time. Here we go. Reach both sides of the rider from the pelvis. Look at that gorgeous.

That's what I want you to work on and release. Good. Side to side for me to twist. I'm sorry. Twist and reach back with the inhale. Reach both sides of the body lengthen. And come up, up, up, and center.

Again, think of the baby chair. You're on the baby chair and you're doing the twist in the baby chair. You're reaching that right serratus to the front of the body. Now it's the pelvis that takes you back. It's the pelvis pelvis pelvis. That's probably a source you can go for now.

Until we get stronger to go further down. Again, inhale. Let's try that again. And just think of the pelvis, back pelvis, pelvis, Much better. Good. Careful. Don't go beyond the point where you start hyper extending that lower back. Again, inhale. And reach out. Reach, reach, reach.

Keep pressing Lakes outward and come back to center. Good. Let's go around the world for me. Please figure 8. So we're gonna combine the reaching forward that we did earlier with the reaching back. Here we go, inhale, reach the body long, square your shoulders with the hips, and twist the body the other way, come forward to the right corner of your Reformer. Now flatten the body forward. Squared now your shoulders to the, to the pelvis and twist the body the other way and come up. And center to the other side, inhale twist the body to your left, stretchable side arms nice and long, square yourself. Careful.

No dumping into your lower back. And lengthen up, up, up, come forward to your left corner of the apparatus, flatten the body forward first, flatten the body forward first, twist the body the other way and bring it up. We're gonna have to do this again. Here he goes. It could be up down. It's length of the body. Remember, reach the back corner of your reformer, square your shoulders with your hips, twist the body the other way.

Now you're gonna come forward to the right corner of your reformer all the way forward forward forward. You're gonna lengthen the body, twist the body the other way, and come up, up, up, and one more time. Twist. That was beautiful length. Twist the other way for me, please? So I get got caught up with the movement and the excitement of the execution. Lengthen forward forward forward towards the body the other way. Come center and release.

Very nice. Excellent. Tree face. Grab the back of the thigh. Got sitting up nice and tall. Naval deep.

And extend the leg up to the ceiling. 1. Good. What I want to see from her is a nice elongated spine to begin with. One more time. Here we go. Let's continue with the flow.

Come up and flex and point the foot 3 times. 1, and 2, and 3. Now circle the foot like you're playing Casinets with your foot. Now reverse for me, please. The other way, one. 23. With the inhale, I want you to lift the spine up with your exhale from the pelvis reach the body forward. With your AA and he'll go back, script the abdominals, naval deep, connect your sacrum to the box and then climb out climb down the leg one bird about a time, stomach is in. And head back. Good. Chain to the chest, navel, deep, serrate is upper, middle, lower abs, and come up into an upright position. First, And with your exhale, come forward into a rounded back.

She's gonna do leg circles. 3 leg circles go in one way and 3 leg circles go in the opposite way. Hold on underneath the frame and pull circle 1. Circle 2. Keep it within the frame of your body. Good and reverse.

Say it same dynamic. 1, 2, and 3. Grab the back of the thigh for me. Please turn to the chest, navel deep. Clim up the leg. 1, 2, 3. Grab the ankle with your left hand. And the other hand is gonna pull on that foot and lift out of that low back for me, please, and round the upper body forward. Crown of the head reaches the big toe.

Good. Now we're gonna grab the inside of the ankle with the right hand. Now open that leg out to make sure that your pelvis is square. Even though the leg is off to the side, your pelvis is still square with the ear box. Sit up nice and tall first. Lift up. No sinking into the pelvis.

Lift out of that lower back and think of your hug that you did earlier, screw the abdominals, and go back back back back back back. And head back. Good. Chint to the chest, navel deep, upper abdominals, middle abdominals, sit up nice and tall. Keep that leg out there. Now we're gonna circle that leg all the way back scoop the abdominals, press into the box with your hands and stretch the body forward for me, please. Good.

Lengthen the body away from center. Here we go. Scoop the abdominals press onto the box seal. Mhmm. And bend that back leg and touch the forehead with your toes. Yes. Excellent. Very nice. Link from that leg behind you, bring it around, and just cross it over the bottom leg.

So the the ankle is on the left thigh, and she stretches the body forward. Good. Keep going. I really want to see that nice stretch of the pelvis. Very nice. The other side, please. How are we doing? Excellent.

Good. Grab the back of the thigh for me, please. And in helix in the leg up and bend 1. Bring that leg up a little bit higher. 2. And crown of the head up to the ceiling. Good. Climb up like 1, 2, and 3.

Flex a foot three times. 1, again, 2, And 3. Good. Now circle the foot. 1 like guessing it. 2. Good. And 3. Now reverse and 1. Yes. Look at those beautiful open toes. Excellent. Very nice.

Lift out of that lower back for me, please. And with the exhale bringing the body to the leg, point that foot, and that bring that leg to the body. Connect with your sacrum. Make sure this heal is really reaching forward as you articulate down from one vertebra at a time, all the way down. Good. Now chain to the chest, upper, middle, lower abs, climb up legs, sit up taller, way taller, than when you start it.

Out of the hips, bring the body to your leg. Out of the hips. Yes. And with the a inhale, go back again. Climbed on the leg 1, 2, 3. Reach that right heel forward. Hold underneath your frame, and we circle within the frame of your body.

Circle 1. Circle 2, accent to the nose. 3 and reverse. 1, control, 2, and 3, Good. Clim up leg, turn to the chest, and don't forget to exhale. Yes. XL up, up, up, up.

Now inhale deeper to get taller. An exhale, stretch the body forward, grab the toe and yes, ankle, lift up out of the hips, and stretch the body forward. Good. Grab the inside of the ankle for me, please. Good. Making sure the pelvis is square. Now from this position, lengthen that articulation as you go So no collapsing into the box.

So lengthen. Yes. That's it. Continue. Continue. Good. Very nice. Head back. Beautiful. Chain to the chest, navel deep, upper abdominals, middle abdominals, lower abdominals, keep that leg out there.

You let it go and bring it around. Yes. Behind you. Good. Press into the box with your hands. Lift out of that lower back and stretch the body forward for me, please, first. Skip the abdominals and press into the box.

Bend that back leg for me. Please scoop the abdominals, head back back. Touch the forehead with your toes. Beautiful. Linking that leg behind you and bring it around for me. Please use your abs.

Straight legs. Good. Cross it over. Place your hands, either on the sides of the box or behind you, whatever feels most yes. Comfortable and doable. For her, I can see that she's now able to place her hands behind herself so she can go forward a little bit more and open up the the chest.

Forward a little bit more and see if you can rotate the shoulders back as you're doing this. Good. Scoop the abdominals. Good. Sidents, please. We're gonna do 3 with the hands behind the neck and 3 with the arms over the head intertwining the thumbs. And I like I like this position to be sort of like a tripod in a sense, right? You have the bottom foot wrapped around the thigh. Yeah.

Start at the top of the movement with your hands behind the neck. Good length in the body. And here we go in. He'll go over the box and exhale up one with control. Reach an XO up.

Remember the wave goes out and, and now reach the arms up to the ceiling, intertwine the thumbs. And now we dive into the pool again, no splashing in the pool. We go lengthen the body reach long and up, up, up, no breaking, no splashing, lengthen, and come up, hold it at the top, up, up, And beautiful. Good release. Grab the frame of the apparatus for me, please, and stretch the body forward. This is something I like to give my clients a special when they work so hard.

It's a little reward. Place the right hand on the floor for me, please. Mhmm. And we're gonna open that arm. Because, again, the more flexibility the body is, the more power you can store in the muscle. Here we go, place that left hand on the box and off we go. Let's go to the other side for me, please.

Lovely. Very nice. Good. You wanna make sure that your heel, your ankle, and the shoulders are on the same line. Hence, are behind the neck for me, please? And in, he'll go over the box, lengthen the body away from your center, and up, up, up, kind of the head up to the ceiling one. And here's the wave goes out. And in and out and in. Now reach the arms up to the ceiling.

No splashing in the pool. Here we go. You're gonna enter the pool. Close the rib cage and exhale up one up, up, up, up again, you know, make sure this leg is parallel and try not to move the strap, no notice of this, the hardware. 1 last time, here we go, inhale, and exhale up, up, up, up, up, and really Good. Grab the frame of the apparatus for me, please, and stretch the body forward. Drop the head. Good.

Please your inside arm, your left hand in this situation, bring the arm over the head and open. Go ahead. Give yourself a nice stretch Always making sure that you try to align as much as possible, close the rib cage, rib cage in, could place your top hand on the box and up we go, please. And now we are ready for long stretch. So come off for me, please, this way. Good. Bring your bar up.

Unable deep. Flip your box. Place your headrest on on the oh, we don't need that, do we? Not for you. Right. Exactly. Scoop the abdominals. Here we go. Take that box away. And for her, we're gonna use this box to give her more of a connection with her heels.

Again, this is this is a an adaptation for her body. We have we We know that Pilates is for everybody, so we just have to find the right equipment, the right props for each body. Scoop the abdominals. We go hand foot and foot. And as you can see, she connects very well with her heels, heels together toes apart.

Lengthen the body. Long neck. Yes. This is called long stretch for a reason. You want it to create the longest spine possible with the inhale, just like the wave she pushes away. And x will bring it in. 1. Bring that right foot forward for me, please.

Right foot forward. Take one spring up. This could be abdominals. So right now, we really haven't done that much change in our springs. Right now, you have one spring.

I've usually called it out when you need to either add or remove a spring. Right now, you have one spring scoop, the abdominals close the wave cage. I'm gonna make it a little bit lighter for her so she can really lengthen and push away in her push away. Mhmm. And x will bring it back in like a wave. 1. Good. Again, inhale.

No dumping into the pelvis. 2. Again, drop the headcount more. Yes. Not so much. Yes. 5 degrees. There. Good. One more time for good measure, please. And she's really working her powerhouse enable deep, deep, deep, deep. Bring that left foot forward add this ring back on.

And now she's ready for a down stretch. Open the legs out. Should her with a par hip width apart. Rotate the shoulders back. See, I get confused because I'm thinking already ahead. Here we go. With the in, you know, push the heels into the box for me, please.

And with your ex, you'll come up, Give me that outward rotation of the shoulders and lift, lift, lift. Here's your pulling in the straps all over again. Again, and he'll give me that wave rhythm and bring it in too. We're gonna do this 3 times. Here we go. Inhale 3 more times. And exhale like a wave 1. Again, inhale and like a wave 2. One more time inhale and like a wave, scoop the abdominals, and fold yourself in half.

Here we go. Up on your toes. Point your sit bones up to the ceiling, curl the tailbone under, close the rib cage, close the armpits, end with the inhale push away. And scoop you up now. Let's go ahead. We're doing up stretch.

Push away hips down and come forward and pull up, up, up, 1. Again, inhale out. Careful not to jump into your hip flexors or your lower back one more time. Find the obliques and exhale up, up, up, and elephant for me. Please drop the heels down. Mhmm. Point your sit points up to the ceiling.

The c curve happens in the thoracic not in the lower back. So length in that lower back for me, please close the rib cage a little bit more. Right. Relax the neck. Close the armpits. Good. With the inhale push away, 1 count, and 3 counts in 1, 2, 3. Again, 1 count, 1, 2, 3. Take your time on the return.

Inhale 1 count and 1, 2, 3. Yes. Again, inhale. Very nice. So now she's stimulating her whole powerhouse. Right? She's connecting with her serratus anterior oblique is it inner thigh? And even back here, lads into glutes. I mean, is this beautiful? When you're in the right place in classical Pilates, the exercise should almost feel effortless effortless and drag it in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, one more time. Careful. No hip flexors.

You're going back to your old patterns, lengthen that lower back more, once you're sitting once after the ceiling. Yes. And inhale? And release our best. Please push the character away. Now this particular exercise, it's really to Create a greater flexibility in the hips. So, she drags the heel in.

She's gonna use her core. Now as she pushes the leg, the this bottom leg out, she's gonna lift that top leg and bring it in, lift that leg up higher, And, and, yes, one more time for good measure, higher, and really switch the other side for me, please. We did 4 repetitions on this side, so let's do 4 repetitions. Say on the other side and push it, bring it in, and exit 1. Again, inhale, and bring it in 2. Much better. Careful now to drop the leg as you bring the courage back in. Yes.

One more time. In health and in, in, in, Now transition, bring that left leg down to the side of the reformer and off we go. Beautiful. Grab the box for me. Please place it underneath your reformer. And let's set you up for stomach massage. You can use 3 springs or 4 springs.

For Beverly, we're gonna use 3 springs. Hand on the shoulder rest, foot on the bar. Yes. And come forward to the front part of your pet. Very nice. Now the same c curve that we worked on your elephant I want to see it here on stomach massage.

So again, that lower back is nice and long. The thoracic hap, the thoracic is the one that rounds That's where the c curve happens. Point your sit bones back a little bit more for me, please. And like a wave again, inhale, go out, heels down, heels up, and forward. Good. Slow it down inhale, down, and exhale.

Think of the way, out and in. Out and in. Out and in. Out and in. Careful now to jump into your lower back. Can you lift out of that lower a little bit more for me, please, and bring the rib case from out to the rib cage into here. Yes. Again, find the obliques and lift here a little bit more. Yes.

No jumping into your lower back one more time. And, really, it's both hands go between the legs. Remove one spring. And I'm gonna actually ask you to lift those arms up as high as possible. Open the arms out to the side.

And take your arms behind you. Good. The palms face inward. Right. Your shoulders rotate back, and now I want a nice, elongated back, soft elbows. And again, inhale out and in. Good.

Out like a wave. And in. Good. Out. And in. Good. Find that scoop.

But the scoop doesn't end here. You gotta think of the pubic one. Almost think of pulling lifting the pubic bone with your obliques. Yes. And continue. Here we go. She wanted to feel that for a second. That's why she had took a little pause. But, yes, that's the idea and keep moving 2 more for good measure.

Mhmm. In here? And last time, Good. Let's reach both arms forward for flat pack for me. Please with you, Ian, he'll press out and x will bring it in 1. Good.

Reach from the pelvis. Like, the way we did a short box earlier when I where I needed more mobility of the pelvis, That's what I want to see here as well. Good. 3 more for good measure, please. And like the the wave outs and in. And out and in one more time out and in. Now we're gonna twist to the right inhale and exhale. Lead with your right serratus as you twist and exhale. Good.

And lead with your hearts and exhale one more time inhale. And I'm gonna give her a little piece of heaven, come forward, grab the bar for me, please, and straighten the legs forward. She could be abdominals, enable to eat, deep, deep, deep. Point your sit bones back. So this is what I'm talking about.

Can you lengthen the body forward a little bit more? Can you point your sit bones back, so not your abdominals. Your abdominals, you can lift them, but don't sacrifice the position of your lower back. You want you yes. For sure. Pull the abdominals input.

It's more of a lift up and forward instead of back this way. Okay. Pull yourself in for me. Please skip the abdominals, and let's come off to the left side for short spine massage. So bring your bar down. Mhmm. Place your pad on the 4, put headrest up.

I'm sorry. Down and grab the straps with your left hand by index finger and middle finger. Yes. And have a seat on corner and on your back. Bring your feet to the strap. Abs in. Here we go. Oops. And remember, always bring the feet to the strap. Good.

Script the abdominals and roll down. Mhmm. With the email, again, let's use the the rhythm of the wave up, x over, Bendenese and exhale road map inhale ambiance exertion, exhale on the release. Up, up, up, up, use the powerhouse to expel the air out, and inhale vent. Again, use your exhale to articulate the spine. Inhale to lengthen those legs and up, up, up, up. Good. Two more times for good measure. Here we go. Scoop the abdominals.

Articulate. Good. Inhale. Link those legs forward and bring the legs over the head over, over, over. This time, just drop the handles on in the well for me. Please straight legs. Yes. Just drop them. Mhmm. And roll down one foot about a time, abs in, and let's place the toes on the bar for semi circles, bring the head rest up, You're still working on two springs. Yes.

And slide yourself forward for me, please. Yes. Good. Excellent. High on your toes. And I'm gonna help you to slide down. Perfect. Good. Heels together. You have about 15 degree separation of your toes. Yes. You want to make sure. Yes.

By the way, this is a great, yes, extension for your body. Good. From here. Articulate the spine down one vertebra at a time. Bring your buttocks all the way beyond the springs with the inhale push all the way out with the abdominal and up, up, up, and bring it in 1. Good. Again, it could be abdominals and able to.

Now this time for you, let's go half way right there. Now lift the hips off the ground 1 for the vital time, but think more of the articulation of the spine, lengthen that lower back, scoop the abdominals up, up, up, lengthen the lower back even more here. And we stretch again one more time. Here we go. Naval deep. And press down.

Go be on. Here we go. Push push push push and lift and bring it in. Let's reverse that. Here we go. Hips up. Hold it right there.

Now articulate through the thoracic, and I want you to think of the lower back to elongate. I don't want you to think of articulating that lower back because there's a lot of big, bones in that area. So that articulation sometimes can be a little bit compromising because you have two springs that you're pushing back and forth. So think of the articulation of the thoracic and elongation of the lower back. That's the best way I can describe it to keep your lower back safe. One more time.

Here we go. And that melted the thoracic. First, the sternum. Yes. Good. Then the rib cage. That's lovely. Excellent. Now reach beyond the springs with the glutes and lift the hips up, grab your ankles.

Excellent. Good. Grab your ankles. Lift the hips up. Think of the quads reaching to the knees. Now grabbing on to the hardware of your carriage for yourself in, and let's go into knee stretches. Are we ready? Here we go.

We're gonna do ten knee stretches. We're gonna go into knee stretches. Yes. Knee stretch series. We're gonna do, 10 round, 10 arch, 10 knees off, and 10 singles. And for her body, we're gonna add the box. So it'll give her more contact with her heels.

Good. Mhmm. Scoop the abdominals. Good. Round the upper body forward. I same c curve that we've been talking about, lengthen on the neck. C curve on the thoracic.

Do me a favor. Point your sit bones up to the ceiling for a second and give me a cow. Lift the chest up to the ceiling up, up, up, up. Now round the upper part of the thoracic without changing the co the coccyk or the, yes, the pelvis so much there. That's where I want you to B, you're sitting back on your heels. Just drop. There you go.

From that position, 10 repetitions. Here we go, Daniel, and quick one. Yes. Note is that length of the body. That's exactly what I want for you, Beverly. Yes. A nice activation of the whole trunk.

It is so important. We don't move in a very tight position. It's expansion, right, and release. Arch for me, please. Again, in here, push away. And quick 1.

Quick 2. Quick 3. Quick 4, quick 5, quick 6, use your lower power, 7, 8, 9 and hold. Stay way back for me. Please scoop the abdominals.

Do not change the pelvis round the upper thoracic. Round the upper thoracic more, more, more from this position, push the carriage all the way out. Go. Scoop the abdominals needs come off of war. And XO quickly bring it in. 1. Again, quick 2. 3. Let me see that long position you had in the first series of 10. In. Remember, the accident is in. 5 more. X01.

X02. X03. X04. And 5, right foot forward, push away, and in 1, in 2, all the way in 3, all the way in 4, 5 one more time. Come on and press both legs back and bring that other leg forward. 1, don't lose the dynamic.

Come on in dynamic. In two more in and all the way in, push the character away both legs, bring both knees forward, and breathe That was a tough one, wasn't it? Good. If we go, please, and let's go for running in place. Perfect. I'll take this and on your back for me, please. So the key of running in place is that you do wanna move quickly, but use your abdominal muscles.

So use your lower powerhouse and quick, even quicker. Right? If your care if your reformer starts moving forward, that means Your core is not working. You wanna stay light. Yes. There we go. Gorgeous. Very nice.

Did you know that your calf is the second heart? So right now, as we're running, we're stimulating your second heart. Right? We've did this great exciting workout, which you're hard was pumping, you know, blood throughout the whole system. So now the second blood is being part of the equation, which is Genius on Joseph Pilates part. Both heels up and bring it down with control. Good.

2nd position for me. Please lift the hips off the ground. Mhmm. And with your inhale out, just like the wave again, and bring it in 1. Good. Inhale out and in. 10 repetitions. This is 3.

Good. Uh-huh. Very nice. Again, outs and in. And outs and in. 4 more for good measure.

Make sure the neck is long. Right. Your c curve is still happening in the thoracic. Your lower back is long, and I want you to really lengthen the front of the hips. I believe this is the last time. Right? Mhmm.

And roll down one foot about a time and release. How do I keep counts? I have no idea. I'm just guesstimating. Off we go for me, please, and let's go for Russian splits. Mhmm.

So on Russian splits, you wanna make sure that you place your pads, yes, on the corners of your bar. Also, two springs and a pat on the headrest. Thank you for reminding me that. Here we go. So you're gonna grab exactly. You're gonna grab the short shoulder rest. Let's place the right foot forward first.

Mhmm. And let's bring the other foot, the left foot on the pad. So you don't want to be on the headrest. You know why? Because if you do, you're gonna flip the carriage forward. And same thing we've been talking about earlier. I want her sit points to point back.

I want this to elongate. Can you elongate this a little bit more, beverly more and more and more good. Now, Ben, your front leg. Yes. And from here, press out. All the way out, out, out, and bring it in 1. Again, inhale, out, and 2. And 3.

Good. And just bend the knee. 3 repetitions. Arms forward for me. Please, and give me a Russian Russian position. This call Russian splits. The yes. There we go.

And in he'll reach forward and and good. And reach forward You wanna make sure that the pelvis stays on the same thing one more time. Here we go. Careful. Not too close the carriage so much. Push away. Push away. Good. Bend that knee.

Arms up to the ceiling and reach the body forward. Good. Bringing the carriage all the way in straighten the leg and bring it all the way in. Now you're gonna bring the foot up slightly forward. Bring your body to your leg. Yes. Bring it all the way down. Good.

And look to your left for me, please. There we go. Beautiful. Keep the pelvis square. Now we're gonna go into a full split. Reach further down more and more without losing the squareness of the pelvis.

And with your ex will come back in. 3 repetitions. Yes. And again, reach. And Pilates, we're constantly moving through space. We don't hold a decision for a very long time.

It's called active stretching. And up, up, up, up. I like this transition. Pick up your left leg for me, please, and place it yes on the bar, and let's bring the other foot forward. And there we are. Good.

But in the front leg for me, please. Good. Drop the head down, skip the abdominals, and press out and bring it in 1. Good. And out and 2. One more time out and in. Good. Now reach the arms forward and come up into a Russian split position. Here we go. Cross the arms in front of you and forward and in. Good.

And forward and in one more time. Control Good. Bend the knee. Good arms up to the ceiling and reach forward. Good. Straight in the leg and then pull the carriage in. Good. Once you pull the care chain, bring that foot slightly forward, you're still connecting the heel into not the headrest.

But the carriage with the A and Hill, go ahead. Now this time, we're gonna look to the right, look to the right, preferably, and bring the without losing the squareness of your hips, drop the head down again closer body closer to your leg. Yes. I know. I know. It it hurts doesn't it look to your right, right, right, right. And it doesn't have to be that big of a movement. As long as you're keeping your show your square the squareness of the hips, it's fine. Bring it in.

You don't have to go all the way out, but I want you to feel the correct the proper stretch of the hamstrings. Yes. And right here, I'm really holding her for pelvis square. She wants to go further, but if she does, then the pelvis starts tilting to the left. And I really want her to, yes, and bring it in, in, in, in, in, in, good. Excellent. Bring this foot a little bit more closer in. Good. And that bring the other leg together, mhmm, and come off to the right.

And you are finished. Thank you very much. You guys. Thank you, Beverly. I hope you enjoy this class. Enjoy.


Krasimira V
1 person likes this.
Great sequence with excellent cues. Thanks!
Krasimira V Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it.
1 person likes this.
Loved your version of the Swan.
Sheila thank you! It is the original swan dive. I like to tell my student, “the exercise is called Swan Dive not Swan Lake.” This exercise supports the archival swan on the mat. I’m glad you love it! 
This was defo an advanced class not intermediate for me at all also not being a teacher, I need prompts on springs that this didn't give 
Pamela S
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed this and I really like your cues. I was challenged and look forward to continuing to improve.
2 people like this.
Great class, but more guidance on spring would be good
1 person likes this.
Emily hi! Thank you for watching. I can see how it can be confusing sometimes. Being in the moment I missed the springs for swan dive, backstroke and Russian Split which are done on two springs. Usually the footwork start with four springs. The rest of the workout if I didn’t called out a spring the spring bar stays the same. I hope you can go back and give it a second chance. 
Brigid D hi! I’m glad you liked the class. I was so in the moment that seeing the student changing the springs I thought I was calling out the springs. Start with four strings. The swan dive, back stroke and Russian split are done on two springs. I hope this helps. 
Carol D
1 person likes this.
Struggled and lost time trying to get spring tension right. More info from the beginning would have been helpful.
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