Class #5672

Building To Snake

40 min - Class


Join Lesley Logan for a full-body, fast-paced workout designed to prepare your body and mind for the challenging Snake exercise. Throughout the class, Lesley provides valuable nuggets of information to help you build a strong arm and back connection, ensuring you feel confident and strong. By incorporating creative and strong sequencing, you will develop a solid foundation in the fundamentals, making the complex Snake exercise totally obtainable.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Dowel

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Hi, Luvs. I'm Leslie Logan. And today, we're using our reformer practice to build us to snake. So snake can be a scary exercise, but it shouldn't be. And by the way, As always, you can omit whatever is not right for your practice in my classes to replace it with something that is, I believe it is brave and courageous. So let's get started.

We're gonna start with footwork on 1 spring, 1 heavy spring, and there's a reason for that. You'll see when we get to snake, there's a method to all the madness. Place the balls of your feet on the footbar, and then settle into your equipment for a second, breathe into your lowest ribs, spread your shoulders, and then list the heels to a place you know you can keep them. Hug them together as you push out. Remember, you're on one spring. So if you just went flying, reset, and then work the back of your legs pushing the foot far away. And then you lift those knees to close the springs all the way, which is easier said than done.

There it is. Now I closed mine. It's okay if you crash the first time or a couple of times to find it, It's important to come all the way in so we get that deep hip and knee flexion. We'll do one more together. And then you'll come on to those arches. Now place your arches on the top of the footbar today and then press out and in.

So your legs are hugging together if that's an option for you. We tend to put the arches on the front of the foot bar kind of where our heels would be, but if you put them on the top, you can do more of a hamstring curl to drag the foot bar in, which is going to be helpful, not just in every exercise implies, but also in your snake, we have to have the back of our legs and our working for us. We'll do one more and then come all the way in onto your heels. Now you're on one spring. You have to work your clothes or your spring push out.

And then pull in. Slow doesn't actually mean controlled. So I would suggest keeping a little zest to your pace as you go out and in if one of your feet slips off, you're it's you're not crazy. It's not weird. It's just that that little hip flexor likes to do a lot of the work. You'll have to reach that leg a little bit more.

We'll do 2 more. Last one, come back and lift both feet up and land on the balls of your we're back to that first position and press out. Stay out. You're gonna take your arms up. Wiggle your shoulders. So you have room here.

And then lift your head and chest up for your 100. Pump your arms. So we're doing our 100 with our feet into the foot bar on one spring. And I want you to pull those low ribs into the carriage so that you are using your abdominals. You're using your center to hold the carriage out here.

But one spring is what we do on snake. See how fancy that is that works together, but it's allowing us to have this nice closed chain We're able to reach through our feet, and this slight turnout in our hips is what we'll also have for our snakes. So we're already getting ready. And your 100 curl you have here is also how you're gonna start your snake. See?

It's pretty genius. Anyways, we're gonna do 3 more cycles of breathing here. Last 2. And one. Exhale, pull it all the way in, go ahead and sit on up, get rid of your foot bar, and we're gonna add a second spring.

So it's 2, heavies or a medium heavy. If your springs are different colors, I like a red green, and then you're gonna grab your handles. Take your head rest out of the way and then bring your elbows on your side for coordination. So try to get those elbows all the way down. And then if you're using loops, just make sure that your hands are facing forward you have really nice flat hands here.

Lift your head and chest up, heels together toes apart. Press your arms and legs to straight open close, bend your knees, and bend your elbows. We'll do four more together. And I want you to focus more on the curl you have of your chest and the arms pushing down into the carriage. You get a really nice strong upper back connection in this round shape.

We'll need it where we're going. Last one. I said 4. I meant 5. You know what happens, guys? Let's hook up our handles, sit on up, drop a spring off for rowing 4, And if you want a little space, make this a little bit more challenging between your hips and your shoulder bucks, you can. Hook your thumbs into the handles, flexy ankles, and let's go.

Squeeze those legs together as you lift all the way up. So when you slide your arms out, you wanna keep them along the mat And then when you lift up, you try to keep the carriage as still as possible. Why are we doing that? We're practicing controlling our carriage and our arms from our upper back and not from our elbows and not from our wrists and not from the springs. Let's do one more together. Reach Lyft. Awesome. Sitcrisscross, apple sauce, push the blades out foot down and then take your hands behind your head for shave.

Index finger and thumb together, and then we'll push down with our feet and up with our hands. So it's tempting to need a little tricep y here. I need you to get as wide in your upper back as possible and wide in your elbows. Then hold it up there. Switch the cross your legs for your hug and reach the arms out wide to the side and in.

So I know you wanna touch your fingertips, but just get about to the width of your reformer and then open back up. And here's why. When we do snake, hands don't actually come together. They're kind of why they're the width of your carriage. Right? So I want you just to play with that space right here, opening the arms and then to the width of your carriage that you can actually get that upper back connection we're gonna need. Last one.

Awesome. Let's go into our Swan prep, and we'll do Swan as well. So if you're like, I don't wanna do a Swan prep. Just do it with me. Add a second spring because we're gonna do both. And if you are not a fan of Swan, well, so sorry. It is in your snake, and you should become a fan of it.

So we're gonna put the long box on. We have 2 springs on and 4 your swan preplets lay facing the springs, hands underneath the shoulders, and then spin your inner thighs up, pull your heart forward, three times, you'll lift your legs and reach your chest forward. You'll lift your chest and reach your legs back. So a little nice little rock pulling your hit points up And if you wanna continue with this one, you can. If you're ready to do a big one with me, here's what I need. You'll want a pad probably your feet can go on the foot bar or on the frame.

For me, I like my feet on the frame, and then you wanna put your mid thigh upper thigh on your box. Round over your box, reach your tailbone down. So we're kind of in a mid snake right here. Then reach your tail down, lift your chest up. Big backbend here.

Lower the chest, straighten the legs, and let's reach our heart for a little backbend, then pull your waist up to close the spring. That's good. You're gonna need for your snake. Lift your chest, big backbend. Lower it down. Get long and then reach out. And then little backbend here just in the upper back and then pull that waist in.

We have one more. Lift the chest. Can you reach a little bit further? Lower it down. Get longer. Take a second. Lift your hit points up to get your chest longer and then pull it all the way in. You can step off to the side, or you can put your feet on the foot bar, sit back, ditch your pad, drop a spring, and lay back on to your box for your pulling straps.

Line your shoulders up with the edge of the box. Walk your hands up your straps, and then spin your inner thighs up 3 pull straps. Pull the arms down, back, hold it here, the chest pulls forward like we did on our swan prep, and then you reach your arms long and down. 2 more. Pull it back. And then reach the arms along and down.

Last one. Reach your wrist a little straighter and then stretch your arms all the way down. Slide the hands down to the end of your strap. Your your arms to start out as close to a t. So it's, wrist, in sight line with your shoulders, and then pull the arms up and back.

So we're really trying to prepare our arm back connection for our snake because if you cannot stand in your arm back connection, snake is not going to be very fun. I wouldn't like it either. We're doing a little extra of these t pulls because they're so good. Last one. And then set your handles up. Hop off. You're gonna stay on one spring.

We're gonna do a back stroke into teaser combo. If you don't like it, you can just do back stroke. Okay? So we're on one spring. Take your handles, one knee cham behind your back, and then get your booty So in Backstric, you're right at the edge and teaser you're a little bit back. So we're kind of in between here.

And then you'll bend your knees into your chest. Fits over your forehead. We'll lift our arms up. Arms and legs up. Open the arms and legs circle everything around.

Once you get to your backstroke, you flip your palms, you roll up into your teaser. I mean, you might like this version. It might be easier to get up. We're gonna lower the arms. And lift the arms.

Lower the arms and lift. When you lower the arms, you're doing a reverse chest expansion. When you lift, you wanna reach from your upper hold, and then we're going to roll back into our back stroke, bend everything in, go again, up, open circle, and then flip the palms, rise on up. So get the pinkies out of your hand up and then draw some circles. So the teaser shape we have here from our toes, so the kind of our head is kind of what we need in our snake. We're gonna reverse those circles. If you're a little annoyed that we're gonna stay up here this long, you can come down anytime.

It's okay. But it's good for us. These circles are really good. They're nice little challenge. We're gonna roll back into our back stroke, bend our knees in.

One more up, open circle, flip the palms come all the way up. And we'll circle those legs. So giving our legs an opportunity to be part of this exercise, you move them as big as it doesn't bother your upper body. So no disturbance. And then we're gonna roll it down, bend it in. We're gonna take our handles. We can just drop them off if you want.

We're gonna hop off And we're gonna come into hamstring curls. Now I like to do two springs to set up. You don't have to keep it on two springs. Okay? So we're gonna sit on our box and take your straps and make them shorter. So if you're like me, you have these handles, we'll slide it through. And then you'll cross your straps, and you'll put the loops on your feet, look at the strap that's on top, slide away from it, and flip on over. Point the toes, bend the knees, slide until your knees are at the edge of the box. And then if you're like me, you take a spring off. Lay your arms in front of you.

Heels the other toes apart, lift your knees, as you pull the pointed feet towards your seat five times. So this slight turnout is helping us get the same positioning in our of our leg. Legs and snake while working those hamstrings and glutes because we'll need it. Then you're gonna squeeze those knees together after 5. We're not done. You to do it parallel. It's good for us.

It really is. There's a whole other host of reasons to do your hamstring curls beside snakes. So even if you're don't love snake, you should do this anyways. We're gonna take those legs straighten them ish. Now you can shake them off and just come on your, your own way for horseback, or you slide forward, open the knees, keep sliding forward.

I promise you should slide forward more than you think. Flex the toes around the straps and alley oop were up to sitting for a horseback. Alright. Hands in your pockets feet flex squeeze your box and point the toes as you reach arms forward, circle your arms three times It's okay if your booty does not lift. I promise you, flexibility, rest. 1 or 2 more sets.

It's more important that you have a long round shape of your spine. Point the toes, squeeze the legs, especially getting that round spine up the back, not just in the lower back or in the shoulders, but the whole spine after 3 circles flex the feet. One more squeeze. And reach. Last one.

Alright. You know, the horseback was there to stretch out your hamstrings. And so you're welcome. Take your box away. Let's do some long stretch. So, head rest up, sticky pad on it, foot bar up 2 springs, place your hands, on the foot bar tray to get the wrist as straight as possible and then mount one foot.

And then with the carriage closer to mount the other foot, I promise you you're already preparing for a snake. Pull the sub bar apart, sand your feet, and then push with the legs. So here, it's really important we push for the legs with the legs here. Because if we push with the arms here, you're gonna push your snake with your arms, and I promise you it does not make it better. Does it make it possible? It doesn't make it feel good.

So even if the carriers only moves a little bit and then you come all the way in a little bit, I'd rather that than you going all the way out to your wheels using your arms. Take both knees, pull them down, and place your feet into your shoulder rest. Really get your toes stretched under because it it actually is good for your feet and helps us use our legs for our down stretch. Pull your heart forward. Wrist or straight as you can on your footbar, pull it apart, and then push with the legs.

So, again, not going out as far as possible, in the machine, but as far as you can with your heart pulling forward. So this right here is a second part of our snake getting that chest through and our legs holding us up one more time. And then lift your waist up, lower your heels halfway down your shoulder rest for your up stretch. I'm gonna take some time to break this down because this is your snake. Okay? So have your legs hugging towards each other even though they're apart.

And then you probably put half more than half the weight in your legs. So go ahead and take half of it into your arms. Let your head shake. No. No. No. No. No. And look towards your legs. Then without moving your arms, just push the legs back.

You'll get into upside down 100, pull that carriage in, close the spring, lift the waist. And, again, with the waist up, and the arms where they are push with the back of the legs, how far can your legs push it, then bring it all the way in. Snake is possible if upstretch is in your practice and not just upstretch but where we're gonna go in a couple reps. So push with the legs, pull it through. One more, Alright. You can continue with the up stretch if up stretch combo doesn't feel like exciting to you.

Here we go. This is your snake, though. It's a parallel snake. We can call it. Push the legs back as far as I can go. Then find your down stretch through your arms. Then stand in those down stretch legs to push the carriage out. Head through.

Lift the waist. Close the spring. You're back in your up stretch. Push the legs back. Take your body through your arms.

You do not have to close the spring. It's a goal, but if you lose your legs reaching to close the spring, that isn't actually good. You won't be able to get out of it. And then lower those heels down elephant. Alright. Again, because it's habit to push your hips all the way back. Pull half the weight into your arms.

Lift your ribs. And then dig those heels and push them back. Whoo. So you don't have to just pull the toes up. It's more important that you just push the heels down.

And then maybe you can lift the ball of your foot off of your carriage. Now for fun, take one leg back, lift the ribs, and then do a single leg. So the inner thigh is spinning up. The leg is somewhere between parallel and the shoulder rest. One more. Bring it in.

Switch the legs. Is half the body weight in your arms? Okay. Because I am notorious for flattening out my single leg elephant, and because snake requires us to keep some round in our spine and our setup, pull your other neons. We're back to the first side. Pull that knee into your chest, round your spine, and then push that single leg out three times as you pull this knee in, and then switch.

Alright. We're gonna come out. Don't worry. Glad to have any long back stretch. You're welcome. We're gonna pull this pad down to do some stomach massage put on two springs So just try it with me. Alright. I know it's not a fan favorite, but it's such an important exercise.

Have a seat pretty close to the edge of the carriage. Because you don't have to close the springs on this one, but we do wanna get deep hip, deep knee, flexion, and work the shape hands are gonna go on the outsides on your carriage, lift your heels up, and let's do some rounds. Once you get to straight legs, lower, lift the heels, and in as much as you can. Now I want you to find this as a leg exercise that helps feed your center. So you should feel that as those legs straightened out, you get more lift.

You get more work from your center and as an ease pull in, you're just trying to keep that. Think of that as your snake. So as we come in and snake, we're trying to keep what our snake gave us. We'll do one more here. We're just juicing these out and then take your hands back.

Onto your shoulder rest. Now if you are looking a little weird with your shoulders here, then take your hands to the size of the shoulder rest. But otherwise, we want lifted armpits for our tall back here. So you're reaching out and in. And because we're on two springs, if you want to, you can actually take your hands behind your back and just work the leg part here trying to use it to help lift your center. Because you're gonna need it for your snake.

We'll do one more. If you didn't like it, you could put your hands back. Leave it on 2 springs, arms forward, straighten the legs, and bend. Just three here. So you've got this nice arm back connection, nice lift at the spine, and then we'll go into a twist because someday your snake will have a twist and reach.

So one arm is reaching forward, one arm is reaching back, but it's the spine that moves your arm to the back last time each side. Awesome. Alright. So we are gonna do some tendon stretch because it's so good, and it's so snake like, place your pad, turn it to the side, and then place one hand on the foot bar, heel comes off the carriage, other heel off. And if it makes you nervous, I'll make sure you a little prep you can do real quick. You can just take one arm forward. The other arm for it.

So you're an elephant. One arm back. The other arm back. By the way, you could do elephant here instead. So you can just do this. Otherwise, set those arms up, pull that foot bar apart, let your head hang.

Now snake needs to be moved with the legs. So you're gonna keep your arms where they are. And move your legs through your arms and then lift your ribs. If we push with our arms here, we will go further out but that's just choreography, and I want you in connection. So reach your heels and lift your ribs and reach your heels and lift your ribs.

Now for fun, take one leg out to the side. If you're like, no, if that's okay, then go back to two legs. Otherwise, One leg reaches. The other leg is out to the side reaching to keep us upright three times. Take the leg back in and switch sides. So just getting us ready for our snake on one leg because that's that's how it is. Right? And then come all the way in.

Step down, pat yourself on the back. You're doing great. We're gonna stay on those 2 springs. Get your head rest out of the way. And grab your short box.

So place it on, have a sticky pad where you're gonna sit and then grab your bar. Let's place her feet in the strap. And if you're not a fan of short box, that I'm gonna challenge you on your desire to do snake because it's all in here. So have that strap around your ankle flex world where your ankle meets your feet, flex hard, push out, and then take your arms y around your waist. Pull your shoulders wide to the side.

Push the legs down to lift up tall in your round shape, and then you'll round back as far as you can, and then you'll round back up. Now you might only go halfway back and up or you might go all the way back into extension because that's going into snake, and then you round up and you come up. You see how there's so many exercises we learn when we're new to Pilates that put a little bit of snake in it. And then it'll actually by the time we do snake, it's pretty possible. Oh, awesome.

Come all the way in. And then grab your bar. Alright. Hold it as wide as you can and pull this bar apart. Push the legs down to lift a little taller. And then look at the tip of your nose as you lean back. Nice flat back here and lift up.

So go back as far as you can. Hold it all together. So you don't have to ever get parallel to the floor or doesn't have to feel like you're lock on the wild side. You just wanna feel like everything is working between the hamstrings, glutes, your center, and your arms on your back. And then stay up.

We'll do one side to side. Get a little side in our spine, and then we'll twist. So legs stay where they are. You twist you reach, you come up unwind in the center and twist and reach. So we're trying to take our whole pelvis with us, reaching our legs away from our fist, right, so we're getting really long It doesn't matter how low you get in the morning all around the world.

We'll twist. We'll open up to the ceiling. We'll twist to the other side and we'll come up and then we reverse it. Reach. Get long. Go to the other side and all the way up. I think we should do that one more time because it's so good.

And it's gonna help you get your spine ready for your snake, which is flexion with a twist. So this is a tall back with a twist. Right? Twist reach, open up get really long twist, not with your arms, but with your waist. Yes. Because that also is gonna be key. In a future twist with your snake. And every time we work out, we're really prepping ourselves for the next time we do an exercise. I'm gonna add tree in here.

You don't have to like it, but I just want you to be cognizant of how your spine works. So grab one knee into your chest. Straighten and bend it a couple times and then walk up to the ankle, pull your head to your knee. Now come back. And as you walk down, notice what's going on with your head. Is it already in the well? You want your chest to go in the well, then your head, then your head, and roll your chest up.

So we'll do it one more time on this side. Go down. Notice if you are releasing your head too soon because that's gonna affect the quality of your snake and all the way up. Awesome other side. I know tree is not many people's favorite, but if we wanna do these advanced exercises, we have to fall in love with the fundamentals. Walk up to your ankle and then pull your head to your knee.

And then if you're not going to a full extension, that's okay. But then you'll just do a half snake. Right? You just won't go into a full extent with your snake. And that's also okay. We can normalize being in practice. Awesome.

Alright. Let's go into our side sit up. So get your knee in line with your hip. And then your foot can just be underneath your inner thigh. Put your hand on your headrest and lean out. Get as long as you can get that heel up. So this standing leg is your snake leg, and this leg is gonna push down. Kinda like you're doing a clam, you know, those butterfly clams that your PT tells you to do. That's what you're doing with that leg.

Push it down. Hand behind your head, other hand behind your head, and you can just hold this or down and up five times. And the up is as high as you can keep your leg up, so it doesn't have to be straight up to the ceiling. Awesome. We'll go to the other side, heel up, hand on the headrest get long, hands behind your head and then down and up. Last two that side body strength that we need for our snake, and we're getting closer to it. I promise.

Alright. Get rid of your box and your pull. Where am I? Okay. Alright. Let's put those down, and then we're gonna come to kneeling for your chest expansion. So you should already be on 2 springs.

You're pretty good there. And then knees into the shoulder rest. Lock your hands up. Take your knees and hug them towards each other. This is a leg exercise just like your snake is gonna be. So you're gonna hug those legs towards each other, push the feet down, work your hips forward, and then pull your arms back and look both ways.

Nice little stretch of the chest and bring those arms forward. And again, pull the arms back, reach your wrist to straight look, Look and then bring those arms forward. And, again, pull it back. Look. Look. Let's do one more. Awesome. We're gonna add a spring for our thighs stretch. So just hold onto your handles, sit back onto your feet, add a third spring.

He want the weight of it. And this is I mean, it's so nice that we have a thigh stretch in this workout because we're gonna need it. So you walk your hands up a little higher, work your arms from your back, and then push your legs forward to lean back. Similar to that tall back we did on our short box. Here it is. We're gonna do 2 more just with this nice tall back opening up the front of the hips so we're not getting all hip grippy when we get into our snake.

And then if you are gonna do snake later, lean back, find your tall back, and then backbend. Come up and all the way up. Let's do it one more time. So when you lean back, your hips stay where they are, and your upper back bends And then you come up into a Tallback, one more for good measure. So snake, we tend to let the hips hang to do our extension, but keep the hips where they are and continue to move up your upper back.

Awesome. Okay. Continuing on with our legs doing a lot of the work. So our arms don't have to. Go down to one spring.

Let's do some arm circles. So you'll take your handles behind your back. Place your feet into your shoulder rest and then really get those toes pushing down and heels pushing back, especially the inner ones. And then here we are. Push your legs back to reach your arms forward, and it makes arm circles so much more fun.

Now the pinky side of your hand needs to be up. We'll reverse the circles. This way you stay in your upper back. You don't make this a bicep exercise. Whoo. Awesome. We're going to hook up these handles, and we're going to do some cork through and TikTok.

So add a second spring and lie on your back. Now we are gonna put snake towards the end. It is out of order on purpose. If you're like, we're a snake. It's coming later.

So just be here for right now. Take your hands into the shoulder rest, pull those elbows wide, and then lift your legs. Up. You can keep your hips down, or you can lift your hips up. I'm gonna keep my hips down today because where we're going, it's really okay if your hips are down or up. But do keep your heels together. Take the legs to the right.

Sleep them around to the left and back to center and then reverse. And so, again, it doesn't matter how low you go because we wanna go the same distance the side each way. And I want you to be doing this from your center and not your feet or your inner thighs. Like, the whole body has to do this. And your shoulders are nice and wide. The same width they're gonna be when we get to our snake. Last one.

Alright. Once you're even, legs will stay up to the center, and the legs are gonna the left and you're gonna look to the right. Bring your legs back. The legs are gonna go to the right. You're gonna look to the left. So we're building up that twist for a future snake and twist.

Today, I promise you weren't on you don't have to go into that if you don't want to. Wanna give you options for your snake. So you're just giving a really big spine twist. Awesome. Hop off. You're on 2 Springs already, so you're gonna stay there.

And we're gonna go into our knee stretches. And this is another thing I wanna do a little breakdown on because It's one of those fundamentals we don't love, and it has so much snake in it. So just set up in your round shape on two springs, get your inner heels back, round spine, if you're flexible, you could sit on your feet. We're not doing that, but we're also not way up hips over knees. So find that space where you're working the back of your legs. And then go from round to your arch back, upper back arch, not booty, and then round and arch.

So if you do yoga, it's you might think of it as a cat cow, but it's really in that upper back that I want you to focus on, not the tailbone to the sky. We're just the tailbone goes to the heels and the upper back goes up. So this rotation of the spine from round to arched is your snake. One more and then stay around and push those legs out eight times for your knee stretches. Yes. I said 8. We gotta build the snake that includes strength and stamina and endurance.

Right? 2 more Alright. Reverse that curve and 8 here. So work that upper back arch, work those heels back, You should feel your legs. That's important. Alright. Then come in.

If you need to do single leg, you can. Otherwise, We're gonna sit back, lift both knees simultaneously and do 8. Ready? 3, 2, 1, go. I have to prepare myself. Maybe you don't. Oh, I said 8. Right? That's that's a lot.

Here we go. A couple more. Knees low. Sure. We are building some snake here. Okay. Are you ready? You've made it a snake. So If this is your first time doing snake, load your springs up.

You will not move the carriage. You will just set up for the startup of the position. You'll step down. If you're gonna do the full or a version of a full with me, drop down to us spring. Okay? Now the way you place your foot is important.

You want your heel on the foot bar that's vertical and you want the ball of the foot on the horizontal. You're in that turnout. Then hand, hand. And if you're shorter or fun sized, like I like to say, you can do a fist that's closer, but a hand is really nice. We drop the head, and we did this on our long stretch.

We just lifted our leg up. So here we go. Look down, hoist that leg up with the carriage in. And now you can just stay here. I'm gonna show you a half snake first. We're just gonna push with the legs like we did the long stretch push out and pull it in. Push out.

And pull it in, right, lifting the ribs. That might be you. Now if you were to an extension, push out and then pull the chest through, drop the head. Remember your tree. Your head is the last thing to go, and then it's the first thing to go.

One more time. Yeah. We're doing a lot because it's okay to do more reps when you're new, when you're learning it. Here we go. Heather side, if you're like, Leslie, I'm slaying it. Add the twist in, please. Here we go. Foot has turned out. Hand hand, let the head drop, and then sweep the leg under.

So you're pushing with the legs, and the arms It's tempting to push them forward, but instead let the arms move the carriage because the leg is moving the carriage. So you can do those half snakes or full ones, but we're not moving the carriage with our arms. Our standing leg is moving the carriage. And then our waist lifts. And that's how we close the carriage.

Not fun to see the tendon stretch in there. The knee stretches in there. Your swans in there. Tree Add your springs. So we'll do 3 to 4 heavy springs. Put your foot bar up.

Let's run. You made it. You made it towards the end. Alright. If your headrest is down, let's get it up, balls your feet on, push out, take a moment to just acknowledge that you did. Not it's not a hard exercise. It's a complicated exercise. And requires just practice of those fundamentals and then come all the way in.

Pelvic lift. Take your arch as wide. Lift just your hips a little bit and then open up your collar bones. I'm gonna push the carriage out and pull it in. So if your hips are dropping down the way out and lifting on the way in, This is one of those fundamentals I'm talking about.

Put your fist underneath your hips and only go out as far as your pelvis can stay where it is. We don't want it to be hanging down. Right? We want it to be work in a working position. Let's do one more. Awesome.

Roll it all the way down. Come all the way off. Okay. So I wanna do some stretches. I'm gonna do the front splits. If you wanna do Eve's lunge instead, you can. We're just gonna do the fur first part, so don't let it scare you.

But stand on the balls of your feet. And then place the front of our hips for tomorrow, snake. Push that, like, back back back and then pull it in. And, again, so it might not look like much, but if you're doing it with me, it feels like a lot. You're pushing that back, like, back back back and all the way in.

Let's do one more. Chest up. Now hold it out here. And then without hanging in your hip flexor or your lower back, can you push it a little bit more? Yeah.

And then bring it all the way in. Take your arm up and side bend. Nice little stretch. Alright. Let's do the other side. Foot goes in, knee goes up, hit points are lifting up, and we push with the back leg.

And that time, I kinda hung up my lower back. So this is this is my tie my left hip is tighter, so it's hard for me to get out of So I gotta really think about it. I came up into my fingertips. You might have to as well and reach. Now stay out on the last one here. Again, we're not hanging out.

In our splits back here. This leg is I'm standing on it just like I would do my snake, and then I'm gonna reach this leg back a little bit more with the hamstring. You don't get much extension in your hip. It's about 15 degrees if you're lucky. So it's not gonna be hugely impressive.

And then come all the way in. Take your arm up and side stretch. Awesome. Pat yourself on the back. You did it. You did a snake workout. And I hope you saw how those fundamental exercises all play into this big exercise, which can be really scary, but it's actually not as scary as a snake in real life.

That's a little scary. This is actually just a combination of so many exercises. So work that up search combo, work your swans, work your tree, and see how that improves your snake over time and compare yourself to yourself. That's the only person that you can compare yourself to. Thank you so much, and have an amazing day.


1 person likes this.
Great class today. Super quick and super effective thank you. X
1 person likes this.
Thank you!!
3 people like this.
Such an important class, clear explanations and great build up to the “tremulous” snake. Thank you Leslie!
Chablis A
2 people like this.
Fantastic build up to snake! I appreciate how thoughtful the plan is. 
Lisa U Yay! So glad you liked it xx~LL 
Laura L. you are so welcome xx
Beverly L yass! Oh this is so awesome to read! xx~LL
Chablis A yay! So happy you enjoyed the class and what I planned xx~LL
1 person likes this.
Wow! Great class Lesley! So interesting to think of doing exercises like Long Stretch and Down Stretch being driven from the legs versus the arms. Also, I love your breakdown of Up Stretch! Super helpful!! I’ve never done Snake driving out through the legs before either. It feels more controlled. Thanks so much for creating a uch a great class! 🙏
Leslie M yass yay!!! I'm so so happy you felt those connections and now are using your legs in those exercises! Keep it up xx~LL
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