Class #5733

Cardio & Strength Jump Board

35 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for a fiery 35-minute Intermediate/Advanced Pilates class that combines cardio and strength work on the Jump Board. This dynamic session will elevate your heart rate while strengthening your legs, core, and arms through a variety of exercises including double and single leg jumps. Get ready for an invigorating workout that will leave you feeling energized and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board

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Hi. I'm Melissa Connelly, and I will be sharing with you today my strength in cardio jump board class. All you need for the class is a jump board and the reformer. Let's get our reformer set up. So just put your straps on the floor. You don't want them in the way. Lift your headrest up to comfort for your head and neck support.

Jump board securely attached. And the springs that I have are fairly heavy for the strength component. So I have 2 red springs, one green spring, and a yellow. Let's get started with some footwork. So go ahead and lie yourself down onto your backs.

Shoulders up against the shoulder rest. Place your feet up on the jump board. You want your toes to be right up towards the top edge of the jump board feet parallel hip distance apart. And now let's push the carriage all the way out. Stay here straight.

Tighten up the muscles in your thighs, tighten up your hips, tighten up your glutes, pull your abdominal muscles in and up, lengthen through your neck, and now bend your knees on the inhale, exhale press Then 2, exhale press 3, exhale press 4, squeeze your thighs and press. Exhale 5, feeling your feet are nice and grounded into the jump board. Push shoe a 7, push show a 8, push show a 9, lengthen your legs on 10, bend the knees in halfway, pulse your legs. 1, 2 pressing weight through your feet, 4 pulse, 5, 6 pulse, 7, 8, 9, push your legs all the way to straight, stay here, bring the heels together, toes apart, feet flat. Inhale. Bend exhale press 2 exhale press. Squeeze your legs together. 3, tighten up your glutes, your inner thighs. Push away 5, push and squeeze 6, exhale, press 7, and squeeze 8, 2 more, press 9.

All the way to straight. Hold it there. Come in about halfway and pulse 1. 2, pushing into your feet. He'll stay connected on the jump board. 6. 7, 8, 9, push all the way out on 10.

Take the legs out to second position. Toles are reaching to the corners of your jump board. Inhale. Bend the knees. Exhale. Push Ben, squeeze your thighs push. 3, exhale, squeeze.

4, tighten the muscles of your legs. 5 push away. 6 push away. 7 exhale push, 8 exhale push, 9, squeeze push, 10, and press to straight. Come in about halfway and pulse 1, pulse 2, pulse 3, and 4, and 5, 6 pulse, 7, 8, 9 push all the way out. Now, bring your feet all the way together, toe heel, your feet, toes and heels are touching, tight and back up through your hips and glutes, working through your pilates center, lift your heels nice and high, Bend your knees. Lower the heels down.

Push away. 4 more. Lift the heels. Bend the knees. Heels down. Push away. Lift the heels.

Bend the knees. Lower the heels. Push away, lift the heels, bend the knees, heels down, push away, one more heels up, and bend, heels down, push away, reverse, bend the knees, Raze the heels, straighten the legs, lower, bend, heels up, straighten the legs, lower, bend 3, lift the heels, straighten the legs, lower, 2 more, lift the heels, straighten lower one more time. List the heels. Now push out. Keep your heels high.

Bend the knees. Exale. Push 1. Bend. Squeeze. Push 2. Bend, lengthen your legs 3, bend, exhale 4, bend, squeeze, press 5, exhale 6, push away 7, press away.

8. 2 more. 9. Length in your legs. Pause for a second. Come in halfway.

Pulse 1, pulse 2. Poles 3, and 4, 5, and 6, 7, 8, 9 push all the way out, lower the heels. Moving into single leg, place your left foot in line with your hip bone, Raise the right knee to a tabletop, tighten your left quad, tighten your left loop, pull your abs in, bend your left knee and push five times. Exhale to Bend push 3. Bend push 4.

Bend. Now we're gonna add a leg extension with a right leg. Bend your left knee. Unfold the right leg. Press 1 and unfold at your knee too. Straight up to the ceiling, 3, exhale 4, hold your right leg straight, scissor it down over the jump board, bend the left knee, lift it up 1, down exhale 2. Straight down straight up 3.

Straight down straight up 4. Down and 5. Now lower the right leg over the jump board, pull it in towards your chest, and stretch. Press out. 2. And stretch, exhale 3, stretch, exhale 4, stretch on this last one. Hold it here. Place the right foot down in line with your hip bone.

Raise your left leg. Squeeze the right quad. Squeeze the glute pull your abs in and bend the right knee, press 1. Bend squeeze 2. Bend push 3. Bend push 4.

Bend, push 5. We'll add the leg extension, Ben, straighten the leg up, Ben, left leg straightens up, Ben, straighten 3, Ben, straighten 4. Ben, hold your left leg nice and straight, lower the leg down, exhale left, down, exhale 2, straight down, straight up 3, straight down, straight up 4, down, and 5. Now, lower the left leg down, pull it into the chest 1. And stretch exhale 2, stretch exhale 3, stretch exhale 4, stretch last one. Hold it. Place the left foot down and bend your knees. The carriage comes to those droppers.

Lower the headrest flat down, and then your heels are gonna come towards the top edge of your jump board, and we'll curl the tailbone under roll your hips up into a bridge. Squeeze the glutes, press all the way to straight, inhale touch the carriage to the stopper. Exhale. Push 2 and bend. Exhale.

3. And bend. Press back 4 and bend. Squeeze 5 and bend. Exhale 6 and bend 4 more. Press out.

Pull it in. Press out. Pull it in. 2 more. And in last one, bring the carriage into the stoppers, roll down upper back, roll down middle back, lower back and tailbone. Raise your legs.

Lift your head. Swing your legs over to the side. Take it down to one red spring. Okay. We're gonna do a core exercise next. Grab your straps.

You're gonna sit onto your carriage, place the straps up above your knees. Okay. Grab the shoulder rest. And as you come onto your back, just help yourself slide in so your hips are right up against the shoulder rest. Knees in line with your hips, straps level with each other, lace the fingers behind your head. Imhale. Let your back go down.

Head back off of the carriage, exhale curl up 1. Inhale. Go back. Exhale curl up to 5 times to start. Exhale. 3.

Breathe in. Exhale. 4. Breathe in. And hold it up on 5. Come into a reverse curl. Your hips lift 5 times 1.

Hips lift 2. Hips lift 3. Exhale 4. Exhale 5. We're gonna move into obliques. In the lower the head down and take your right elbow towards your left leg 1 and lower down, left elbow towards the right leg 2. Breathe in, exhale 3. We'll do 10 of these.

Exhale for. Down. Try to keep the legs nice and steady. And exhale rotate. 4 more. Breathe out. 3 more. Lift twist.

Two more exhale up. Last one and up from here to come out of the exercise, place your elbows onto the carriage, press yourself up to seated, and let's remove the straps from the legs. And we're gonna prepare for our first jumping sequence. So straps go down, lift your headrest up, and let's add a blue spring. We're on 1 red spring, one blue spring.

Go ahead lie down onto your backs. The first jumping series, we're gonna have our feet together, then first, then hip distance, then second. We'll do it ten times, eight times, six times, four times, two and one. So creating a little endurance, little cardio, and strength You're gonna push your legs to straight to start, tighten up your hips, tighten up your thighs, pull your abs in, lengthen your neck, and he'll bend your knees, keeping your heels down. Here we go. Exhale jump 1. Exhale jump 2. Stretch your legs 3.

Point your toes 4. Land nice and easy. Tow ball heal 6. Exhale 7. Exhale 8.

2 more, 9. Let's go to 1st position, heels together, toes apart. And 2, keep your heels connected. 3, and 4, stretch the legs. Long 5, exhale 6, exhale 7, jump 8, jump 9, and now go parallel, hip distance apart, exhale 2, exhale 3, stretch your legs 4, and roll through the feet 5, exhale 6, Exale 7, jump, land 8, jump, land 9. And let's go to 2nd position, exhale 1, stretch land 2, stretch land 3, exhale 4, lengthen your legs 5, pull your abs in 6, jump 7, jump 8, jump 9, bring your feet together, toes and heels touch.

We jump for 8, exhale 2, jump plan 3, length and 4, stretch, land 5, exhale 6, 2 more, 7, and 8 first position heels together. Toes apart, exhale 3. Jump, plan 4. Jump, plan 5, exhale 6, 2, more, 7, and go parallel. Hip distance 1, stretch land 2, roll through the feet, toe ball heel, and land nice and easy. 5, and 6, and 7. And 8, go to 2nd position, exhale 2, exhale 3, jump, plan 4, start land 5, exhale 6, and 7, and 8 feet together, we go for 6, exhale 2, stretch away 3, stretch away 4, and 5 and 6. First position 1. Exhale 2.

Jump plan 3. Stretch your legs 4. 2 more. 5. 6 parallel, hip distance, 1 exhale 2, stretch, land 3, stretch, land 4, stretch, land 5, and 6, take it to second. 1, Exale 2, exhale 3, jump, land 4, jump, land 5, and 6 tickets of 4 together, exhale 2, and 3. And 4 first position 1 and jump 2 and jump 3 and jump 4, hip distance 1, exhale 2, and jump 3. And 4 out to second. 1, stretch your legs. 2, lengthen 3.

Alright. Working down. 2 together. And 2, first position. 2. And one hip distance. 2. And one second position.

Alright. Finish off with 1 in each position. To first, hip distance. 2nd, jump your feet together and close. Take your legs over the jump board. Give them a little bit of a shake out.

Whoo. Getting started. Alright. Swinging the legs around. So let's take off the red spring. We're now on one blue spring.

We're gonna do some kneeling arms. Lower the headrest flat down. And let's take our straps. Get those straps ready. They go over your pegs.

Come up onto your knees facing the headrest part of your reformer, place your let's start with the right hand to the headrest, line your right knee up with the right hand, and then bring your left knee towards the left side of the reformer with your feet off the back of the carriage. We take hold of the flat part of the strap with the left hand. Your spine is straight. Your abs are pulled in. And then with a nice straight arm, pull your left arm in line with your hip, and he'll reach the arm forward. Exhale 2 inhale forward.

Exhale 3 inhale forward. Pull back 4. And forward. Last one, hold the arm by your side. Keep your elbow in line with the rib cage.

Bend the elbow. Press 1. Bend the elbow. Press 2. Bend, press 3.

Bend, press 4. Bend. Hold your arms just straight on 5. We're gonna repeat the straight arm. Reach the arm down. Pull back one.

Keep your body nice and straight. Pull back to. Exhale. 3. 2 more. Working the back of your arm.

4. Last one. Hold it. Hold it for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Release the arm down. Switch to the other side, left hand to the headrest.

Move your knees over towards the right side of the reformer. Grab the flat part of your strap. Take a second to pull your abs in and then press the right arm back 1 and straight down. Exhale to Straight down. Exhale 3. And down. Pull back 4.

And down. Now hold it back, elbow next to the rib cage. Bend your elbow. Press to straight one. Bend, press 2. Bend, press 3. Bend, press 4. Bend.

Hold that arm straight. We do 5 more reps with a straight arm. It goes down. Exhale pulls back. And forward, exhale back. And 3, exhale back. And 4. Pull straight back.

On this last one, hold the arm back. Stay for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Reach the arm forward. Okay. Put the straps on the floor just because when we jump, they start to bang around. Lift your headrest up. Your springs for the next jumping sequence are a red and a yellow spring, a little bit lighter than that first sequence.

Lie down onto your backs, and we're gonna move into single leg jumping. Push your legs out to straight. Okay. Your left foot is in line with your left hip bone, right knee to tabletop. The sequence that we did for work with is the same sequence we're gonna jump with. We'll just add on an extra one at the end.

Tight in your glutes. Tight in your core. Arms are reaching by your sides. Chin is slightly lifted. Inhale, bend your knee.

Keep the right leg and tabletop. Jump for 10. Go. Exhale. Jump. 2. Length your toes for. Exhale.

5. Exhale 6, and jump 7, exhale 8. 2 more like this. Now, unfold at the right leg straight to the ceiling up and bend. Straight and end, bend.

3. Breathe out 4. Exhale 5, stretch 6, stretch 7, stretch 8, stretch 9, and 10, the right leg scissors, it goes straight up, it goes straight down, lift 2. Down, lift 3, down, lift 4, down, breathe, out 5, lift 6, exhale 7, exhale 8, 2 more, 9, And, hon, pull your knee into your chest. Pull it in, stretch it out. 2, stretch it out. Exale 3, exhale 4, tighten your abs 5, pull the knee on 6, Exhale 7, exhale 8, 2 more like this.

Okay, last set, you're gonna take your left leg under the right. It lifts up and down. Lips up and down. Lift 3. Try to keep your right leg really still. Really still. Lift your left leg.

6. List 7. Exhale 8. 2 more. We're gonna switch to the other leg and go switch jump 1. Exhale 2. We're on that right leg. 3. Left leg and tabletop 4, exhale 5, and 6, stretch away 7, exhale 8, exhale 9, and 10 straighten the left leg and bend.

Stretch and bend 3 and bend 4 and bend. Exhale. 6, jump 7, jump 8, jump 9. 10. Now, scissors, the left leg goes up. It goes down. Lift 2 and down. Lift 3. Down. Read out. Exhale.

5. Jump 6. Jump 7, lift 8, 2 more, 9, and 10 left knee 2. You're just one. Breathe out 2.

Exhale 3. Pull the knee in 4. Exhale 5, and 6, and 7. Pull 8. 2 more.

Alright. The last ten jumps here. Right leg goes up underneath the left. Left leg stays still. Lift 3. Breathe out. Exhale.

And jump 7, jump 8, jump 9, 10 jump on 2 feet and close the carriage. Legs over the jump board. Shake and shake it out. Alright. Let's come on up.

Woo. Hope you're having as much fun as I am. Alright. We're gonna change our spring. We're gonna go to a blue spring, and we'll do some arm work facing the jump one. Grab your straps here. Place them over your pegs. Okay. I'm gonna be kneeling.

If you're not feeling kneeling and working on balance, feel free to sit down on your carriage instead or sit up on the short box. Okay. So getting into a kneeling position, curl your toes underneath you, press your heels up against the shoulder rest. Reach back and grab your straps. Lift yourself upright. So soften your elbows, palms of your hands face forward.

Squeeze your glutes, your hips, your abs, just remembering that the moving carriage test your balance here. So find a focal point, exhale scoop the arms forward. Inhale lower. Exhale 2. Inhale lower. We do this for 5. Breathe out. 3. Exhale.

4. And then hold the arms forward on 5, turn the palms in, hug a tree, inhale open, exhale hug 1. Inhale open, exhale hug to Open. Exhale. 3. Exhale. 4. Last one.

And 5. Open the arms. Bring the hands either in front of your forehead or behind. Shave or salute. I'm doing the shave. Exhale press arms up 1 and bend. Exhale to and breathe out. 3. And bend, exhale, 4.

And bend, hold the arms up on 5. Take the arms out and down. Nice big arm circles. Reach your arms all the way up. Open out and down.

Exhale all the way up. Out and down. 3 and more. Reach. Lift up. Open. Down to more. Reach.

Lift up, open, down last time. Reach, lift up, open, and down. Sit back to your heels, and let's place those straps down into the well. Okay. Next series, we're sideline jumping. We're on 1 red spring.

Head rest is up. Lie on your right side. Okay. So bring your left foot forward to the front edge of your jump board. Bend the right knee, hold on to the peg with your right hand, hold on to the shoulder rest with your left hand, pull your abs in, squeeze the flag, the top leg, inhale, bend your knee and start to jump. Exhale jump. 1. Exhale jump. 2.

Stretch the leg 3, exhale 4, and jump 5, exhale 6, exhale 7, stretch away 8, 2 more, 9, we're gonna do a tuck jump. Your knee pulls into your chest. 1, pull the knee in 2, pull the knee in 3, exhale 4, exhale 5, knee to chest 6, pull in 7, breathe out 8, 2 more, 9. Now, take your left leg, sweep it to the front. It kicks front and land. Kick 2, and land. Kick 3.

Land, exhale 4, breathe out, and 6, exhale 7, exhale 8, 2 more kicks to the front, And 2 more sets of jumping. Next one, leg up, up, and down, leg up, and down, lengthen lift 3, down, lift 4, down, up, 5, exhale, 6, exhale, 7, lift, 8, 2 more. Alright, the last jump, it's a hamstring curl. Kick your heel to your glute. 1. Kick 2 and kick 3. Exhale 4, exhale 5, breathe out, and jump 7, jump 8, 2 more, 9, and 10. Bring it in.

Alright. Stay on your side. Make a fist. Just pound up that hip. Give it a little release. And now we're gonna sit up on the carriage to stretch. So you sit up. It's a dynamic stretch.

We're not just stretching. We're working our triceps. So, the leg that you were just working your left leg, you flex that foot, the ankle comes across your thigh, take the heel of your hands to the wooden part of your reformer, bring your hips forward, press your shoulders down, and then bend the elbow straight behind you, press up 1. Exhale 2. Try sub dip. Press up 3. And 4.

And 5, exhale 6, press up 7, 8, 2 more, 9, after a ton sit back onto the carriage. Tuck your chin down to your chest, round forward, stretching out that left hip, and just hold the stretch for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, roll up. Place your left foot on the ground, add a blue. We're on one red, one blue spring, come to standing, going into the scooter. Left foot goes flat up against the shoulder rest, hands on your jump board, line your right foot up with your left knee, Bend your knees. Still working that left loop, press out 1. Bend, exhale 2. Bend, and push 3. Bend, exhale 4.

Bend and push 5, bend, exhale 6, bend, push back 7, bend, push back 8, bend 2 more, 9, and 10. Bring the carriage in. Let's do the whole series on the other side. The blue spring comes off and lie down onto your left side. Alright. So moving your hips to the back edge of the carriage, right foot is forward.

And then take your left hand to the peg, right hand to the shoulder rest, tighten your thigh, pull your abs in, inhale, bend the knee. Here we go. Press and jump 1. Lengthen away. 2, stretch your leg 3, exhale 4, exhale 5, jump, plan 6, jump, plan 7, Exale 8, jump, 9. Now do a tech jump.

Pull your knee to the chest 1. Pull it in 2. Pull it in 3. Exhale 4. Need to chest 5, pull in 6, exhale 7, exhale 8, 2 more, and 10 sweep your leg forward, kick front, and land, kick front, and land, sweep the leg 3, sweep the leg 4, exhale 5, exhale 6, sweep land 7, sweep land 8, exhale 9, 10, raise a leg, lift it up, and down, and 2, and down, or raise lift 3, raise lift 4, exhale 5, and lift 6, and lift 7, stretch it out, lift it up, 8, lift 9, hamstring curl to finish, kick the heel into the glute, kick 2. Kick 3. It's a dynamic stretch in your quads, and 4, and 5. Read out 6, exhale 7.

Kick 8, kick 9, and 10, bringing the carriage into the stoppers. Alright. Your knees are bent. Stay on your side. Make a fist with the right hand and just pound out that right hip. And then have a seat on your reformer.

Once you are seated, take the right ankle across your left thigh. Your right foot is flexed. The hands go to the wooden part of your reformer, your hips scooch forward, press your shoulders down. Bend that elbows straight back, press up 1. Exhale to tricep it.

Push up 3. Push up 4. And 5, and 6, press 7, press 8, 9, 10, sit on to the reformer, From here, lower the chin down round the spine forward and stretch for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Roll your spine up. Add the blue. We're on one red, one blue spring. Stand up for scooter.

Hands on the jump board, right foot flat against the shoulder rest. You have your left foot, right knee in line, back straight, and press back once. Exhale 2, push back 3, push back 4, using that power in your leg 5, 6, exhale 7, Push back 8, 2 more, 9, 10. Alright. Bring it in. Take off your blue spring. Lie on your backs.

Nice and light. Last jumping sequence. You're gonna straighten your legs out, have your heels together, toes slightly apart. They'll stay in a turnout for the last series. Tighten up your glutes tighten your thighs, pull your abs in.

When the jumping is lighter, try to go deeper from your core. So the first jump, we're gonna raise both of the legs up and down together ten times, bend your knees and lift the legs, exhale up and down, exhale up. Nice and light. Nice and easy. 3. Feel like you're floating 4. Flowed up 5.

Exale 6. Keep your heels together. 7. Exale 8, exhale 9, take into a leg circle, go up and around, up around 1, 5 times, and 2, and circle 3. And circle 4, and 5 reavers take it out around down 1, out around down 2. It feels really good to do these nice light jumps. 2 more around down, air jack, the legs open and close, open, and they close, exhale 2, exhale 3, stretch, close 4, stretch, close 5, stretch close 6, stretch close 7, exhale 8.

9, the last thing is a Peter Pan. Your left knee bends. Your right leg goes out to the side of the land. Switch Breathe out. And exhale 5.

And 6. Peter, Pam, 7. 8. 2 more. 9. Ton. Bring it in.

Legs over the jump board. Give them a little shake out. And then we're gonna step off to the right side of the reformer. One red spring is good. Come on up to standing.

And just step that right foot under your jump board. Left foot against the shoulder rest. Nice and easy. Slide the carriage back. Hold this hip flexor stretch. Nice deep breath in.

Breathe out. Come in a couple inches. Exhale press it back. 2 more. Exhale press it back.

Last one. And press it back. Bring the carriage all the way into the stoppers, walk around to stretch your hip flexor on the other side, left foot forward under the jump board, right foot against the shoulder rest, slide back. Hold it there. Hold it. Take a big breath in.

Relax your shoulders. Acts. You'll sink your hips heavy. Release. Come in a couple inches, exhale press back, and a couple inches, exhale press back. Breathe in.

Exhale, press back. Bring the carriage all the way in. And we are finished. Thank you for joining.


Robin S
3 people like this.
Thank you Thank you! Rare is the jumpboard workout on this app. That was super awesome. I will lean into it on the reg! 
Laurie G
Loved this class!  Would like to see more jump
board work outs on Pilates Anytime.
Natasha T
Love the strength + cardio. Thank you :)
1 person likes this.
Your foot bar needs to be up when using the jump board .
This was a great class! Thank you!
Wonderful class
Marie W
I love a great jump board class, we need more of them! This was a great way to get your heart pumping and thighs burning!

Sara P
nice workout !! More classes like this please !!
Jessie B
ohhhhh my quads were burning up with those jumps!!
thank you for a fun and well executed class!
Excellent flow!!!
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