Class #5745

Full-Body Define

30 min - Class


Andrea Speir leads you through a dynamic Mat class that targets every area of your body using a Loop Band and bodyweight exercises. This session focuses on building endurance, improving circulation, and enhancing muscle memory through Andrea's signature layered approach, allowing you to connect deeply, feel strong, and progressively challenge yourself. Experience a comprehensive workout that carves out the back of your arms and glutes, challenges your range of motion, and concludes with Andrea's signature ab series, leaving you feeling proud of your growth and eager to continue your Pilates practice.
What You'll Need: Mat, Loop Band

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Hey. It's Andrea. In this full body workout, we are targeting every part of your body, and I love this workout because we start by connecting everything in with a looped band. So make sure you grab one. The heavier you go, the tighter your resistance, the more challenging this is gonna be because it's small intricate movements that are really building strength. So after we connect into the body, we get everything moving there, we're doing the second half of this workout all body weight. So the end of this practice, getting all that muscle memory of everything that we've learned and defined by fusing in props, now as our moment to take it all away and make sure we can carry that out into our day, into our practice with us, and just flow and have fun. So let's begin. Make sure your band is nearby. We will grab it in a moment.

I wanna warm you up. Step your feet out nice and wide. Reach up overhead. Give me a big full stretch of the body. Bend your knees dive down.

And reach back up and just start to flow. This doesn't have to look like anything. It doesn't have to be graceful. I just want you to move your body. Give me that softness of the knees, little bounce of the legs. And finding your breath.

Let's do a couple more moments like this because it feels so good just to center and move. After your next one, bring yourself up to stand to arms come down. Step your feet a little bit closer together. Choose one leg. Step it back behind you.

Keep it straight. Arms reach out palms touch. Now, the same arm from the side that stepped back opens out, reach behind you Speir your chest open, and then bring that arm back in. Hands touch. Same arm one more time. Open.

So we're stretching out the back, lats, traps, pecs, shoulders, all the stuff. Step back in, reset other side. Take a step back, find your balance, little bend of the front leg, straighten the back leg, hands clap together. Open that same arm from the side that stepped back, and bring it all the way back in. One more time. Open.

Shoulders back and together, big stretch, and sweep everything back in, lower your arms, Step forward. Let's grab that band. So take your band. Step into it. Slide it up above your knees. Step your feet out. A little bit wider than hip distance.

Lower down into a squat and stand right back up. Here we go. Down and up, down and up. So starting to work into those muscles, again, focusing on endurance circulation. You could match my pace or move at your own pace.

Keep it going. As you squat here, keep your squat going. I'm gonna turn slightly to the side here. I want you to see the angle of my hips pulling back. And then driving forward. Back in your abs scooping and up.

10 more seconds. Straight down, 90% of that work is back towards your heels. On your next one, hold it down low. Little pulses down and down. My hands are just kinda connected in front, but you could put them wherever you want, wherever you feel most natural. Shoot. 10 more seconds.

5 seconds. Hold it down there Andrea little tiny flutters of the knees out, out, out. Your feet are parallel, so this is not a crazy big movement. Think more wrapping into the corner of the seat. 10 seconds. Shoot.

5 seconds. Feeling those glutes turning on. And then stand up, drop back down, take one heel, pop it up, just that knee wraps open, and open, little wrap, and wrap As you're doing this, it's not the knee. It's the muscle wrapping around. Phew. 10 seconds. Whoo.

Isolating into that glute, 5 more seconds. Hold it wide. Now little pulse is down, down, and down. It's the endurance on the side holding the band open Andrea working into the major glute on that stabilizing side. 5 more seconds. Hold it there. Now switch heels, lower that heel lift the other, and you switch and you switch. You're holding this low squat.

Your head stays as still as possible. 5 more seconds. Finish with the other heel up and wrap that knee out and out. Tiny isolation into the glute. Keep it going. You can see when I do this My hands kinda move around, so do not hesitate to cue your core in connecting into the glute.

This is your workout. You are your instructor right now, as well as me. 5 more seconds. Hold that knee wide, little pulses down and down. This is your endurance moment. You got 10 seconds.

5 more seconds. Stay low. Let's switch the heels again and switch. This is my sneaky moment to stretch out your arches and your feet. So there's no cramping in our future. 10 more seconds.

We're building the strength in the quads in the front. Finish with both heels down. Stand it up. Take a little step in, slide your band down now. I want you to put it underneath your feet and on top of your foot. So it's wrapped around like an evil little shoe, soften your knees, Now shift over to one side, pop one leg up. This is small.

Take a little step out in, out Andrea. So I'm never losing tension with that band. I'm never stepping all the way in. Find your pace. Stick with it out Andrea. This first set is just for time. You have 10 seconds.

Step, and you can see both my knees are keeping a soft bend. After your next one, we switch to the other side. Here we go. Step out in, out, and in. Shoo. 10 more seconds.

Going right into the isolation of that outer hip and glute. Okay. Let's go to the other side. Step out in. I want you to match my pace here. Step in. Step in. Let's do 8 in, 7 in 6, 5, 4, and 3, and 2, and one other side step out in out in 8, 7, oo, 6, and 5, 4 roll it out, 3 through it, 2, and one other side give me four step 3, step 2, step one other side.

You have 4, 3, 2, and Andrea other side. Give me 2, 1, switch 2, and one singles. Step and step Andrea step. Matching my pace is gonna help you stick with it for endurance here. 10 seconds.

Step and step Andrea step 5 more seconds. When you're even on both sides, you will not be thanking me later. Step out of that band. Roll it out. Good news is we're gonna leave your glutes somewhat alone for a second. Stay facing me.

Take the band into your hands. If your hands get sensitive, do this up like a watch for your wrists. Arms down in front of you. Roll your shoulders back little bounce of the knees, bicep curl, down, up, and down. As your bicep curling, imagine you're doing this line flat on your back, just get that muscle memory visualize the shoulders drawing back and together. So when we bring our practice standing like this, we maintain that connection 10 more seconds, little bit of tension out into the band throughout here.

5 more seconds. On your next one, bring it down halfway, reach forward to me, bend it in uncurl halfway up, forward in, down, up, reach, and down. As you reach forward, shoulders pull back in opposition, out and down. Couple more. On your next one, hold it out there. Stay there. Little slice open.

Out, out, out, out, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Stay there. Flip your palms to face in, bend in, extend it out, row it in, reach it out. I'm pressing out gently with my hands into this band, but thinking about my shoulders going back and together, Hold it out straight, lower your arms, lift them parallel to the floor, bend them in, shoot them out, lower, lift, bend in. Here we go. 15 seconds. So adding a little bit of a pump of circulation, different connections, different angles. So you really get that true change and sculpt out in the body. Hold it out. Meet me there. Shoulders back, softness with the elbows, pulse, pulse, pulse. Whew. Breathe into this.

Shake out your head and neck. 5 more seconds. 3, 2, 1, and rest. Okay. Rest means next exercise. So soften your knees.

Make a fist. Grab onto your band and reach up overhead. The other hand is holding on, and it's pulling. So make sure you can soften stabilize. Here we go. Pull extend it back up, big pole, and reach. My arm that's not moving is like a pillar of support here. So you wanna make sure the shoulder's down and the elbow is not locked.

So we're not pulling into a joint. It's so muscular, so connected. The arm that's rowing in, that's pulling in the shoulder blades hugging back and together. Let's do 5 more seconds. Shoo.

After your next one, bring your arms down. The arm that was straight glues to your chest. The arm that was pulling goes inside. You're gonna high five your band. Stay facing me. I'll just rotate slightly.

I want you to see all my angles here. Soften your knees. Pitch your body slightly forward. That arm presses back Andrea bends. Press and bend.

Reach. And reach. This is your full range, but you've got a band that's going to start to lose tension. So when you start losing it, that's your moment to press right back out. 15 seconds. We're building strength.

We're carving out the back of the arm here, the tricep. 5 more seconds. Now in 2 inches little pump pump pump. These are small, they're quick, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds.

Whoo. And then bring it all up. Shake it out. Sue the other side starting with that pole. So the hand that was just pressing is your stabilizer now. Reach it up. The other arm holds on. Set yourself up.

Here we go. Big pole and reach. Row and reach. The arm that's stabilizing should be fiery right now. It was just working, and it's still working. Roe reach. This is your second and last side.

Could you increase that range? Could you connect those shoulders back in together more? 5 more seconds. Pull resist in and out, and then bring it down. Okay. Take that hand that was just stabilizing, put it on your chest. The other hand goes inside palm facing down.

Keep facing me. I'll rotate slightly again. Here we go. Make a fist and press out Andrea. This is a slower, bigger range. Press Andrea press. Softbend of the knees, slight incline forward of the chest. And as you're fine tuning your form and your practice here, make sure your wrist is in a nice, strong straight line, not kind of bending and pressing. Whoo. Hold it straight on the next one.

Little press, press, press. Smaller range, faster pace, 10 seconds, reach, reach, reach, 5 seconds, and then everything comes up put your band inside, like, bring 2 watches, come to the end of your mat, and stand facing in your feet or hip distance in parallel, you're just walking out into a plank. Your hands come down and you walk out, out, out, meet me in your plank position. Hold this. This is the first part of the exercise is simply connecting in here. If it feels better for your body to do this from your knees, do it. No.

You can always come to that. Otherwise, you're up with me here. One arm steps forward, bring it back, step it to the side, bring it back, other arm forward, side, alternating, forward side forward and side abdominals are scooping in and up. K. Give me 10 more seconds. Working at your own pace. 5 more seconds. And bring it down.

I had to breathe through that one. It was no joke. Take the band off. I have good news for you. We're done with it. So set it out of the way.

Now is the moment we connect in. We flow with body weight. We find all that muscle memory, and we just go for it. So face me on your side Let's focus back into the lower body. I want you to set yourself up with one of our themes for this challenge, which is side planking.

So your forearm comes down. Your top leg extends out flexing your foot. Lift your hips up, Top arm, I'm gonna leave that up to you. You could keep it down, waist, or reach up. I'm gonna go up. Flex your foot, lengthen up, opening your chest, take that top leg, dip it down in front, lift it up through center dip it behind up. So you go front, lift, back, lift. Flow at your own pace.

This is a version of hot potato, which is generally done in a side lying leg series, but we're mixing it up by elevating it with this side plank practice. So we're working postural muscles, abs, arms. That being said, do not hesitate to bring it down to your side if that's better today. Front and back, bottom stabilizing fluid is working. One more full set.

Meet me up at the top. Hold it there. Point your toes lower, flex lift the leg up. So you point down flex lift. Point down flex lift. Move that arm around if it feels better.

10 seconds. Oh, 5 more seconds. Finish at the top and bring everything down. Bring it around into a forearm quadripleg. That leg that was just up is the side we're still working.

Flex your foot and extend your leg back behind you. Keep it slightly parallel. Little pulses up and up. Keep this movement going, and I only say slightly parallel because if you want to naturally turn out a bit, I'm okay with that today in this movement, as long as you're connecting into your glute, shoulders pulling down your back, 10 more seconds. Lift and lift and lift 5 more seconds.

Hold it up high. Now kick out 3 to 4 inches away from your body. Little pulses up and up and up. And up, shake out your neck, maybe separate your lips to help relax your jaw, keep that work stabilizing down with the shoulders. Abs are in. Hold it up there with the leg, kick it out as wide as you can control, sweep it back behind you, sweep it to the side, sweep it back behind you, wide, side back.

10 seconds, gaze out just past your fist. Whoo. On your next one, kick your leg out wide to the side. As far out as you can control, little lifts, lift, lift, lift 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

Bring everything in. Reset for a moment. Now the leg that was just out, keep it flexed. Pop your heel away from your body and kick your leg out at an angle, bend it back in knees touch, kick it out, bend it in. So we're getting a different angle on this glued again, always working toward getting those smaller stabilizing muscles, as well as the larger muscles.

5 more seconds. 3 seconds. Everything comes down. Bring yourself into a forearm plank. You step your feet back one at a time, walk your feet about 2 inches apart, and find that plank for me.

Shoulders are pressing down, abs are scooping in. Sync your chest down toward the mat and press it back up. You sink it down. You press it up. These are serratus push ups.

Another option here would be just holding the plank, which is also work, 10 seconds, down, end up 5 more seconds. After your next one here, lower all the way down, open your arms out to the sides, lengthen out from the top of your head Andrea hover your nose, half an inch off your mat. Legs could be together if your back sensitive separate them a few inches, hover your arms and inch or 2 off the mat, then reach back to your hips as you open your chest, open your arms wide to the side, lower your chest. Reaching back, back back. Your fingers are reaching out to either side of the room.

You don't have to match my pace on this. Just flow focusing in on your own connections here. Shoulders hugging back. Ugh, abdominals. You're scooping in and up.

This is our moment of extension after all of that planking that quadruped work. We get these pulling straps in Let's do one more. Andrea then after this one, your hands come to the mat, lift up and back into an active rest pose or a child's pose. So following that extension with flexion of the Speir. Enroll yourself up. Okay.

Let's do the other side. Flip around. Set yourself up. You're on your elbow in form facing me. Take the top leg, extend it out flex your foot, then lift your hip up, reach your arm up, or put it wherever it was, lift your leg flexing your foot, dip it down front, up, back. We go hot potato front, and back.

2nd and last side, reaching your chest up and open, lifting from your bottom waistline, and outer hip and glute lifts Andrea lifts. Shoo. So it's always one of my favorite variations with sideline leg work. 5 more seconds. Meet me up hovering.

Point your toes, lower the leg, flex your foot lifted up, point to lower, flex to lift, point down, flex lift, point, flex lift, 10 seconds. 5 more seconds, and bring it down. Press your way up, roll out your shoulders, and let's do the other side of your quadruped. So flipping around, bringing yourself down onto your elbows, hands clasped to make that tripod, extend the leg that was just hovering out, flex your foot, lift it up, little pulsing lifts up Andrea up. As you're doing this, think back to the band. Imagine if that band was looped around your knees and you're feeling that resistance, see if that changes anything for your practice here using body weight.

Drive it up. 5 more seconds, hold it up high, reach out 3 inches little pulsing lifts, up, up so we continually challenge the range, the distal connection here, abscoup and shoulders stabilize. Hold it up on your next one. Now kick wide, sweep it back. Sweep it wide, sweep it back.

I want your abdominals so connected. They're on fire here. Scooping it up. On your next one, keep it wide, little pulses. This is your widest moment here. Puls, pulse, Pulse, 10 seconds, 5 more seconds, and then your knees come down. Reset for a hot second, flexing that foot still, pop your heel away from your body, extend it out, bend it in, out Andrea. It's a slightly internally rotated side donkey kick, straight out in 10 seconds, reach, and reach 5 more seconds Andrea everything comes down.

Speir around onto your back. Meet me down there. Knees in toward your chest. And then set both feet down on the mat. Hands stack palm over palm behind your head.

One knee comes in toward your chest as you curl your chest up to meet it, and lower your leg, lower your head. Big curl up, down, up, and down. We're going into this version of court today because at the end of 5 days of really focused network, having this big moment of circulation stretching out the back and the body and just flowing feels so good. You could stick with this, or the leg extends curl up twist to it, untwist lower. Kick it up twist, untwist.

15 seconds with whatever variation you are loving right now. 10 more seconds. 5 more seconds. Hold it up on the next one. Turn and face your leg.

That leg is straight up to the ceiling. Extend the bottom leg out to hover. Trace little circles on the ceiling with the leg that's closest to you. Little circle Andrea circle 10 seconds. Always option to place the bottom leg down if that feels better.

Whew. After your next circle change your direction around and up. End up and up 10 seconds, 5 seconds, everything comes in. Rest it for a moment. Legs come back down.

Hands back behind your head. Let's do the other side. Bring the other knee in as you curl up to meet it. Everything returns back down. Big curl up.

Bring it down. Cur it up. And down. This is your core scooping you up versus your hands kind of pushing the neck in and out. So you could stick with this, or we straighten that leg out kick it up, twist toward it, untwist lower. Big kick twist and down.

Up and down. 10 seconds. Hoosh. 5 more seconds. Keep it up on your next one, untwist your chest look forward, option to extend that bottom leg straight, top leg traces those little circles on the ceiling around and around 10 seconds. Elbows are wide, gaze through your legs, change your direction of the circles, around and around 10 seconds, 5 seconds, Shoot, everything comes in, give it a little rock, turn your head side to side, and then just let your feet come down, hip distance, knees bent feet flat. Say here for a moment.

And let your body just find a calm and centered moment. You are at the end of the workout, but we are still finding that moment of restoring connection. Take one hand. Place it on your heart. Take the other hand. Place it on your core.

Stay here Andrea just focus on your breath. Lengthening out from the top of your head, lengthening out from your tailbone, and continue with those deep full breaths for me. I find one of the most challenging things is to allow myself to have a quiet moment and just focus in on these simple things like breath, feeling your heartbeat. So allow yourself that moment right now. I want you to think about one thing that you're grateful for Andrea hold that in your mind for the rest of the day.

Thank yourself for showing yourself this moment of love and practice over the last 5 days focusing in on your health. Start to bring your knees in toward your chest, bring your arms down, hug your knees in. Start to open your eyes, rock side to side, massage out your lower back. And then when you're ready, rock and roll your body all the way up, come seated, turn back, and face me, Great job. You have completed all the workouts in this challenge. I hope you feel amazing, and I hope you continue to return to these workouts.

Know you can challenge yourself with your choices on variations, resistance, Andrea just that continual practice will grow your results. Again, I'm Andrea Speir, and I'll see you next time.


2 people like this.
Thanks so much! The mat portion of this challenge was excellent. Hope to see more mat classes from you on PA!
1 person likes this.
Thanks Andrea for another great class with creative and challenging variations!
1 person likes this.
Thanks for this series Andrea.  
Lina S
I'm grateful to your creativity. I've really enjoyed your workouts and your cueing.
Rachel W
Loved this challenge - thank you!
Chuhang G
What a wonderful challenge! thank you for the great series!
Such a wonderful challenge. Was tough but loved it. Hope to see more of you on Pilates Anytime
Excellent challenge. I loved the use of the loop. Added to favorites! 
Fatima G
Gracias por estas series , simplemente SENSACIONAL 

Christine T
I have LOVED the 5 mat challenges from Andrea.  Who else could I try out on PA who has similar mat classes?  I'm a new subscriber.
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