Class #5744

Cardio + Strength

30 min - Class


Andrea Speir delivers a Mat class fusing functional movements with heart-pumping exercises to tone and sculpt your entire body. Using 3lb dumbbells, this dynamic session challenges you to push your limits while maintaining proper form and upright posture, allowing you to work at your own pace. This sweat-inducing workout resets your form, strengthens your muscles, and leaves you feeling invigorated and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2)

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Hey. It's Andrea. Welcome to your cardiovascular fusion workout. We'll be elevating the heart rate, boosting the metabolism, building strength, tone, all the good stuff. So the things that you need for this workout are simply a set of dumbbells or free weights. I've grabbed £3 for myself. I would say work somewhere within the world of 1, 2, 3, or 5. I wouldn't necessarily go heavier than that.

Alright. Let's begin. Step your feet out nice and wide. Again, removing our bodies today, so I just wanna start by warming it up. So shake it out and just start to move here. Doesn't matter what this looks like. Shake out the hands, get that blood flow from the fingertips through the entire body. 10 seconds like this.

Deep breaths, 5 more seconds, and then bring it back center. Roll it out. Give me a little flex of the feet and kick. So you're kicking back towards your seat. Arms up in goal posts. Give it a press Andrea press and press.

Just a couple moments of this. Waking up the body. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Woo. Bring it down.

Step your feet out nice and wide. Lower down. Meet me in a squat. Hold it there. Draw the weight back towards your heels, abs in, and pulse down. Andrea down. It was a simple movement, but you should feel all that work. Heart rate slightly elevated.

10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Hold it down there. No rise all the way up. Bring it down. Bring it up. Bring it down.

Let your arms do whatever they naturally wanna do on this. For me, as I come up, that little pressback helps me to keep my chest open my shoulders down. 10 seconds. Again, deep breaths. On this next one, you bring yourself up. Walk your feet a little bit closer together.

Give me a big lunge to one side. So you're bending in other leg a straight. Bring it back step. Lunch step. As you lunge, do a little shift forward of the chest, keeping a nice long line there.

Now you could stick with this if this is feeling good, or we take that foot away. We lunge, bring it up, lunge, bring it up. So adding that element of balance, working into the glutes, the core to find that. 10 more seconds, Working at your own pace. Shoo.

On your next one, lunge it out. Now rotate toward that bent leg just slightly. Square your hips off Step the back leg in, step it back in back. My front leg is saying slightly bent. You should feel the glutes, the hamstring, the back of that sable side working.

This might feel good. Stick with it. Or pick up your pace in. In. Woo.

You could stick with this pace or take that knee away. Here we go. 15 seconds. 10 more seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, oh, bring it back. We got the other side. So here we go.

Lunch, bring it back, lateral side lunge, bring it back. Remember, you're working at your own pace. So just focusing in on your form, your chest staying open. Andrea you lunge, it's glute and abs, back, drive it up. Okay. Stick with this if you're loving this. Otherwise, that foot comes off.

Bring it up. Down. I kinda do these little scissor arms to sandwich in. That helps me balance So you could do whatever you want or match my arms, 5 more seconds, 3 more seconds, finish in a lunge hold, rotate slightly toward that bent leg, square off, step in and back in back. Okay. So you know what's coming. Make sure that weight is in that front heal working into the glute and pick up your pace in and in.

Keep the shoulders somewhat loose here. Focus on the consistency of movement. Maybe take that leg away. Bring it up. Up. If you're taking the leg away, increase your pace by 10%, fifteen seconds.

10 more seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Oh, we're warmed up. Grab your dumbbells. Bring them up with you. Come to stand again facing me, give me a little soft bend of the knees, dukes up in front of your face, shoulders down.

Open out and close. Open close. This is all we're doing to begin. Catching your breath and anchoring your heels down. Feel your shoulder blades.

Wrap back and together, like you're cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades. Just a couple more like this. Getting the postural muscles connected the arms sculpted out. On your next one, open out hold. Press up, bend in, and close the newspaper.

Open, shoulder press, bend, close, out, up, bend, close. This is an endurance based exercise. So focus on your breath Andrea just keep that same pace you've set for yourself or match mine. 10 more seconds. Shoo. 5 more seconds.

Okay. Now turn your palms in. Different version of that. Flip your palms away as you push up. Bend and circle them around to face you. You flip, press, fold it back in.

Here we go. Give me a little bit of a faster pace on this one. Up in, press fold. I call this one the Arnold. 10 more seconds. Push, bend, wrap, and wrap 5 more seconds. Bring it down. Roll out your shoulders. Take your feet and rotate them out slightly external rotation.

Palms face forward toward me. Bend your knees as you bicep curl straighten up, unfold the arms, big curl, and up. So as you do this workout again in the future, No. You can always play with going a little heavier on the weight if that feels like it'll help challenge your connection. What this is, and your shoulders go lighter. 10 seconds.

Shoo. 5 more seconds. On your next one, hold it down there. Your arms come down parallel to the floor, still bent little pulse of the lower body, down Andrea down. Hug those shoulders down your back, elbows are hugging into your rib cage, and your body is lifting up.

I want you to think about growing taller as you lower down, add a little pulse of the arms, pulse, and pulse. Shoot. 10 seconds. Either hold on or long fingers. Up to you. Keep the wrists straight, though. Hold it down there.

Turn your arms to face out. Extend them out as you rise up. Bend in as you lower down. Rise up reach. Bring it in.

It's out in. As you do this, shoulder blades hug together, reach them out, hug it in. You wanna make sure your hands are in your peripheral vision the entire time. Shoot. Couple more. Keep it going.

On your next one, hold it out there. Take your arms 2 inches forward. Little bit of softness with the legs, pulse the arms, up and down, lift. You're going for time, not reps. You have 15 seconds of this.

Use your breath for endurance. Shoulders down, relaxing the neck and the jaw. 5 more seconds. Hold it up high, sweep forward. Open, forward, open. So we're working the endurance of the biceps, shoulders back.

Shoot. How big your range is doesn't matter. Your pace doesn't matter. Keeping it consistent, keeping it going is what I want you to focus on. 5 more seconds. Hold it out wide.

Flip flip. Flip. Flip. Carbing out those muscles. As you flip, travel forward forward forward, and bring it wide, wide, wide. Keep that going. Bring it back, back, back. Give me one more set here. Andrea bring it wide, wide, wide.

Whoo. Bring it down. Roll it out. Step your feet a little bit closer together. Parallel legs for hip distance, give me a soft bend, bring those dukes back up. Now, you step out, punch the way that you leaned, bring it back, and alternate. So we start with a slow box here.

Punch and punch. This is one of those movements that is great to elevate your heart rate, sculpt at the arms, but I want you to focus on the shoulder staying down. So this is functional. We carry this out into our days with us. If we reach her something that shoulder is down, everything is connected.

If you wanna keep practicing that sick with this pace or anchor your feet, speed it up, punch, punch, shoulders are still down, softness with those legs, 10 seconds. Punch. Punch. 5 more seconds. Meet me with 2 arms out. Softness with the elbows.

Jab jab jab. This is gonna feel funky, but it is so effective. So just go for it. Punch, punch, punch. Give me 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

And bring it down. Roll it out. Let's bring it down to the mat. Get rid of one of your dumbbells, set it out of the way, and lie down flat on your back, bringing that one dumbbell with you. So all the way down, take the dumbbell, carefully put it between your feet. So you're holding on tightly.

Keep your legs up, but slightly away from your face just in case it slips. Andrea stack palm over palm behind your head, curl your head and chest up. Your legs start to lengthen away from your body. Scoop your abs in and lift back up. So you keep this small range, lower lift.

Slowly reaching down and lengthening back up. Keep it going. If you feel like this would be better for your body with your head down, do it. But you're probably gonna do a smaller range with your legs so it doesn't pull you up into your hips or your back. Couple more like this.

Wherever you are, give me one more. Keep your legs up toward the ceiling. Rotate your body to one direction and lengthen your legs down to 45 degrees, lift them back up. Going at your own pace. Focus on your legs being squared off and even as your upper body rings out in that twist to get into your waistline into your obliques, your deep transverse abs.

Keep your legs up. Now take your hand and reach across your body. Little pulsing reaches up and down, up Andrea up and up. 10 seconds like this. Try not to lower too far.

It's up and up and up after your next one. Put your hand back behind your head. Twist the other direction. Your legs lowered down to 45 and they lift back up. They lengthen down.

And back up. If your hips are trying to join the party today, give me more of a diamond shape turning out to the sides. 5 more seconds. On your next one, your legs stay up, reach across for that opposite pinky toe, little reaching pulses up Andrea up and up ten seconds. 5 more seconds, and then bend and carefully grab the dumbbell rest for a moment. Reach the dumbbell up table top your legs.

One leg dips down touch your toes to the mat and lift that leg back to tabletop and you alternate legs down Andrea up and dip. This shouldn't feel like an instant burnout. This is a form reset shoulders are down, tailbone is neutral, and you deepen the abs in as you lower, you deepen even more as you scoop in and lift back up. Give me one more each side, even yourself off. When you're even, you'll meet me back in tabletop, curl your head and chest up, bring the dumbbell as close to your feet as possible, tight ball, everything extends away.

Arms and legs reach out. Fold everything back in. Everything reaches out. Everything folds back in. Keep it flowing at your own pace in this double leg stretch variation.

Inhale reach. Exhale, shoo, deepen in. 10 more seconds. Reach and back 5 more seconds. Reach everything out.

Bring the dumbbell up to the ceiling. Lower one leg down to the mat, bend your knee trace it in and bicycle the legs reach and reach and reach. If you wanna lower your head for your neck, do it. 5 more seconds. After your next one, reverse it down and up and reach Andrea, reach 10 seconds.

5 seconds. Both legs extend out hold. Bring your arms back a few inches and flutter your legs up and down for 10 strong seconds. 5 more seconds. And bring it home.

Rest your head and neck. Give it a turn side to side. Rock up quickly grab that other dumbbell, bring it with you, and lie down on your back. Start to focus in on the lower body again. So your feet are hip distance and parallel.

Those dumbbells rest on your hip bones tuck your tailbone under and lift your hips up. Upper ribs are down. Tailbone is under. Keep that connection lower down as far as you can keeping the connection, and you press back up and lower down. Lift up and down.

So as we're breaking into this bridge, we're not going for fancy choreography on this. This is functional movement to strengthen the major part of your glutes and back of the legs, the hamstrings. The accent is on that lift up. Resist it down. Up and down. Hold it up on the next one. Little pulsing lifts.

Up and up as your hips are lifting. I want you to think about those weights actively and gently pressing down into your legs. 10 seconds like this. Even though your legs aren't touching, inner thighs are hugging energetically toward each other, hold it up at the top. Your hips circle down around and up, circle down and up.

So we go around the world with the glutes, but keeping that connection and that curl under throughout, down Andrea up. Give me one more. Then reverse your direction around up. The accent is still lifting up, circle, drive it up. Give me 2 more at your own pace. When you're there, meet me at the top, reach the dumbbells up to the ceiling.

Shoulders are open. Open your arms as you lower your hips, and they both lift back up and you open wide. Drive it up and open wide. Shoo. 10 seconds.

Lift up Andrea down 5 more seconds. Meet me up at the top. Keep your hips where they are. Bend your elbows. Bring the dumbbells behind your head.

Elbows are hugging toward each other. Little press up and down just of the arms Andrea up. So the glutes are working endurance by holding this shape. Keep it active. Keep it energetic. Now as your arms bend, lower your hips. They both go up and down.

Up and down. 15 seconds. Shoulders are down your back. Shoot. 5 more seconds. Shoot. After your next one, hold it up there.

Bend your elbows in. Roll your hips down. And rock and roll your body up to come seated. Get rid of one of your dumbbells. Set it out of the way.

Turn and face me on your side. Prop yourself up on your elbow and forearm facing me Take the top leg, extend it out. Bottom leg stays bent in, flex that top leg, and take your dumbbell and set it on the outside of your leg in your hand. Whoo. Start to lift that leg up and down. Up and down.

Once you feel like you got this, you're in the form. Release your fingers Andrea give me almost like a little roll out of that dumbbell. We'll call it a massage, but your glutes should be on fire. 10 seconds. Lift and down. 5 more seconds.

Hold it up high. Now little pulses up and up. So what we're doing here is we're challenging the upper body, the postural muscles, the abs, which is why we're doing this upright versus down on your side. And the dumbbell is essentially like a big old ankle weight. We are challenging this resistance. 10 seconds 5 more seconds. Hold it up high.

Take the dumbbell behind your knee and wrap your leg around. Hold onto that dumbbell. Bring the hand down in front of you. Lower that shape down and up. Down and up.

Find your own pace, whatever helps you feel connected and in control with that dumbbell. So you're not gonna drop it. Bending in is a slightly different angle on that outer hip and glute that medius. We're wrapping in, getting all that functional strengthening. Let's work endurance. Hold it up. Little pulses up and up and up.

Your toes are pointed, but don't do a hard point. You don't wanna cramp with the foot. Just think length and then work from that outer glute. 5 seconds. Hold it up high, circle the shape around and back, around and back.

Take your knee and your ankle out of it and just lift from that side of the glute. After your next circle, change your direction, back lift up and up and up ten seconds. Leaning slightly forward to keep your hips stacked 5 more seconds. Hold it up there. Keep hovering. Now flex the foot with the dumbbell.

Take that free hand and put it down next to your bottom hand rotate your body. So you're looking down and kick the top leg back 3 to 4 inches. Hold it behind you and pulse it up and down. Lift Andrea lift. So crazy how intense just the tiniest changes are. Right? 10 more seconds.

Up and up. 5 more seconds. Hold it up there. Now it's a tiny kick back and back towards your glutes. It's so small. It does not have to be bigger because it's muscular. We're not swinging or swaying from the hips or the spine.

After your next one, pause. Let's do a combination. Go one time up, down, one time back in. It's up, down, back. Up, down, back. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds.

Whoo, and then bring that down. Take the dumbbell. Just set it out of the way for a moment. Let's get a quick moment of circulation, and then we're doing the second side. So turn yourself around.

Pop up into a plank. Shoulders down. Bring one knee in toward your chest. Set it back. The other knee comes in. Set it back. So you deepen into your core.

Whoo. Stick with this or speed it up. Here we go. In, in, in. 15 seconds. 10 seconds. Final 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and you're down.

Roll it out. We got the second side. Speir yourself around. Face me still, if that's available to you, and set yourself up. So we're on the elbow one form. Top leg is straight to begin.

Take your hand, and let's go long fingers from the get on this one. Flex your foot. Roll it up, bring it down, up, and down. So you know what our series is, focusing on that outer corner of the glute, focusing in on the shoulders drawing back, the abdominal scooping in and up, and just keeping your pace that you set for yourself, consistent, our theme, right? Hold it up high little pulses up. And upkeep the dumbbell totally still on this set.

Feel the weight of that Andrea lift and lift 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Hold it up high. Bend your knee. Let's take that dumbbell.

Hook it behind your knee pointing your toes. Free hand comes down, full range down, full range up, down, and up. Full range is gonna be different day to day probably with your body and your practice, which is normal. So just focusing in on the muscular connection, and that's it. 10 seconds.

5 more seconds. Hold it up high. Little pulses up and up and up. You've got long, softly pointed toes on this. Nothing too intense.

5 more seconds. Hold it up. Let's circle forward back and around Andrea up. Set a pace for yourself. Stick with it. If this side feels harder and more challenging, it's because it was stabilizing on the first side.

It was working. Change the direction now. Go back lift and lift 10 strong seconds. Do a check-in of that shoulder for me, that bottom shoulder. Shoot.

Keep it hovering on the next one. Flex the foot with the dumbbell. Now take your hand and bring it down toward the other hand. Reach that leg back a few inches. Looking down towards your mat, you give me little pulsing lifts up and down.

Up and down. Your knee isn't lifting. The dumbbell is lifting. See if that thought changes anything for you. 5 more seconds.

Shoo. Hold it up high. Now a little stamp back. Andrea back. Remember, you're working behind this bottom bent leg. If they come stacked on top of the other, bring it back further Andrea stay behind 5 seconds. Combination. Now let's go one time up, one time back. It's up, down, kick it back, up, down, back in 10 seconds.

5 more seconds. Andrea then carefully bring it down. Take that dumbbell. Set it out of the way. Bring yourself up.

Let's set up back into that same plank. Final moment here. Elevate the heart rate. Get that circulation going. Shoulders down when he comes in slowly.

Set it back. Slow and back. This is essentially a crunch, a scoop in of the core. K? You know, you could stick with that or speed it up in, in, in. Last thing of the day, give me a better pace now, faster pace.

In, in, in, in, 10 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we're down. Separate your knees, sit back. Oh, take a moment stretching out your lats, maybe turn your head side to side if that feels good. We did all that work standing with the dumbbells in the beginning as we stretch it out here.

Bring yourself up, cat cow, hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips, Open your chest look straight ahead, stretch out your core. Press the floor away, round your back. Looking down towards your body. One more time, dive your chest open, shoulders down. Tuck your tailbone under, scoop in, press the floor away.

Come back to a neutral position. Tuck your toes Andrea, lift up into an elephant or a downward facing dog. Andrea walk your feet in stretching out your hamstrings. Stay folded forward for a moment. Soften your knees and slowly roll your body up.

And up at the top big shoulder roll, up back and down. And my friend, we are done with that one. Great job. I'll see you for the next one.


4 people like this.
This is my kind of work out! Thank you!
Terez L
1 person likes this.
This kicked my tooshie! Need to do this everyday
Ray H
Another fine class. Testing, Ray :)
Great one, thanks so much!! Love the total body workout!!
Barbara K
This is an awesome workout! My new favorite 
A new go to!  My bootie will feel this for a while LOL
This is such a great pace but doable . More classes please ,I’ve earnt my cuppa and mince pie
Another amazing class. This group of classes will definitely have to become part of my weekly Pilates routine. ❤️🙏
Perfect! Just did on my balcony in Hawaii. Will be doing these during my whole vacation!
Lisa V
This is a new favorite. The multifaceted and extensive arm work was wonderful while also offering a complete workout. Thanks!
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