Class #5759

Mobility Floor Flow

25 min - Class
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Noelle Henson leads a Strength and Mobility class that focuses on opening up the hips and spine, incorporating feel-good twists to release tension. This intermediate-level session allows ample space to soak up and feel each exercise, creating an inward-focused experience that deepens your mind-body connection. Noelle elevates the intensity with a classical Pilates series of 5, ensuring a well-rounded workout that leaves you feeling both energized and centered.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Hi. I'm Noel. Today, we're gonna work through a mobility floor routine. This is a great option for if you're doing a recovery day or wanna focus on a particular area for mobility. So let's get started. Alright. You're gonna start standing. Take a deep inhale as you exhale start to roll down one bone at a time.

Soften the knees and reach your hands to the floor, walk out into a plank. We're gonna go into the world's greatest stretch, right foot forward, extend through that left thigh, Noelle, open the right arm up to the sky, open that chest, and exhale. If you want a deeper stretch, bring that right elbow to your right foot and bring it back. And other side, left foot forward, left arm reaches up, and exhale bring that left elbow to that right, left foot. And one more time each side. Keep extending through that back thigh.

Keep reaching through that right arm. And the left side. Really try to twist and open up that thoracic spine. Reach that elbow down. And good. Back to a plank.

You're gonna soften your knees, walk your hands back, lower your knees down. We're gonna go into a cat cow variation, but we're gonna keep the sits bones on the heels. Hands are gonna be on the floor right in front of your knees. We're gonna really open up that thoracic spine, that mid back. And you're going to inhale round, spread the shoulder blades, and exhale widen the collarbone shoulders down, lift the chin and chest, and round. Pushing away from the floor, and exhale.

Two more times, inhale round, scoop the abdominals back, push away from the floor, and exhale, lift the chest. Wide and pull the shoulders down towards your hips. Last time, make sure you're relaxing your jaw. Relaxing your neck and lift. Great. From here, we're gonna bring those hands back behind you for a bit of a thigh stretch.

You can widen those knees a bit. And from here, you're gonna try to lift those hips. Keep reaching your knees down towards the mat. And just breathe into that stretch and lower down. We got four more and stretch reach those hips.

Keep pulling your hip bones towards your ribs and lower and reach. Keep. Pushing your feet into the mat, hip bones to the sky. Two more. Good. And try not to use too much of your hands to push the hips forward. Really think about it coming from the pelvis, from the glutes to really stretch through those thighs.

Good. The last one. And lower down. Nice. Alright. From here, we're gonna go into a crab reach. So you're gonna sit on your bum, hands behind feet forward. Great. You're gonna lift the hips up and we're gonna reach the right arm overhead, look towards that left hand and lower it back down.

Good. We got four more. Reach, really try to open up through the front body, through that right side. Good. And four. Last one. Great other side.

Reach that left arm over look towards that right hand and the lower and just pay attention to how this side feels in comparison. Is it a little tighter? Is it a little easier to reach? Two more? Exhale reach. Good.

Last one. Awesome. Alright. We're gonna work into the hips a bit more. So we're gonna go into a staggered position. And we're gonna start with some internal rotation of the hips. So if you want more of a challenge, you can leave the hands off the mat.

If you need a little more support, feel free to place the hands down. I think I'm gonna place my hands down today. So your back foot, your left foot is going to lift up. And this is just a really small movement And it's just getting some internal rotation of the hips. I find, a lot of movements focus on external rotation, but internal rotation is still important for hip health.

And, you know, If your foot doesn't lift off the ground, that's fine too. Even just the feeling and the intention of trying to lift that foot off is good, and it's progress. We're gonna do about 10 of these. About three more. Nice. Alright. From here, we're gonna do some side to side work before we go into the left, going to the right side. Alright.

So we're gonna just rotate over. More challenging to keep those hands off the ground. And we're just shifting the hips and the knees over side to side. If this doesn't feel great for you today, feel free to place the hands behind, but you still wanna fully shift your weight over into that front thigh as you're doing this. Alright. You're gonna meet me on your hands and knees.

We're gonna do some shoulder work, and you can do this whole series, standing against the wall if you'd like, or as I'm doing it on the mat. Alright. So you're gonna reach those arms forward, almost like a child's pose position, but really focus on kinda letting those shoulders lift and getting into those armpits for a moment. Take a deep breath. Good. Now from here, try to plug those shoulders down a little bit into your back. You might feel it through the tops of your shoulders.

And now if you wanna get a little deeper, we're gonna bend those elbows, and you're gonna kinda pull back, again, stretching through those armpits. Getting into the top of the shoulders, two deep breaths. Nice. Okay. Now you're gonna meet me on your stomach. We're gonna be prone for this next exercise.

We're gonna do shoulder cars, which are controlled articular rotation. Again, a little bit easier variation is standing, with against a wall. Alright. You're gonna start with your forehead on the mat, pubic bone pressing into the mat. Low tummy is pulling in and up, legs stay down on the mat. Give me two thumbs up.

Keep those thumbs up. And from here, you're gonna lift both arms off. Reach out to the side. Keep the thumbs up. Sholders are down.

Rautate all the way back, thumbs meet, hands on your low back, inhale a little lift of the chest, exhale lower down. Thumbs reach back out. Thumbs up. Reach forward, lower down. Depending on how that felt, you can try one arm at a time.

You can take it to the wall if you're not feeling the floor today. And we're gonna do that about four more times. Noelle lift, open wide, shoulder stay down. Reach the thumbs together. And lift the chest.

Lower down. Thumbs reach behind towards your feet. They reach out and up all the way back towards your ears and lower. List, open wide. Keep pulling your shoulders down your back, hands to the low back, lift the chest lower.

Reach the thumbs. Thumb stay up. And lower the arms down. Two more, inhale, lift. Open.

Reach behind. Left the chest. And the lower. Reach those arms long and wide. All the way back up, lower.

And the left. Beach wide, reach it behind, lift the chest, and the lower. Reach it long. Open. Reach it forward and lower it all the way down.

Take a minute. Oh. Alright. Now meet me on your side. You're still working into the shoulders. I'm gonna just open the book, reach it over.

Left arms are reaching up and behind you. Try to keep that top hip reaching forward as you reach your left shoulder down towards the floor. And bring it back. Close the book. Again, reach and open.

Top hip is pressing forward as Your arm is reaching behind you. Good. One more of these that we're gonna add on. Nice. Now we're gonna go around the world. You're gonna reach that arm up. And all the way back.

Oh, feel that sticky spot. And bring it all the way back the way you came. So the goal is to try to reach to the floor, keep your hand on the floor if you can. But if you can't, that is fine. Good. Still pressing that top hip forward.

Reach reach reach reach open. Nice. Now we're gonna do the other side. Alright. Hips are stacked. Sholders are down.

Reach that right arm or that top arm over. And bringing it back. Good. Still keeping that top hip reaching forward. Keep reaching as far as you can. That shoulders reaching towards the mat.

Last time, remember to breathe. Alright. Around the world we go. Top arm reaches up. Fingers are trying to reach down towards the mat.

Work through those sticky spots and bring it back the way you came. The two more. Last one, top hip reaches forward, open the chest reach through those fingers, and exhale bring it back. Nice work. Alright. Now we've opened up the shoulders, open up those hips.

We're gonna get into some core. Alright. We're gonna start with a hollow body hold. If you're not familiar with this, basically go into your hundred position. Squeeze those legs together, find an angle that works for you. Now from here, we're just gonna reach those arms up and back.

Get into those upper abs. Hello? Alright. And now we're gonna hold for thirty seconds. And remember to breathe, shoulders down, find that scoop of the low belly. Keep reaching through your legs. Yes. We are still here.

We are still holding. And relax. Good. Bring your knees into your chest. Great work. Alright. We're going into series of five for those Pilates people out there.

I love this series. Alright. Chint to chest. Bring your right knee in. Extend that left leg.

We have five of each. So one. One, two, two. Three, four, and five. Bring both knees in. Good.

Inhale reach the arms and legs away. Exhale reach the arms forward, then hug the knees in. Yep. And inhale reach. Exhale arms reach forward knees to your nose. Inhale reach.

Reach arms forward knees to chest. Two more. Exhale reach the arms and knees to chest. And exhale knees to chest. Good. Both legs up. Hold on to your right ankle, scissor pull pull switch.

Tail bone is heavy. Keep that chest lifted. I'll do last one. Good. Both legs up, hands behind the head, lower, lift, inhale lower, and exhale lift. Good elbows wide.

Tail bone is heavy. Reach your legs longer as they come up. Last one. And crisscross. And really think about reaching beyond your knee. Reaching those elbows nice and wide.

Last set, and hug those knees in. Take a moment. Alright. Now that we're feeling nice and warm, we're gonna go into a side plank now. So you're gonna keep that forearm on the mat. I'm starting with the left forearm down.

Legs are going to be staggered. The right foot forward. Can go on your hip, or you can use it a little bit for, some help. You will see. Alright. We're gonna lift those hips up, shoulders right over the elbow. And if you want more of a challenge, which I encourage you, is that inside leg, that left leg, and that knee is gonna drive forward.

Good. And if you want, you can use your arm. Feels like it's helping you. It's a little more fun. Two more.

And bring that foot back and lower the hips down. Oh, nice work. Alright. Other side. And we have that right foot for left foot forward. Hips are lifted. Good.

And now you're gonna bring that inside knee forward. Good. One. Too. And the goal is to keep both hips reaching forward, right in front of you, and lift it. Keeping that bottom hip lifted. You're really gonna feel that right oblique.

Two more. And bring that foot back and lower the hips down. Nice. Now we're gonna go into a little bit more stretching. We're gonna open up the hips with a pigeon. So I'm gonna start with that right knee forward. Find, an angle that works for you.

My hips are a bit tight, so this one is always a bit tricky. Some people can bring their shin forward more. For me, this is where I'm at today. Alright. Take a deep inhale. And as you exhale, see if you can lower it down.

Alright. Noelle, lift your chest back up. Let's try the other side. Alright. Left knee forward.

Shen's reaching forward. Just kinda settle here for a moment. See if this side feels any different. My left hip is always a little bit easier than my right. I blame driving.

Good. One more breath. And god, come up. Alright. Now I'm gonna go into a straddle position. We're gonna get into the hips and the q l area kinda low back side.

Oh, you know. Alright. So we're gonna reach that right arm down. Reach the left arm over as far as you can. If you can, grab your toe, great.

Good for you. You don't have to, though. If you are gonna grab your toe, try to keep that opposite hip down. Yeah. Mine are a bit tight today, so we're not grabbing the foot. That's okay. And just breathe here.

Now you're gonna round forward slightly. Now see if you can grab that toe, and that's gonna get a little bit deeper back here even more into that kind of QLL. Still trying to anchor down through that opposite hip. Good. Slowly release. Bring yourself up.

Other side. Reach it over. See if you can grab that foot? Keep reaching that opposite hip down into the mat. Good.

And now you're gonna reach slightly forward. Still anchoring through that opposite hip, grab the toe. Really reach through the low back, scoop the belly. Good. And exhale. Bring yourself back up.

Shake out those legs a little bit. Nice work. Alright. Meet me on your back. We're gonna go into the rollover or plow if you're a yogi. Alright.

You're going to reach your arms down into the mat wide collar bones, rib cages knitted in, reach your legs at a 45 degree angle. Take a deep inhale and exhale. Reach the legs back overhead. Good. And flex the feet, widen the legs. Keep reaching through those sits bones, scoop the belly as you roll down one bone at a time, and sweep the legs together point the toes. Noelle, and exhale reach a back, flex the feet, widen, reach through your arms, sink your heart down into the mat, ribs down, lower back hips all the way.

One more time. Flex widen. And we'll roll down. Keep reaching through those arms. Oh. Nice. Alright.

Pug the knees in. We're not going to reverse, but you are welcome to do that on your own. Okay. From here, we're going to open up into happy baby, grab those big toes, keep sinking your tailbone down, ribs in, and really open up those hips. And if it feels good, you can do a little rock here. And as you're doing this, kinda do a body scan.

How is your body feeling now? Any areas that still feel a little tight or that feel a little more open? And you're gonna settle back to center. Good. Hug your knees into your chest. Just tell your body.

Thank you. And when you're ready, you're gonna sit yourself back up. And I hope you're feeling more open and spacious, and feel free to come back to this class, track your progress over time, and I'll see you next time.


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