Class #5761

Unilateral Strength Workout

25 min - Class


Join Noelle Henson for an invigorating Strength and Mobility class that challenges your coordination with fun lateral work and bursts of cardio. This comprehensive workout targets your entire body, ensuring a well-rounded and effective exercise session. Grab your preferred hand weight (Noelle demonstrates with 12lb) and prepare to push your limits in this dynamic, full-body workout that combines strength training with cardiovascular conditioning.
What You'll Need: Mat
Optional: Hand Weights (2)


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Hi. I'm Noel. Today, we're gonna be working through a unilateral flow. So we'll be moving laterally and working one side. We're gonna be moving all around the mat. I'll be using 12 pound dumbbells. You're welcome to use something lighter or heavy ear or no weights at all, do what works best for you, and let's get moving. Alright. We're gonna start in a beast position.

So on your hands and knees, your knees are gonna be to a hover. And from here, we're going to shift back towards our heels and then reach forward into a plank. Reach it back and forward. And as you're doing this, you wanna keep those hips fairly level. We don't want them moving up or down or side to side.

And we're gonna be here for about twenty more seconds. Good. Keep breathing. Just trying to warm up the core, warm up that whole body. Good. And take a rest.

From here, we're gonna move into a forearm side plank that left foot is gonna be daggered forward in front. You're gonna reach that arm up. You're welcome to hold here, or we can go in for a little twist and open. Good. Three more. And bring those hips down. Nice. We're gonna do the other side.

Left forearm down, right foot in front, lift those hips, shoulder over your elbow, reach that arm up. You're welcome to stay here, or we're gonna twist. And as you're twisting, Try to keep those hips forward or twisting through that upper back and waist. Good. You have three more. Open the chest.

Last one and bring the hips down. Nice. From here, we're gonna go into a marching bridge, warm up those legs a bit more. Start on your back, feet about hip distance apart, bring your feet to a distance that feels good for you, shoulders and arms pressing into the mat, inhale peel those hips up. Keep those hips steady, and we're gonna march those legs on up. We're gonna be here for about thirty seconds.

And keep pressing that foot into the mat. To lift the hips even higher as you lift that leg up. Good. And if you need to keep your hips honest, bring those hands on your hips. It helps you kinda tell, okay, are we shifting? Are we dipping?

We want them nice and steady. Keep pulling those hip bones up to your ribs. Almost there. One more. Both feet down roll the spine on down. Nice. Alright. Rock yourself up.

Okay. We're gonna be waking up the nervous system a little bit more. We have about two exercises that we're gonna rotate through two times, and we're gonna start with, knee lifts here. If this is a great option for you, you're welcome to stay here. If a little skip or a little jump is okay, we're gonna go into a a skip. Good. Now, if you wanna challenge that coordination a little bit more, you're gonna start moving to the right.

It's kinda fun. And, yep, just go back and forth. If you mess up, have a laugh and start again. Good. Keep breathing, lifting those knees nice and high. One more time each way. Nice. Alright.

I'm gonna grab a 12 pound weight we're gonna go into lunges around the world. So I'm gonna start in a kinda goblet hold here. Right foot's gonna step forward into a lunge, come back to center. And reach out to the side, bring it back in, and back to center. That's one set. We're gonna do three on each side and really use both legs to bring yourself back up to center. And breathe.

Good last one. Other side, bring it forward. And this side might be a little harder because Both legs are actively working in this exercise to help push away from the floor. One more set. Good. Alright. Set that weight down.

We have the whole thing one more time. So now you know what to do. If this time you'd You wanna skip. You wanna go laterally. Go ahead. Give it a try.

Alright. Here we go. A skip. And I'm gonna move to the right. Still breathing, left. Right. Left.

And pay attention if it feels a little easier or a little harder to go to one side versus another. This is getting the heart rate going. Getting the body warmed up. Okay. Last time, moving over and rest. Alright. Back to around the world.

Grab that weight. Alright. Have a goblet hold. Right foot forward. Bring it to center and center. And as you're going around the world, we're really opening up the hips in different directions, getting different muscles activated in the legs, and just pay attention to how it feels.

Last set. Good. Heather side. To the side and back. Center. Good. Forward. Side and back.

Last one, forward and side and back. Come to center. Nice work. Alright. Now I'm gonna grab the other, weight. So grab both. Meet me back at center on the mat. Alright. Now you're gonna go into more of a staggered stance.

So one foot's gonna be slightly forward. Lakes are gonna be about hip distance, maybe a slightly wider. So we're gonna do a staggered single leg deadlift. We're going to then go into renegade row followed by some lateral jumps. And so we have three exercises.

We're gonna go through the whole thing three times, buckle up. Alright. You have your weights in front of you, staggered stance, chest is lifted, abs are pulling in, and most of your weight should be on that front foot. This is more like a kickstand for balance just to help you out. Okay? And you're gonna soften that front knee just slightly. And you're gonna hinge from the hips lowering down and exhale lift up. We have eight reps and two.

Three. Reaching the hip bones back. When you can't go any further, exhale drive the hips forward. Down, exhale reach. Two more.

XL reach. Last one. Noelle, exhale lift. Great. We're gonna go to the other side. Left foot is forward. Right foot slightly back.

Hinge from the hip. We have eight. Reach the hips forward. One. And exhale two. Pushing through that left heel.

And five. Inhale, exhale, drive the hips forward. Last one. Nice job. Alright. From here, we're gonna go into renegade Rose.

We have the weights, meet me in a plank, weights just underneath your shoulders. If you need to widen your stance, go ahead do that if you need to go down on your knees. That's also an option. From here, we're gonna bring that right hand back to center left. Good. And we have five on each side.

This is two. And as you're pulling one arm up, try to push the opposite arm away from the floor. One more set. Nice work. Come on down. Bringing the weights slightly over to the side.

We have our lateral jumps thirty seconds side to side. Option if jumping isn't for you, just tap back and forth side to side still working in that same plane. Alright. Here we go. Jump one. Two.

And really just think more about the reach side to side, less about height and about your landing. If you need to step that foot back to catch yourself for balance, perfectly fine. This is gonna challenge your balance, really work. Good. Keep going. Last one.

Wooo. Nice work. Take a breather, get some water. We have two more sets. You know what to expect now, so adjust your weights, modify as needed. Alright. Grab both of your weights come back to center.

Right foot forward, left foot slightly back. We have eight of our staggered deadlifts, and exhale lift one. And two. And three. This foot should be able to lift at any point that back foot.

Two more. Last one. Whoo. Nice other side. And down. XL lift three.

XL four. Keep driving through that heel, hips forward. Last one. Nice work. Meet me down for renegade rows.

Nice plank position. Abs are strong. Lakes are engaged. Five each side. One.

And feel like you're pulling that weight towards your hip, shoulder is down, pressing away from the floor. Last set and relax. Move those weights over to the side. We have our lateral. Toe taps, lateral jumps.

Here we go. Keep breathing. If you fall out of it, perfectly fine. Try to pick it back up. Ten more seconds.

Last one. Good. Woo. Take a rest. Grab water. Final round.

Okay. Grab those weights. Here we go. Right foot forward. And lower it down. And exhale hips forward.

Chest is wide. If you feel like you wanna challenge yourself even more, you can lift that back foot for a true single leg deadlift. Completely optional. If you want to challenge more of your balance, You can also drop the weights and do this variation without weights. Good last one.

Alright. Other side. Left forward and lower and left. Four. Alright. Maybe try a few with that foot up. And if you are doing that single leg, then make sure those hips are square, staying forward.

Last one. Nice job. Alright. Meet me down on the mat for some renegade Rose. We're almost there, guys. You're doing great.

One. Two. Hips are square. Two more sets. Four.

Last one. And relax. Set the weights over to the side, and we have our lateral jumps. Alright. Here we go. You guys are doing great.

Almost there. Keep going. Nice work. Now just as a reminder, as we're in this last set, that means you need to drop that back foot, make it a little smaller, do what you need. Finish strong. You got it. If we need to go back right here, stay with me.

Last one and rest. Alright. Grab some water. Take a quick breather. We have one final set. Two exercises, two rounds. The first exercise is a bit of a complex, so Stay with me here.

We're just gonna need one weight. So grab that. Meet me in the center. We're gonna start with that weight down a little bit closer to say your right foot. We're gonna start with the right arm.

We're gonna do a single arm clean to a squat, to a push press. Alright? Here we go. With a clean, it says coming from the hips. The hips are driving that way up, like so. And hips, that's one clean. One squat and a little push press.

So a little gentle press of the knees. We have three of that. One. And push press. Good.

And clean. Squat. And a push press. Nice. Alright. From here, before we go to the other side, We're gonna go into a lateral lunge and bring it back up. Reach that weight down and pull it up to your shoulder.

We have six. Good. Two more. Last one. Awesome work. Drop that wake down. A little closer to your left foot, we have the other side.

From here. We're gonna do a clean. Hips are driving forward. Squat chest is lifted. A little push and press. Awesome.

Again, clean. Squat and a little push press one more time. Noelle squat and a push press. Alright. Bring that right foot in. Step that right foot out.

And bring that weight on up, reach it down, and bring it back up. Three, and four. Pull it in. Five. Good. Last time.

Whoo. Alright. Set that weight down. Take a moment, recalibrate. You know what to expect now. Adjust the weights. Ditch the weights because I know that first complex is a couple of moves.

So do what you need to do and focus on more of the coordination and the movements of the body. Alright. Here we go. We have a clean. Squat, and a little push press. Two more sets. Kulli, squat, push and punch the ceiling.

Hips drive forward. Awesome. Bring those feet together, left leg reaches, and draw it in lateral lunge, pull it up, bring that weight up, reach it down, and pull it up. Good last one. Nice. Set that weight down.

Left side. Almost there. And clean hips forward. Scott will push press. That's one.

We have a clean. Scott. Push press. Final one. You got it. And push press.

Nice. Bring those legs together. Right foot's gonna reach to the side. Left arm down. Exale bring it up. Inhale lunge, exhale bring that weight up. Three, four. You guys are doing great.

Two more. Last one. Awesome work. Set that weight down. We are done with the weights. Most of that hard work is over.

Let's do a cool down. Alright. You're gonna slowly roll down. Starting from the top of your head, soft knees, one bone at a time. Arms are heavy. Head is heavy.

And once you reach towards the ground, You're gonna reach your right hand across towards your left foot. Good. You're going to soften that right knee a little bit more. Open that left arm out to the side. Big stretch, sink into that left hip, good exhale, bring it down, straighten that leg, left hand reaches across, soften that left knee. Sink into that right hip and open that right arm, stretch, deepen, inhale, and exhale, bring it back to center.

Good. Just soften those knees. Let that head hang. Nicely done. Now you're gonna walk yourself down onto your hands and knees, and you're gonna meet me lying down on your back. Roll it down. Alright.

We're going to cross that right foot or ankle over your left knee for a figure four. And pull that left thigh into your chest, and try to press that right thigh away, right knee away, breathe here. Good. And if your hips are willing, if your knees are willing, cross it all the way, and just give it a little hug in with both knees. Just trying to get a little deeper into those hips. Good.

And lower both feet down, cross that left ankle over your right thigh, ring that to your chest, press that left knee away from you. Keep the tailbone heavy. Yeah. Let your body just reset, catch your breath, and cross the legs all the way. And if you can pull those knees into your chest, get a little deeper.

Good. Uncross the legs. Both knees into your chest. Keep your right knee into your chest. Extend that left leg long. Just hold it there for a moment.

Good. Write arm out to the side. Take that right knee across your body. Look towards your right hand and breathe here. And bring that knee back to center, change other side, bring that left knee in, left arm out, bring it across, look towards your left hand. And bring it back to center. Oh, bring both legs down.

From here, arms can stay kinda more in a tee. One leg can go up if you need to soften both legs totally fine. We're just gonna reach it across the whole leg, and try to feel that whole outer thigh, reach, and get a little stretch, and bring it back up, lower down, other side. Leg up. Reach it across. Bringing it back.

And down. Good from here. Just let your body feel grounded into the floor, into the mat. Alright. Take two deep breaths here just to feel the weight of your body in the mat. And don't think about what's to come for the rest of the day. Just be with your breath.

And on your next exhale, hug those knees in, and bring yourself on up. Thanks for joining me today. I hope you feel strong and accomplished for all that we did. It was a challenging workout. We really pushed ourselves, and I hope you can take this energy into the rest of your day.


Ray H
An excellent workout with weights as an option. Great pace and clear instruction. Thanks, Noelle, I'll be back. More please, Ray 
Jodi G
Yes more please! Great class

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