Class #5717

Total Body - Strength

30 min - Class


Join Dane Sorensen for an invigorating Strength & Mobility class that infuses Pilates work with standing balance exercises to support better posture. This dynamic session begins with a warm-up, progresses through a challenging plank series, and incorporates classic Pilates work in a circuit-style format. You'll leave feeling energized and accomplished, having improved your strength, balance, and overall body awareness in this comprehensive and engaging workout.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2)


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Hi. I'm Dane, and this is your total body strength and mobility workout. Today's workout will be put into three sections a standing warm up will hit the mat for planks and pilates. And that way, we'll be nice and centered for our circuit. All you need are some light dumbbells. I've got £2 off to the side, but let's get started with our standing warm up. Everybody finds some space.

Step your feet parallel hip distance, reach up to the sky, and then reach forward, flat back, reach for your ankles. Let's do that again. A few times slow, feeling it out, we're just getting started. And now let's speed it up. It's Dane. It's up.

Making sure those knees are behind the toes. Nice long spine. And now let's add a little heat. We're gonna bring it up on the toes Dane then all the way down. Now you can work with whatever range of motion feels best for you. I'm going on the toes.

And in just a moment, I'm so excited. I'm gonna add a little jump, a little jump, but maybe it feels better to stay low impact. So check out those options today as we get to know each other a little better. Okay. I'm going rogue for the last 10 seconds. Let's go up and Dane, up and down.

Feeling good already? I feel like a bird. Caka. Last Dane. Awesome. Stand with your arms about shoulder height. Let's do some toy soldier kicks.

Take one leg and touch it with the opposite foot. Easy as that right? Let's try it to tempo. Dane leg, one arm at a time. Now flex your feet, flex your hands, So you get that full stretch in the back of the leg, twisting towards the leg, make sure you twist right at the ribs, pulling the abs in, Let's take a few more.

We're trying to stretch the hamstrings, but also the back. Don't forget to breathe. That's important too. Dane a few more toy soldier kicks Dane then we'll do the same thing in a windmill. So you're gonna take your feet apart and touch opposite foot with your hand.

So maybe you touch your foot today. Maybe it'll take a few more workouts No worries. We're just getting to know each other. We're just warming up the body. Let's take a few more, twist, and reach.

I'm just softening my knees just a little bit to allow my low back to lengthen. We don't want to round the back We wanna keep it nice and long and neutral Dane more time each side. Dane now our lunge combo. Step your feet parallel hip distance. Take your right arm up to the sky.

Take your right leg back. Lunch, stretch, lunge together. So it's left foot, left arm, but then stretch to the right. Bring it back to center and stand. Let's go a little bit faster. Lunch reach, lunch together.

Lunch, reach, lunch together. Make sure that lunch gets nice and deep. Stretch up and over to the side and bring your feet together. We'll do a few more repetitions here, but I invite you to add a little more self expression. I find that when I have fun when I work out, I go a little bit deeper. Sound effects always optional.

Most important thing is that you're breathing, you're flowing. A smile doesn't hurt either. Let's do one more on each side. You're doing great. Reach.

Stretch. Reach. Together. Last one. Reach. Stretch, reach together, and now some classic kickbacks. Bring your arms out at your heart.

You're gonna step kick, stat, kick. So, yes, I feel like I'm in an eighties aerobics workout right now, and I'm not mad at that because my heart rate's going up, and also I'm stretching out my knees, my quads, and I feel like I'm doing an air push up right now. Feel those shoulder blades squeeze back together. We are gonna be so worn before we hit the mat. That's coming up next, but last eight here, 7, 6, 5, 4, add a little jump if you have it in you, 2, Dane one.

How do you feel a little warmer? Good answer. Let's hit the planks. Come to your mat. We're gonna stand really tall rounding forward and come down to all fours. All of these exercises, you have an option to stay on the knees, roll out those wrists, and take breaks whenever you need it.

Dane sure you never feel this in your neck Dane your low back. We want an evenly distributed burn as we go through our exercises. The first one is called a body wave. You're gonna go back. You're gonna lift your knees so they hover an inch off of the mat. Sit back on your heels and then roll through your spine hips down, chest up, and reverse it, chin down, roll through your spine, sit back on your heels.

So play with this. You're gonna tuck your tailbone, roll, flex the spine, hips down, extend the spine, chin down, push up, round it. So you're making a wave with the body. Every time you do this, try to find some more articulation through your back, lifting up chin to chest, Push up, roll it up, roll it back, and sit back. Let's do 2 more of these I'm imagining all the space between my vertebrae up chin to chest on this last Dane, Give me as much range of motion as you Dane. Rolling through the back.

Just up through the collarbone, lift, lift, lift on this last one. Take a child's pose. Give those shoulders and wrists a little bit of a break. Break is over. Let's do our 3 legged dog. You're gonna take your right leg up.

To the sky, lift it up, and pulse that top leg sixteen times. Again, option drop to that left knee. We're gonna pulse it up, up, up, 12 more like this. Make those pulses so small activating the glutes pointing the toes stretching as long as you can for 4, 3, 2, hold that leg up. Shift your weight forward. Need to nose plank Dane then reach that leg back out.

3 legged dog. Repeat. Need to nose slightly round the spine and extend. Find the two way stretch. You're rounding forward and then extend the back as you reach back up 4 more times rounding and extending. I'm feeling this through my arms, and I'm definitely feeling this through my legs.

The core muscles, brace my spine, and hold me together. Last Dane, lower to the knee. Keep that leg up. It's not going anywhere. We've got our push ups.

So with this one legged push up, I want you to shift forward, bring your chest to the mat, and then lift yourself back up. Do that seven more times. Always an option if you wanna show off. Maybe I'll put my knee back down for the last three exhale up. Last two.

Push up. Last one. Lower in prone position onto the mat, keep that right leg up. We're gonna go for our scorpion twist, lift the leg, rotate, tap, the floor across from you, lift the leg, and down. Option, extend your arm to increase the stretch through the shoulder and back up. Important that you lift the leg first, wrap it stretch and return. Let's do that one more time to get that amazing hip opener.

This feels so good in my back. And down. Push back to child's pose. Take that all in on one side. See how you feel.

I feel great, but I feel like I wanna even out my body. Let's do side 2. Come on to all fours. Give yourself a cat cow. Define the neutral position in your back.

Let's go for that 3 legged dog, 16 pulses, side 2. Downward dog, lift that left leg, pulse it up, up, up, up. So the armpits are driving towards the standing Dane. You're pushing yourself away. We only have 5, 4, 3, 2, hold it, knee to nose, plank forward, slightly round your spine, and then push yourself away long three legged dog stretch. Let's do a few more like this rounding forward, extending back rounding forward, shoulders over the wrists, extending back, push yourself away through the heels of your hands, We've got 3 more and extend last two coming up.

The dreaded push ups. Just kidding. I embrace the challenges. Let's drop that knee down. Make sure those hands are a little outside of the shoulders, fingers forward, shift your weight forward, push up, chest down, leg up. We've got a few more on this side option.

I've gotta try it. Oh, those never get easier. Dane that's why you can hit replay on this workout again and again. Okay. I've done enough. I'm gonna put my knee down on this last two, chest to the floor on 1, Dane thank goodness for the scorpion twist coming up. I'm coming down to the mat.

That same left leg. It's gonna bend. It's gonna reach across. I could stay here all day, but we got work to do. I'll tell you that. Up.

Lift, twist, and down. Option to extend the right arm, lift, twist, I am back down. Last one. Enjoy. Lift. Up. Twist.

Lift and back down. Great job. Let's do some Pilates. Shall we? We're gonna lay on our back.

Go ahead and get nice and comfortable on the mat. Make sure that you have your back neutral Meaning that you feel the natural curves in your spine. You have your lumbar lift. The back ribs are down. Take both hands and cradle your head.

Elbows point up. Keep that neutral spine. Chest lift and a leg lift. Let's do them both together. Chest lifts off the mat and lowers.

Chest lifts off the mat. And lowers. The upper abs lift the chest. The lower abs lift the leg. This feels really great.

You can stay with this exercise if it works best for you. If you feel okay on this next one, Let's go to single leg stretch. So you're gonna curl up, grab the outside ankle inside Dane to the knee If you can keep your head up, curl up, stay off the shoulders, and then switch Dane switch. Every time you grab the leg, pull the knee to the nose, the opposing leg stretches 45 degrees out, You're trying to get as much two way stretch in the hip and extension through the leg, pulling the abs in can trolling the exercise from your center. Oh, and what about the arms? Can you check these out? Everything in this class is total body.

And I think it's fair to say we're covering mobility. Reach, but you've gotta find it yourself. Last few Last Dane. Let's do some leg circles. Rest your head. Now option.

Dane your hands underneath your low back. This will help assert your low back so it does not lift Dane lower. I'm gonna put my hands right here under my sacrum. Heels together toes apart. We are making circles.

Keep that external rotation as the legs go down. Out together up, down, out, together up. Now keep the range of motion contained I don't wanna see this. I wanna make sure that you can keep your low back anchored especially these last 2, the final circle well, in this direction, let's switch directions. So if you're feeling good and you want to increase the challenge, take your hands behind your head and lift your chest.

Inhale, exhale up, inhale down, abs in, exhale up. Let's just do three more lubricating those hips up with the synovial fluid, toning the legs for summer. Last Dane. Down, around, and up, hold, grab the right ankle, extend the left leg, kick Dane pull, switch. Kick and pull switch.

Every time you grab the leg, I want you to pull with the arms and kick forward so you get that full stretch to the back leg inhale exhale switch. Let's do a few more. Try this with flex feet and see how that changes the exercise. Make sure the shoulders stay down the back and of course you can rest the head at any time keep working from side to side. We've got just 4 more.

Last three. Last two. And last one, hug your knees to your chest. Give yourself a hug. I think we're ready for the circuit.

Everybody gently, lift your head, rock, and roll yourself up to a seat. Let's get up on our feet Dane grab those light dumbbells as promised. Now, I have 2 pound weights, but you can grab anything that works for you at home. Safeway pick up those weights. And come to the center.

We got the warm up. We got the mat work. This is the moment we've been waiting for the circuit. Take your right foot back into a lunge. Squared off hips, squared off shoulders, reach your arms forward.

We're going to begin with some back flies for the posture. So you're hugging a tree. Shoulders are down. Elbows are out. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and in. Now these are light weights.

It might not feel like a lot, but that's where you create resistance in your own body. So squeeze those muscles, squeeze the shoulders together, and now let's lift that back leg Add some tempo. Up and down. The standing knee is bent. Make sure the knee is over the toe.

You're continuing to lift and lower the arms and the leg. At the same time, up, up, up, down, down, down. We still have 20 seconds here. Dane sure you look at one thing on the floor that will help you find your balance. Again, the name of the game is mobility, but in a safe space, keep that spine long and neutral. The abs are wrapping around, bracing your back, Making sure we're safe.

Let's do one more Dane hold. Bring that knee forward. Pase. Elbows in. Palms are open, externally rotate out, externally rotate in. Let's do this. Out out out out out in in in in in in. I do not wanna see this.

My body refuses to demonstrate bad form. Hip points forward internal and external rotation. For your body. Now if you feel okay here, you can add a little more expansion rounding Dane extending the back. If you want, you can keep that foot down as a little kickstand.

Whatever makes these exercises work best for you. We have 5 seconds left. Finish off the reps. Shoulder circles on deck. Hold the passe.

Arms are out. Circle the arms forward up and back. Feels so good on the shoulders. Nice and easy. Can you add a leg for four? As the arms lift the leg lifts. 2 Dane 1. I Dane my mind other direction. Up and forward, up and forward.

I feel like I'm doing the butterfly stroke and swimming. I'm imagining in myself in a pool right now with all my strength and mobility. Feels good. Let's do one more. Awesome. Let's do side 2.

Left foot is gonna go back this time, instead of a back fly, we're gonna do an upright row. So you're gonna reach your arms forward wide row elbows notice are at 90 degrees. So you're reaching forward and then pull the elbows to the high diagonal shoulder blade squeeze together. Reach forward, pull and squeeze those shoulder blades back together. Let's do 2 more, and then we'll add that leg lift. How are you ready?

Let's find out up and down. Good. Pull pull. Pull. Push. Push. Push. Pull, pull, pull, push, push, push. A lot of times I see this. People bring the weights to their shoulders. I want you to rip it apart, squeeze it, This is this exercise is for your postural muscles, how we stand, how we present ourselves to the world.

A lot of times, I find myself kinda looking down a little hunched forward. That's why these exercises with the dumbbells so important but it's also about the range of motion. Can you squeeze the shoulder blades in the back? Can you reach down then reach up to the high diagonal? Always keeping that standing knee bent.

Never hyper extending or locking out the joints. Last Dane. Hold. Passe front, elbows tightened to the body, rotate out, out, out, rotate in Dane in. At the same time, the arms and that left leg go out.

At the same time, the arms and the left leg go in. Now see if we can bring the elbows a little further away. Nice and tall with our beautiful posture. Squeezing those biceps, squeezing those arms, and now adding a little more upper body opening the body and closing the body. Let's do a few more like this.

Squeezing in and squeezing out. Oh, I'm feeling my arms burn. It's amazing what two pounds can do. If you really contract those muscles and make it something, right? Dane more in Dane more out We do another set of shoulder circles.

This time with the left arm in the past say, can't do enough of these, a nice stretch. Keep the shoulders down the back. Add the leg for 4, 3, 2, and now reverse it. Up with the arms up with the leg. I feel like I'm on the balance beam right now in the Olympics pressure is on, but we love pressure. It's a gift.

Well, that's too. Last one. Awesome job. We finally get to put both feet down on the mat. Oh my gosh. Feels so grounded. Triceps.

I'm gonna turn profile because I want you to make sure that your back is nice and long as you hinge forward. Palms are back. Now we're gonna touch her ankles just like we did in the warm up, but then we only lift halfway up as we keep those arms straight you're gonna hinge forward like a dead lift and only come up halfway. Can we pick up the tempo? Let's try. Down and up, down and up. So I could easily kinda wing this but that's not what we do around here.

We lift those arms as high as we can every time. So squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, and lower. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, and lower. For you. We've gotta be ready for those strapless dresses year round. So let's do 4 more squeeze and lower.

Squeeze and lower last 2. And then hold back halfway down. You can always take a break if you need it, but those elbows are now going to pin tricep extensions extend and bend. Now option lift those heels as you straighten the arms and and squeeze out Dane and can you get those elbows a little higher keeping that collarbone nice and wide, long neck, abs in, last few tricep extensions, We are ready for anything that this day will bring us challenges, gifts. We did our job.

Let's do a few more. 3, 2, hold this last one. And then round your spine. Hold on to the weights. Just shake your head. Yes.

Shake your head. No. Roll up your spine. Feel each vertebra, stack on top of the next. How do you feel quick checking? Awesome. We're not done yet.

You're gonna set down the weights. Get nice and comfortable on your side. We're gonna work those inner thighs. I'm going into my pinup pose, elbow out, back is flat. Dane, bend the knees out in front. You're gonna take your top leg, cross it over, and expose your left inner thigh on the mat. Now we're gonna circle that leg in one direction for 30 seconds.

Now what makes this exercise look easy, but it's very challenging is to keep the upper body completely still. So check your upper body. Are you rounding forward, or are you looking at me Hi there. I see you circle that leg. Let's go for another 10 seconds in this direction. Exposing that inner thigh A lot of time, the a lot of times these muscles, these smaller muscle groups get left behind, but not today.

Not when we work out together, nowhere to hide, reverse the circles, 30 seconds, around and up. Dane you trace the same circle every time? I imagine I'm in the classroom Dane my circles are gonna go on the whiteboard for the rest of the class to see. I gotta make these perfect. Whatever raises the stakes, I say.

Making sure the circle comes from the inner thigh, not the foot. A lot of times, the ankle wants to create the circle It's all about that origin point where that bone is in the ball and socket joint in the hip. Let's do a few more Oof. Long as 30 seconds of my life. Circle, circle, circle around and up. Let's go 2 more Dane now extend both legs out.

Turn both legs out. The knees are pointing away from each other. Some of us may need to fold whatever's most comfortable in the hip. The top leg stays completely still. Bottom leg lifts to meet it.

Boop and Dane. Lift and lower. After a few repetitions, can you speed it up? Up. Up. Up.

Good. Just 10 more seconds. Give it to me here. How fast can you beat that top bottom leg? Lift. Lift. Lift.

Lift. Let's go for 4, 3, 2, hold it up on 1, Bend both knees, and let's take a stretch. Grab your mermaid fin. Reach up and over. And then reach for the ocean floor and stretch. Let's do that one more time.

It felt so good to stretch that side body up and over. And now the rock star on the knee, extend reach, and let's explore the stretch of the upper body, some self expression, Dane always the drama, other side. Go ahead, get nice and comfortable. Another photoshoot, another day. Top leg crosses over.

Bottom leg is now exposed. The adductor, the inner thigh is the only thing that's gonna lift for us. 30 seconds. Grab that ankle. Let's go.

Forward up and back. Forward up and back. I have to remind myself every week to make sure I work these inner thighs. Otherwise, the quads, the hamstrings, All the other muscles like to take over, but these inner thighs so important for everything that we love to do So we have to pay tribute. We have to isolate.

Dane we have to get these circles a little bigger, right? Let's try a few more. Dane then 30 seconds the other direction around and up, around and up. Can you stabilize your top half of your body pulling your core muscles in? Looking forward at me, not looking Dane. Reinforcing all the wonderful posture that we're working towards.

We are going to do another 10 seconds here to make sure we're nice and even. Is there any muscle group that we didn't touch upon today? I can't think of any. My body serves hell can't Come on. A few more top leg extends. Hip height.

Turn out both legs. Find the part of your hip that it feels okay. Again, some of us may need to go forward. Some of us, it's okay to be straight, but I need you to turn out both legs, top hand Dane, bottom leg is gonna come and lift. So your goal is to get the bottom leg, the bottom heel to touch the top heel. Click your heels.

And now we'll speed it up, up, down, up, down. Oh, I'm gonna feel this one tomorrow. Me speed this up for 10 seconds? Up. Up. Up.

Last five seconds Give it to me. How many can you do in 3, in 2, in 1, uh-uh, bonus points, and come on up. Dane that counter stretch up and over. Take an even deeper breath and stretch over. And now one more counter stretch preparing for What is basically our recital, this rock star? Celebrate your strength and mobility. Give the arm a twirl.

Give the body a stretch. It's amazing what the body can do. That's why we must take care of it with these awesome strength and mobility workouts. Everybody. Let's take our final deep breath together as we reach up for the sky and take in all the good energy Awesome job. I'm so proud of you. Make sure you hit replay on this workout.

There's always something new and new to explore, and I hope to see you again on the mat. See you next time.


Vicki B
Excellent all body workout thanks.
Vicki B you’re welcome, Vicki!  So happy to hear you got a great workout!  💪 
1 person likes this.
Thank you Dane! This was something different and a great challenge! Absolutely loved the variations! 
Birgit N thanks so much for the comment and working out with me! ❤️❤️❤️  so happy you liked my takes on the classics, more to come!  
Carolina C
1 person likes this.
Really great workout! and sweated as well!
Carolina C 💦💪 love to hear that!   Happy we got to workout together today, thanks for the comment  xo 
Another fantastic workout with everything I needed.
Emma L so glad this workout delivered the goods!  Thanks for the comment xo.  
Thanks Dane.  A great workout. Loved the visual of even circles on the chalkboard - the perfect  way to prevent sloppy form! 
Thank you Dane. I really enjoyed this class!

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