Class #5718

Loops - Strength

30 min - Class
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Join Dane Sorensen for an engaging class that utilizes a 12-inch resistance loop to challenge both your upper and lower body. This full body workout combines Pilates principles with resistance training to enhance your overall strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Through Dane's expert guidance, you will experience a dynamic session that targets multiple muscle groups, leaving you feeling stronger, more mobile, and energized from head to toe.
What You'll Need: Mat, Loop Band


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Hi. I'm Dane. And for today's total body strength and mobility workout, we are using a resistance loop. Now this one is 12 inches light resistance. Make sure that you can pull whatever resistance loop that you have because we are working both upper and lower body with this resistance band and also make sure that there are no tears. We're gonna put this on above the knees. Make sure you put it on safely.

I'm gonna slip this right on and begin with the loop above the knees with some squats Dane hour warm up. Make sure the loop is nice and wide, just above the knees. Walk your feet outside your hips. Nice neutral stance, bend the knees, bend the hips, get nice and low, and stand as easy as that. Let's do a bunch of those. Down and up. So the name of the game today, of course, we are going to strengthen the body but we're also gonna mobilize.

So I want to make sure we're doing that the most efficient way. Make sure when you squat back, that your knees are behind the toes, that you're driving the hips forward, engaging the glutes, focus on the range of motion. We have this resistance band that's gonna give us a little extra feedback as we work out today and help ignite the muscles that sometimes get left behind. In this case, It's all about the abductors, the outer glute muscles. So on this next one, we're gonna hold at the bottom nice and low, knees behind the toes, and we're going to press the knees out and in, out and in. Now, you can adjust your stance. If you want more resistance, you take your feet out a little bit wider.

If you want less, You Dane them in a little more narrow, but you should definitely be feeling this, not only in the thighs, but in the outer abductors, again, those outer corner muscles of your glutes. So you're pressing out, but don't let the knees come in. It's only out. Only out. Let's do that for 4, 3, 2 Dane 1. Come up to stand. Let's prepare for monster walks. I'm gonna take it to one side at a time.

Four steps. Dane it all the way down into that familiar squat Dane let's step to the right four times. You go out little in. Out little in, out little in, out little in. So it's big out little in, big step little in. Big step, little in. Well, let's add some tempo.

We go out in out in out in. Out in, out in, out in. Stay nice and low. Take your space. Add the bob and weave a little circular motion, baby.

I told you we're gonna mobilize So we're gonna duck under something as we monster walk. If that's gets a little too tricky, just keep stepping side to side. You're doing plenty of work. Let's add an arm. Sweep the arm with you.

I'm grazing the water here. Imagining, I'm in Hawaii switching 2 more. Awesome. Come back to the middle of your mat. I told you, we're gonna have some fun today. Get down into your squad for repeaters, right leg only.

Notice the left leg is not gonna move right leg taps out and in. Out and in. Good. Oh, I am feeling this on my standing leg, and we are just getting started. Can we speed this up?

Tap. Tap. Oh. It looks so easy. It looks so delicate. Lactic acid is burning.

I'm stabilizing through my left side. And now let's add a little bit of attitude, a little bit of a hip. See, if you're aware of what's moving, it's okay. This left side is still I'm just adding a little booty pump, and now I'm also gonna add a little pose because I love getting my portrait taken. Nothing wrong with the little soft love. Last 2, last Dane, whip it around to the other side safely, of course.

Into your chair pose, left leg out and in. And now this right side is gonna get it. Out and in. Out. Can we speed it up? Out in. Out in.

Oh goodness. I can't believe this is just the warm up. I'm already feeling it. How are you doing at home? Good answer. Keep going. Faster.

Pose. Pose. I love getting those cheesy portraits done. I'm not mad at that. At a little booty out in, out, in.

Woah. See, it's okay to mobilize. It's okay to strengthen up. We're having some fun today. And last 4, 3, 2, 1. We already did our warm up.

Great job. And now it's about the upper body. Take off that loop safely. Slip that off Dane put the loop now around the wrists. Dane sure the loop has a little bit of resistance. You never want the loop to collapse, always resisting the loop.

Dane your arms up overhead. Hi. Shoulders down the back. Row down as you bend the elbows rip up the loop. Well, don't rip it apart, but in your mind, expand and reach expand, pull down, and reach. And once you feel comfortable and grounded, let's add a leg.

Dane leg up at a time. One leg up at a time. Try not to sway from side to side. That's tempting. Stay tall.

And assertive. Abs draw in, rip it apart a little bit more. That's why we check for tears. Let's do a few more like this. Oh, I'm feeling this in my shoulders, my back, Dane my abs and my legs are working too.

One more time on each side and then a fun challenge coming up. Well, fun is relative. Let's be honest. Bringing those arms out in front. We're gonna pulse the loop out. Out out. Make sure your shoulders stay down the back as you pulse out.

Now, as we pulse out, I want you to raise the arms up eight times. So it's 8765-432. Hold. Take it Dane. 8765-432. Hold.

Raise the heels, lift the heels, relevay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, down 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Can we do that two more times? Up 2, 3, 4. I rise. And I make my descent 5, 6, Dane more time. Those shoulders are already cooking.

One more helping. Up, up, up, down, down, down, down, down, down, warrior 2. Let's take ourselves into warrior 2. Turn both feet to the left heels are in alignment. Me behind the toe as we bend into our warrior 2, the loop is in the hands. The left arm is stable Dane across the chest line, we row and come in. Don't lose resistance.

Row and push. So we're getting the benefits of the warrior 2 stretch in the hips and the legs, but let's be honest. It's all about the upper body right now. Row across your body Dane then come in halfway. What I do not want to see is this. Keep that steady tension under time.

That's where you get the results. No brakes. More resistance. Feel the right shoulder blade. Wrap around.

Let's do one more. Hold. Keep the warrior 2 position. We're now going to do an overhead row pulling down with just the right arm and overhead. So here becomes more about the bicep. Needless to say, check out this out. Booyah. Dane sure the loop is in front of the face that your show that your arms are in your periphery that you can keep the left arm completely still.

We're gonna do 8 more of these. The left side is stabilizing. The right side is working over time. We're getting it all today. So important to work one side of the body at a time, right? Dane side stabilizing, one side working.

Let's go 2 more Dane then triceps. Stand tall, hold at your right shoulder. This will be your stabilizing point, and then your right arm is going to stand fully and bend. Good. Great news. We just get to stand here 30 seconds out and in. Now with tricep work, we contract the tricep on the way out, and we contract the bicep on the way in.

So there's always a muscle that's lengthening and always a muscle that shortens and contracts, and that's how the body moves. So let's move it. Whenever I work triceps, It's one of the few exercises I really want you to lock out and straighten all the way. Don't be shy. Squeeze.

Two more. Last one. The last thing the judges see Let's do side 2. Awesome job so far. Warrior 2 to the other side, toes facing, The same direction, heels, and alignment.

Make sure when you bend that knee, it stays over the ankle. If not, you may need to go a little bit wider. Dane you get as low as me? I'm a little more ambitious on side too. Let's go for it. Arm is straight.

Shoulders are plugged. Row across the body and reach. Great. Let's do this for a while. We gotta even out I feel like I'm in the movie hunger games. I've got my bow and arrow just feeling so primal right now.

Squeeze in. Squeeze out. I really enjoy exercises that resemble everyday life. The hunter. The huntress, squeeze, and reach.

We've got a few more of these. Make sure you're getting that full range of motion that the elbow wraps. I always think about the shoulder blade. The shoulder blade's down, down, down at the very end. It wraps around my spine, and then it comes back around.

Always great for that mind body connection to think about the mobility, the range of motion, one more. Keep the warrior 2. I'm gonna get a little bit lower as advertised. That arm stays up. Pull down. So the arms are in this circular motion.

You're gonna keep the shape of the arm as you pull down. Squeezing Dane. And coming up. Just as challenging to keep that right arm still and that shoulder down the back. Good.

Come on. Be ambitious here. Get tough. Love the strength Dane the body that you have right now. Dane let's get a little stronger on these last few reps. Squeeze Dane.

Reach up. Squeeze down, reach up. My left arm is trying to get as strong as my right arm, so I'm gonna work extra hard so I can take my Instagram selfies from both sides. This right side has had enough limelight. One more. Awesome.

Come to stand. Whoop. Let's do tricep number 2. Left tricep. You're gonna stand tall, your anchor point, hold with two hands, right at that left shoulder, take the loop with the left hand, stand really tall, and extend. And then we've got 30 seconds here. Plenty of time to knock this out. Squeeze. Squeeze.

Ben, Ben, Ben. Again, squeezing the tricep on the out, squeezing the bicep on the in. We want to make every repetition matter, right? We only have, you know, this time together, 30 minutes, We're gonna make every second. Every repetition count. Come on. Work with me here. Squeeze out Dane more time.

And then we'll hit the mats and keep this upper body flow going. Oh, one more. Let's do a few more here. Last few, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. It's time to even out the body and put this loop behind our back. So place the loop on the wrists once again and put both arms behind the back like you're under arrest.

Just kidding. And then take your arms out so you feel the resistance of the loop hinge forward, flat spine, abs in tight. We're gonna lift the arms up and down just a few times. Keep that steady stream of resistance on the loop so that you always feel the muscles activating and push out a little bit more And when you lift the arms now, I want you to lift and push out down. So lift and out. Lift Dane out. What a difference that makes lifting out. Just a few more like this.

We are even evening out after working unilaterally on each side, putting the upper body back together before we hit the planks. On this last one, hold the arms out. We go out, out, hold, out, out, hold, we are going to try this for another 15 seconds. Do not give up on me, out, out, hold out, out, hold. Get that loop above the butt a little bit higher, up, up, hold. Last four seconds.

3 2, 1. Whoo. It's time for the planks. We're gonna come down safely to the mat We're gonna use the loop, put it around the wrists. So come on down to the mat safely.

I've got my loop on above my wrists, I'm gonna come down into my plank position. Always an option to work on all fours. We're gonna tap the Dane side to side Let's try this on all fours to begin. You're tapping one hand out, and then you're gonna tap the other hand out. Good. Now once you feel safe with this exercise, you're placing one hand under the shoulder at a time always.

I want you to take your knees back, lead with the hips, and try this with a little more body weight. Oof. The name of the game, stability. Keep your abs engaged. Your spine braced, your shoulders out of the ears.

And when you feel ready, if you feel ready, try a few reps in full plank. From side to side. Of course, the body wants to counter and twist use every muscle in your body to prevent that. Let's do a few more. And then child's pose.

2nd set, we add the push up. Option, you can do push ups on the knees straightforward. Me, I'm gonna try crossing my ankles, putting the weight forward, push up to the left, push up, To the right, try a few more repetitions, a few more push ups with me. These exercises never get easier you just become more aware, and you become better at them. So make these push ups the most challenging push ups of your life, inhale, down, exhale, up, brace the spine. Oh, fine. I'll do a few in full plank.

I've gotta impress the ladies Dane and up Dane more on each side. Dane then a child's spouse, sit back. I'm gonna take off the loop we're gonna put the loop on the ankles next. So place the loop on above your ankles, and we're going to do a low plank on the forearms with a little tap out from side to side. Now it's important to work plank both on the wrists and on the forearms in the low plank.

Because it works the abs differently, a different center of gravity. Enough of a break. Let's get down on the forearms. Make sure those shoulder blades are pushed away from each other. That the loop is wide.

You're holding that low plank with the back neck up and tap from side to side. Little tap. Little tap option on the knees, of course. That feels really good to take a little moment. But if you can, if you're with me, lift those knees up and begin to increase your range of motion tapping a little bit wider from side to side.

Now, usually I love to twerk booty dance but this is not the time for it. You're gonna keep your hips completely stable, navel to spine, go from side to side. If you feel good, add some jumping jacks. Why not? Out in, out in for 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Knees down child's pose. Awesome. We did our warm up, upper body, planks, and now it's time for the abs. Sweep your feet out in front of you. Dane keep that loop on the ankles.

We're going to pretend that we are on a reformer. If you haven't been on 1, highly suggest you get to a reformer class, get those hands into the handles, sweep the arms down, lifting the chest, engage in the core Dane then lower your chest down. Always an option to cradle the head. Left the head using your core, abs in tight, sweet, sweet, sweet, and down. Now if that feels okay, bringing the legs up to tabletop, sweep the arms forward, lift the chest, extend the legs, press out on the band, bend the knees, and continue.

Upper body lifts the chest, extend the legs 45 degrees, open, close, bend Dane then return, 2 more, and then we'll hold it at the top. That's the hardest part. This next Dane, curl up, hold off the shoulders, press the band out, out, out, out using your core muscles, your abductor's connected, continue to look forward, continue to look down don't look up at the sky. Look to your center for 8 for 6 for 43 2, hug the knees on 1. Coming up next, the corkscrew.

We are going to alternate directions So begin with the legs straight up overhead, a little softness in the knee, keeping your shoulders and the ribs Dane. I want you to make a circle with the legs clockwise Dane around and up, counterclockwise, down, around, and up. We have the loop. So push into it to keep the symmetry of the legs. Bring the legs around Dane up. Clockwise, bring the legs down and around counterclockwise.

Now see if you can lift the hips but keep the ribs down. So when the legs go to the left, my right hip lifts when my legs go to the right, my left hip lifts. Good. Just a few more like this before the crisscross final burn. Good. Last Dane. Important to work the lower abs as well. Hug the knees in.

Now we go for the crisscross. What changes now we put the loop on the arches or about mid foot You're gonna keep your resistance against the loop, curl up, cradle the head, straight legs, bend only the right knee, twist towards it, and return. Twist only the right knee and then return. We've got 6 more. Always an option to rest the feet on the floor.

Take breaks when you need it. Now that I've said that, get back up and finish the reps with me. Dane more. We're gonna hold it to the right for 6 teen pulses, keep the upper body lifting up and twist, up and twist, up and twist. The bottom opposite rib to knee We're gonna lift and twist for 8 for 6 for 5, 4 3, 2, and 1, take a quick break. I tried to skip a rep, but not today. Let's do side too.

So proud of you. I'm watching you even though I'm twisting this way. No breaks over there. Curl up off the shoulders, cradle the head, extend both legs out to the high diagonal, bend the left knee twist towards it, inhale back to center, 7 more, lift, and twist. Important that you stay off the shoulders when you twist It's easier to obviously just to roll to one side, but your chest is already lifted. We're exhaling as we twist.

Let's hold this last Dane. Lyft and twist. Lift and twist. 1413. Exhale. Exhale for 10, 9, 8. Keep the leg still.

I was showing you what not to do. 5, 43, 21, feet down. Unbelievable. The crowd is going wild. I can hear them. Rock yourself up to a seat.

Let's put the loop on above the knees as we go into our side series so that loop now can go back up above the knees, familiar territory, But now we're gonna roll to our side and go into our clamshells. So cradle the head, nice, long, spine, hand Dane, put your body, your lower half Dane fetal position. So I'm bending at the hips. I'm bending at the knees. And lift both feet up.

Anchles together as you would lift and lower that leg 30 seconds. So don't worry about the reps. I got you at the time. What I want you to focus on is lifting that leg as high as you can without letting the hip roll back. I see it all the time.

I know all the cheats Dane do it. Up, up, up, down, down, down, up, up, up, Dane, down, down. Oh, I wonder what this is working. Booty, the glutes, the support of your low back, Last Dane, you're gonna hold it at the top Dane do those little pulses up, up, up. Now, what helps me burn the correct muscles is that my ankles are squeezing together. The isolation is lifting up, and I'm pinching that outer left glute here. So keep working.

We're gonna do this for another 12 seconds up, up, a few more, and then I promise we're we're gonna move this leg. Oh my god. These pulses are brutal. I love it. Last one. Good. Both legs Dane.

With that top leg, hip height, I promise some mobility here. We're gonna move and sweep that leg forward. And then sweep that leg back. Make a game of it. Can you kick forward a little bit closer to me?

And then sweep that leg back back back back. Good. Again, upper half of your body completely still. Lower half of your body. Working over time. Every repetition, I want you to go a little bit deeper.

Good. Last one. Sweep it to the back, little Rhonda Jeanms, little circles, around and up, around and up. Stretch that leg as far as you can to the wall. Oh, feeling that burn.

Reverse it. Back up, back it up, back up those circles. We go in both directions. We stretch in both directions. We circle in both directions.

Let's go for 4, 3, 2, knees together. Awesome. Let's go to side 2 clamshells. Bring yourself up. Bring it on over to the other side.

Get nice and comfortable because we're gonna be here for a few exercises to wrap out our workout, fetal position, ankles together. Open and close. 30 seconds on the clock. Go. Nice. So when the knee lifts, notice that my toes lift with me. So the knee and the toe are always in the same direction. Dane sure that you're not tucking your tailbone under, but that you feel that your sits bones are reaching to the back wall that you are focusing your mind on contracting that right glute muscle as you lift and lower just have another 3 seconds.

So let's make this last rep count. Now hold it at the top. 30 seconds, pulse it up. Up, up. Oh, there's always a place to find and ignite the burn.

And right now, it's in that glute. So embrace it. It's always lactic acid. It's always gonna sting. It's always gonna burn. So we might as well welcome it.

That's what we signed up for. That's why we hit play, right, to make changes in the body to feel better in the body. Come on. Last few moments here. In this pulse, 321. Both legs down. Lake sweep.

Get that leg out. Reach it as long as you can lifting that waistline off the mat. We're gonna kick forward and stretch, and we're gonna kick back and stretch. Don't do the countering. I see. I've seen that one before. Not today.

Never. We keep the hips stacked as I was showing you how to adjust Really, the top half of your body needs to be longer than the bottom half. So try to find a way to compensate Get the top hip above the bottom, reach that leg as long as you can, and then we'll do our final round dechamps, circles on this last Dane. Reach it all the way to the wall. Hip it straight.

Nice and open. Make little circles forward. Little circles. Yes. Round dechamps are usually big, but now let's make them contained, connected. Scorching.

Reverse it. Back up and forward. Back. Oh, Circle the same circle every time. I know it burns, but you can do it because we only have 4 more circles. 3, 2, 1. Awesome job. We did it.

Come on up Dane let's celebrate with our reveal. Just kidding. You Dane the loop off Let's hit that figure 4 stretch. I know those glutes need this release. Take your ankle over the knee and set up really tall. Feels really good. You can shift your weight from side to side if that feels good, but feeling all those muscles, we just worked in class today from the warm up to the upper body, to the glutes, to the planks. We did it all in 30 minutes.

Pretty cool. Let's switch. Make sure you get that nice stretch as you lift your chest up lengthen your low back, breathe into any tightness. Dane let's finish with our soles of the feet together. We'll make a circle in one direction, massaging the glutes on the mat, That feels good on the hips.

Reverse it. Nice easy mobility. And I, for one, can share that I feel much different right now than I did when I first started this workout with you. I hope you feel really good too that you worked muscles that you didn't even know existed. Dane, reach up to the sky, Dane in all that great energy. You deserve it.

Thanks for working out with me. Let's do this again soon.


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