Class #5719

Discs - Strength

30 min - Class
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Join Dane Sorensen for an engaging strength and mobility class that combines the use of sliders and light dumbbells for a full-body workout. After a dynamic warm-up, you'll use sliders to challenge your mobility and engage small muscle groups, promoting core stability throughout the session. This class offers a perfect balance of strength training and mobility work, leaving you feeling stronger, more flexible, and energized.
What You'll Need: Mat, Sliders (2), Hand Weights (2)


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Hi. I'm Dane, and welcome to your strength and mobility workout featuring the sliders. Also, make sure you have a set of light dumbbells. I'm gonna place these to the side because our first exercise for the warm up is a modified jumping jack. Stand nice and tall, find some space, and we're gonna step from side to side as the arms raise. With the leg tap. Now this is the modified low impact version.

Low impact does not mean low energy. So let me see, increase the heat here. And if you want, if you feel good right now, you can add a little bit of a jump We're trying to get warm before we hit these sliders. Let's just do another 10 seconds of these jumping jacks. I'm gonna go back to low impact Dane remember that is never low energy.

Let's do a few more three 2 Dane 1. Already feeling better. Let's grab those sliders. Place them on a slippery surface. And stand your feet right on top.

You want the ball of the foot right at the center of your slider, your paper plate, whatever you're using at home. Now first exercise with the sliders, alternating lunges, lunge one foot back, tap the knee to the floor, or as low as it can go, and stand. We'll alternate these lunges and get used to having these sliders underneath us. Now the sliders add resistance time under tension. So I want you to drag the slider back in to increase the strength and resistance that we are going to achieve, try to get the back knee to touch the floor and then bring the feet right underneath you as you come back up.

Every lunge, an opportunity to go a little bit deeper, make sure those shoulders are right over the hips, abs are engaged. Let's do one more on each side. Dane now let's try some squats. Now you're gonna slide your right foot to the right, squat low, slide the slider back in and alternate. So you're going from side to side, and you're adding that inner thigh work as well.

And the outer thigh step out, squat, and step in. Now add more resistance as you resist the slider against the ground, squad out, and put the moves together Dane and up. Down and up. Shoulders down the back. Nice long neck. Just some squats and lunges exercises that we do every Dane.

But with the slider, it just adds a little something special. One more time on each side, And then we're gonna take it up a notch with our skaters. Take your right foot, circle it around, curtsy, and then switch Left foot circles around Dane curtsies. So take it to the back diagonal, drop that knee, and come back up, making sure that the knees are always in line with that second toe that the shoulders stay over the hips, moving from side to side, getting a little bit deeper let's imagine we have the ice skates on. I feel like Michelle Kwan finishing my long program, Dane more time from each side.

Great job getting to know you, getting to know these sliders. Let's roll up and down the spine. Head Dane. Roll down the spine bone by bone. Let the head, neck, and shoulder go.

Shake the head. Yes. Shake the head. No. Roll up through the body as you breathe. We're gonna do this one more time. Take a deep breath.

That felt really good. Chin to chest, drop the head, roll down through the spine, bone by bone by Dane. Roll up, tuck the tailbone, stack, stack, stack, and come back up. It's time for our slider and dumbbells circuit. Grab those light dumbbells.

I have £2 Get those in your hands with a nice tight grip. Put the slider underneath that right foot, and let's go for a lunge lift combo. You're gonna lunge the right foot back, but keep the right leg straight as you frame the left foot. Come back up. And then lift the leg, lift the arms. Repeat. Fish for that slider.

There it is. Lunch Dane lift. Again, lunge, frame the foot, dead lift, lift the leg, lift the arms. To modify, you can keep the foot on the mat as you lift the arms, Good. Let's do a few more like this.

15 seconds. Let's go a little bit lower, framing that leg, lifting the arms, keeping the shoulders Dane, one more repetition, and we'll try repeaters So palms are up, external rotation, right leg back, right arm forward. You're going to pull in and push out. So it's in and out. The goal here is to keep that left standing knee stable Dane now let's increase the tempo in, out, in, out. So you're using that cross force production that feels natural when you're running, right? You're finding a rhythm, keeping the shoulders Dane the hips squared off.

Let's do 2 more repetitions, and let's repeat the pattern this time in a side lunge, right leg straight, left knee bent, frame the leg hinge forward, come up halfway, Lyft the arms, lift the leg. Let's do that again. Frame and lift. Hinge and lift. I love working with the slider.

It offers just a little extra resistance as we mentioned, but also gives me a fun challenge. I've gotta find it every time. Go fishing. Caught it down and lift. Let's do 2 more.

Dane then another set of repeaters. But this time, with a punch, literally push right arm out, right leg out, left in push and pull push and pull. Let's go for 20 more seconds here. See if you can go a little bit lower. I know I'm not the shortest one in the room right now. Come on. Get down there with me.

There it is. Punch. Reach. Punch. Reach. Feeling the burn.

You better be, or you're gonna come down with me a little bit lower if you don't. Let's go 5432 pistol squat. We worked back. We worked Dane. Now, we work forward. Put your heel on the slider, your right heel. You're gonna hinge your seat back as you bicep curl your arms up.

Try that again. Curl reach and up. Keep that standing knee behind the toe, always. We're scooping in the energy from Mother Earth. I just like to add visuals. The drama always helps me intensify the workout.

And what's the goal here? Strength and mobility. Make sure the mobility doesn't come from raising your shoulders. Keep your shoulders down your back. Let's go 2 more.

Dane then we get to do it all one more time. This time on the other side, So make sure the slider is on the ball of your left foot, and let's do that same lunge combo we did. Straight leg frame the standing leg, come a pathway, and lift. Let's do that again. Lunch on 1.

Lift on 2. Good. Plenty to think about. Oh, I just caught my fish. There it is. And then come up pathway, abs in, pinch the butt, lift the arms with control, Trying to make everything move harmoniously.

The arms Dane the leg lift, the arms and the legs lower, find the slider, and lift. Let's do 2 more. Get that full range of motion. How low can he go? Oh, this is my good side. Lift and lower.

Last Dane, all the way down, all the way up. That final lift of the shoulders. Now palms are up. Reach your left arm to me, left leg back. We're gonna pull in. Dane we're going to push out. We've got 25 seconds.

Let's go. Push and pull. After you feel you have the rhythm, it can be a little counterintuitive, but the arm and the leg are reaching away. The arm and the leg reach in. Same side.

Once you find the rhythm, see if you can increase the tempo in, out, in. I promised total body mobility Is the heart rate up? You breaking a sweat yet? I know I am. That means I'm doing it right. Last few Let's do our side lunge. Toes facing forward. Now the left leg is straight.

You're gonna frame your right leg as you come down, flat spine, and then come up halfway, back fly, elbows just slightly bent. Let's go Dane and lift Dane lateral lunge. Leg lift. Keep the hinge as you leg lift. Never come up all the way. Right? Wanna keep the resistance Dane that isolation.

I am feeling this Dane my standing leg. Lift. I better lift my leg up a little higher. Oh, last two. And then our amazing repeaters. We're gonna put the arm out.

We're gonna put the arm in. Arm Dane leg out. Arm and leg in. A little faster. Punch, punch, punch, protect the face.

This is the product. Yes. Smile through it. Feel the burn. We have a few more. So let's increase the tempo pulling those elbows in tight every time.

Last few, you've got this. 3, 2 Dane 1 pistol squat. Gonna take your heel, left heel on top of the slider, palms are up because we are adding a bicep scoop, bend the back knee, scoop forward, and squeeze back in. Lower down and up. Now, I used to be a figure skater, so I've done plenty of sit spins in my Dane. See if you can compete with me and get as low as you can as you come back up.

Get as low as you can. Whoop. Last few. Come on. I had to show you what I had, right? That's why you're gonna hit replay on this workout every day or as much as you Dane. Right? Last Dane, awesome job. We deserve some mat work.

Don't you say? Set down the dumbbells. We're done with these for now. But we're gonna bring our sliders Dane you can find a comfortable spot at the mat. Go ahead, have a seat Dane prepare for some ab work cat cow for the spine.

Heels on top. Set up as tall as you can. Grab your thighs. Dane a deep breath in, and then push the sliders away as you round your spine back pull the sliders in as you lift your chest up. So we round the spine, spinal flexion, And then we lift up to our perfect posture shoulders over the hips.

Let's do that a few times. Trying to get a little bit deeper every time. How do we get deeper? Well, we pull in the abs a little bit more, we try to find a spot on our back of vertebra that can touch the mat Dane then find a new spot every single time. So you tuck. You scoop.

You round. You try to stretch your back out nice and evenly. Using the sliders for additional feedback, pushing those heels into the earth last one. Awesome. We're gonna transition onto our back for some shoulder bridge work. So roll onto your back.

Your feet are on the sliders, on the toes. I want you about three or four times to lift your shoulder bridge and articulate mobilizing your spine just as we did in cat cow, So you're tucking your tailbone first, rolling the waist up through the back, and then rolling down one rib at a time. Again, every repetition, a chance to articulate a little bit deeper, weight is in the shoulders, never the neck. On this last one, I want you to roll up until you're on the shoulders, melt the back ribs tuck the tailbone as much as you Dane. Take your left foot and slide it forward and back eight times.

Hamstring curl. Most importantly, you keep the hips, the pelvis, in that same tucked position isolating from the hamstring. 2 more. You can either continue with this exercise. If you feel okay, straight leg kick, flex the foot on the way down, point the toe and kick, flex, and point flex Dane point. We are getting so many benefits from this exercise.

The whole back chain of the body, we have 2 more and then place that foot back down on the slider, roll down the back for just a quick moment, Dane a break. The break is over. Lift the hips, tuck the tailbone, roll it up. Let's do 8 hamstring curls. On the right side, stabilizing the left side of the body, pushing the ball of the foot into the slider, opening up the right hip.

We've got 4 more. Remember, anything that's off the mat, I want you to tuck scoop and squeeze. The weight is in the ribs. The weight is in the shoulders. Never the neck.

Last Dane. Either continue with those or release the leg. You're free. Flex the foot. Lower point and kick. We've got 7 more.

Every time you kick forward, you want to reach across the room, and lift 4 more point kick, last 3, point kick, 2, Dane last one, place both feet on the sliders. We're gonna try to do this without a break We're gonna going to go onto the toes, tuck the tailbone. You're gonna push the both sliders out, pull both sliders in, Oh my goodness. I am feeling this in my hamstrings. You can also do this one foot at a time. If it's too much, but it's it's perfect for me.

I can do 3 more of anything. We've got this last two Oh, yeah. Last one. Hold it. Roll down the spine with that same control Dane print your spine. Wow. Let's do some ab work. Well, everything is a core exercise, especially single leg stretch.

Lift your chest, grab one leg, and stretch. Now this exercise I do every Dane, sometimes two, three times a Dane, My hips get really tight, so they need that stretch, but also you can't really work those ab muscles enough. Right? So we're going to stretch, kick Dane pull, go straight into your double leg stretch, ankles together, knees come to the ears, legs, and arms stretch away. Grab and pull, and stretch. Exhale.

Inhale. Keep your head, neck, and shoulders in one position. Always an option to cradle the head or rest the feet. If the head is up, stay committed to the position. Let's do 2 more. We have our crisscross combo.

Cradling the head, we go Chris cross hold. Chris cross hold. Chris, cross Dane. Now keep working the combo. Make sure you're not twisting the neck, but you're feeling the twist happen in the ribs.

Just enough of a tempo to keep us interested, 3, to hold one more time on each side. Hold your right leg up. Final pulse is left hand to right foot, up and twist, up and twist for 6 5, 4, 3, 2, switch up and twist. Up and twist. Let's go for 6 5432 Dane Dane, hug the knees into your chest. Great job. Gently rock yourself up to a seat.

And let's do some plank work. We're gonna put our hands on the sliders here. So come to all fours, And let's begin with a few shoulder blade push ups. So we're on the knees, stacking shoulders over wrists, hips over knees, I want you to lower your chest and lift your chest without moving the arms. So shoulder blade push ups, The serratus anterior wraps around the arm connecting the shoulder down the back Dane we need to make sure these shoulders are strong and stabilized before we try this next exercise.

Gonna shift your weight forward, we're gonna draw one arm out at a time and then come back shoulders over the wrists. So I've got slight hinge. Bring your hips with you as you slide a disc out. Bring the hips with you I don't want to see this. Not much happening there.

Even if it's just a little microbend, I want you to give it to me. Plug those shoulders down the back. We've given the shoulders that feedback that they need. Dane now full plank. Who's coming with me? That's all I got today.

You know what? That's a okay. Because I am doing my best, and I know you're working hard at home. Come on. We could do one more. Right? Last one on each side. Great job. I'm really filling my arms.

Let's find an exercise. We all know the mountain climber. We're gonna turn around and now put the sliders on the balls of our feet. So you're going right back to all fours. Always an option with mountain climbers to bring the knee to the elbow like this. Otherwise, I want you to push back out into a plank position.

Hips are shoulder height, back of the neck is long. Use the low abs and draw the knees in. Let's go for 30 seconds. Making these mountain climbers nice and controlled It's actually much more challenging for me to do this exercise slowly and really feel the resistance against the sliders. And then when you feel like you wanna up the speed, join me, and let's go for a Sorensen.

Out in. Oh, I'm feeling this everywhere. My arms, my core muscles. Come on. Give me a few more for 3, for 2, for a child's post, sit all the way back, take a moment, We have a combination I wanna try with you. Me in, cross for the side plank, and come back in Let's do 5 on each side.

So you're gonna hold the plank on 1, pull the right knee into the chest, extend it out side plank, bring it back in. Just the right side again. In extend in and down. 3 more. Extend.

Make sure that right shoulder stays plugged down out of the ear on this last one. We can be a little more showy. Yes. Come back in, take a little moment, roll out the wrists, We've gotta do side 2, right to camera. It's show time. Push yourself out into plank pull the left knee into the chest. Extend out peekaboo.

Come back in. We'll do that four more times. Knee to chest, extend, knee to chest, and down, knee to chest, reach, knee to chest, Dane. Last Dane. Extend all the way through. Make sure the photographer gets their shot. Bring it back in safely Dane come back down.

I am cooking. We did the warm up. We did the circuit. Abs, planks. We are ready for the rondejams. Everybody get on your feet.

This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Dane slider, dumbbells. Let's take the side 1 and break this down. Stand as tall as you can. We're gonna take the right foot forward side back side, adding the arms, front, side, back, find the flow, front side, back side.

Making a beautiful semi circle, working all the muscles that we have warmed up to this point. This is the culmination of our workout. If you're not feeling this, I invite you to bend that standing knee a little bit deeper Dane on this next one, I want you to ditch that slider and find it in the air. Out back, out front. If you Dane, lift that leg with me.

Always a place to take these exercises up and back. Up Dane front. So that one more time. Up to the back. Dane now we celebrate. Curtsy on 1.

Kick on 2. Curtsy and kick. Courtesy Dane kick another 20 seconds to celebrate you and to celebrate this work together, you're doing awesome. Come on. Can you get that kick up a little bit higher? Sound effects always optional.

I'm happy just to hear you breathing over there. Dane more time. Great job. Let's come to side number 2. So take that slider to the other side and take your left foot right on top of it.

The first two repetitions we are finding our marks. We go front, side, back, side, make sure those hit points are forward, front, side, back, side, add the arms, front, counter the arm, back, and front, and back. Now we find the natural rhythm, the natural flow for our body, It might be with me, but move at your own tempo here. We have a few more repetitions before we lose the slider, and we try the same exercise off the ground. I'm nervous and excited, and that's how I live my life.

Like, go over that slider. You've got this. It can be a centimeter off the ground. It can be a foot. It can be a meter, but you have to do something here.

Work with me, up, up, up, out, out, out, up, up, up, up, out, out. Make sure you're moving from the correct places. The abs are keeping your posture up. The glutes, the thigh muscles, lifting that leg, everything is helping each other out, especially the breathing. Dane you take a deep breath? We got 2 more repetitions.

You got this. Last one as I always say, the last thing the judges see that always helps me. Curtsy back. Let's go for a curtsy. Then expand. Curtsy, kick, and circle.

Curtsy, kick, and circle. Good. See if you can kick up a little bit higher. Make sure you can expand out and celebrate the work that we've done together. We still have a few more 10 seconds. Let's speed it up. Dane and up.

Curtsy and up. Well, ask 3, 2, 1. We did it. Didn't that feel good? Dane you feel a little different than when we started? Let's get a little cool down and stretch this out. Set those dumbbells Dane. Figure 4, if you want to use a wall, no problem.

Right ankle over the left knee sit down into a chair, find your center. If it feels good, can push that knee gently away, and settle in here a few breaths. Feel the energy flowing through your body. All those muscles woken up, test it out, grab that same ankle, Get a nice quad stretch. If that feels good, you can extend to a dancer pose, stretching out the shoulder as well, kick pull, kick pull, kick pull. Take that back foot Dane.

Circle the arms in one direction. Circle the arms in the other direction. Figure for other side, left ankle over the right knee, square off the shoulders and the hips, sit back into a chair, press that knee away only if it feels right. Stretching out all those muscles around the hip, the glutes, get a little deeper so we can recover the best way so we can hit replay on this workout tomorrow. Good. The answer pose.

Grab first, focusing on getting the quad, the thigh muscle up front. And if it feels good, You can go for your Dane pose kicking into your hand, pulling, and reaching for me more deep breath, more reach. Place that foot down into a lunge. Dane your final circles in each direction. Stretching the spine.

360 movement. I feel like I'm in the movie, the matrix here. It's like dodgeable. It awesome. Dane then reach up as high as you can and exhale everything out.

Amazing job. Thanks for working out with me. Let's do it again too soon sometime. See you next time.


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