Class #5810

Clear, Beginner Reformer

45 min - Class


Tom McCook guides you through a functional Beginner Reformer class that emphasizes clear mechanics and proper form. This foundational session focuses on developing stability in the pelvis and legs while exploring controlled movements of the shoulders and spine, all without raising the arms above 90 degrees under load. Ideal for those new to Pilates or seeking to refine their technique, this class provides a solid foundation for understanding and mastering the essential principles of Reformer work.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi, everybody. I'm Tom Cook back here at Pilates anytime. It's a great pleasure to be back. This is a reformer class. We consider this a beginner level reformer class on how to work on clear mechanics and just getting the the feedback in your body to do these clear basic exercise as well so you can get the most benefit and stay healthy and get the most benefit from our solid pilates practice. So we're gonna start seated on the carriage with no springs.

So I'm gonna take the springs off and then sit on the moving carriage with my feet on the floor. And then come up fairly close so I can put my hands on the foot bar and sit up nice and straight and have your feet right under your knees. Just get a sense that you can center your head over your pelvis, and all we're gonna do to start is just grow tall as you inhale, and then from the pelvis, think of your pelvis as like a wheel, curl your tail towards the foot bar, to to move the carriage forward like your sit bones or two brushes, curl, and then reach your tail and sit bones back. So if you're just doing an arch curl seated and try to avoid dropping when you curl, Just feel how you're just moving the lower back and the pelvis as part of our warm up. Stay nice and tall.

So you start to feel your pelvic muscles, your abdomen, and a little bit of your lower back. And just four more. Not a big movement. And one more. Now do a small rotation.

Put one hand back on the carriage and one hand on the bar. You can bring it across a little bit. So you're gonna do that same arch curl in a small rotation. So sit up tall and now curl the tail forward again. Carriage is gonna slide forward, then slide it back. So I'm not doing this, which is one way of doing it, but I'm moving the carriage from my pelvis and abdomen.

CURL and then reach back. And just two more. And one. Then we'll rotate to side two. Sit up straight, take a breath, and curl, feel like you're brushing the carriage forward, and then brush it back.

And three more. Great way to warm up your lower back, especially if you've been spending a lot of time sitting, and one more. Now from there, I'm gonna straddle a machine and put on three springs for footwork. Two reds in a blue, three reds, something like that. And then come on down onto the back.

And for the first thing we're gonna do, we're just gonna do what's called an articulated bridge. So you're up on your heels, your feet are in line with your sit bones, In the beginning, just take a moment here before we do the bridge, we're just gonna come into breathing and sensing where we are in space. So you can put the heel of your hands on the front of your hips, your fingertips on your pubic bone, and just picture you're gonna make those three points level with the floor. And how you can feel it is just lift the pubic bone up a little bit. That's called a posterior tip, then reach the pubic bone down.

That's more of an anterior tip. Do that a couple times. Where you can feel where's the middle of those two, where they feel relatively level, and the weights even on the back of your pelvis. Now, keep that. Bring your arms long.

And now just breathe and let your belly wall move as you breathe, just take a few diaphragmatic breaths. And on the exhale phase, just deflate. Let the front of the body fall into the back of the body, and just empty the lungs a little more than you're used to. And again, nice breath. And then deflate.

Now put your hands around the lower part of your ribcage. Now practice breathing laterally into your hands. And on the exhale face, follow the belly wall in like a belt getting tighter. Let me just gently draw the abdomen in to help you empty the lungs a little bit more. Breathe laterally, follow it in on the exhale.

Two more. As you're following it in, imagine that you're also You can start to feel the muscles at the bottom of your pelvis, along with your belly wall, and a little bit of your lower back. Now, we're gonna take that breathing pattern into a bridge, whether your arms long, take a breath, start to follow the belly in and then curl the pelvis like a wheel, curling the tail towards your back of your knees, curl into a bridge. Now at the top of the bridge, take a breath. Now start from the top of your abdomen and lengthen down letting your tail be the last thing down. We're just gonna do four, exhale to curl, inhale at the top, lengthen back down nice and smooth.

And two more. If you need to make it smaller, you can even just come up halfway, and then peel back down. And one more. Take a breath at the top, traction down nice and slow. Now, we're gonna go into footwork, but we're gonna start with our legs straight, and I'm gonna put my headrest up a notch.

So I like that better for my head and neck position. Now, straighten the legs. Now, just take a moment and come back to putting your hands on the front of your hips, fingertips on the pubic bone. Just find that neutral position, and then bring your arms long. Now picture you're gonna use the back of your legs instead of just relaxing on the end.

So on the exhale, as you feel that breathing pattern, pull yourself in with the back of your legs. Now extend, use the muscles at the bottom of your butt and your top of your hamstrings to initiate out, then finish through the front of your legs. You're using the whole leg, exhale in, inhale out. And picture that you're doing your best to keep the pelvis the same, same level all the way through. Sensing your posture.

Breathing fluidly with awareness. Just one more. Now from the straight position, slide down onto the ball of your feet, and just lift your head for a moment, look at your feet. Now, get the bone behind your little toe on the bar, not just your toes, and the ball behind your big toe, and leave your toes long. Those are your tee your key weight bearing points for your feet, for the front of your feet.

So you can keep them on the bar the whole time. Now same action, exhale as you follow the belly wall in, pull yourself in. Inhale out. Pull away from the bar, and then pull towards the bar. Inhale on the out, exhale on the end.

Two more. And one. Now from the out, bring your heels together. So now you're in a small v. Same action, exhale in.

Inhale out. Four more. Three One. Now as you come in, turn back onto the balls of your feet, we're gonna do what's called roll throughs, which is a great way to create better mobility in your ankles. And better hip knee and ankle function. So rise up to high heels from that high heel position, slide your legs long.

Now, lower your heels and come in slow with the heels dropped. Roll up onto the ball of your feet, press long, lower the heels, come in slow. Three more, lengthen out, drop the heels, come in slow. I feel you getting that nice deep calf stretch. Do your best to relax the front of your ankles. There we go.

One more in that direction. Now from the in position, start to drop your leg your heels to pull your legs long. Rise up to high heels, bend and come in. Drop the heels, press long. Press up.

Great way to improve the mobility of your lower legs. Which helps you put less pressure on your knees and your lower back when you squat, bend, lunge. There we go. One more. Now as you come in, go wide on your heels, legs turned out at 10 and 02:00. Now using the back of your legs, the way to turn on the back of your legs, which is helpful anyway, resist the heels towards one another and push the knees away from each other.

So you'll start to feel the back of your hips in your center line of your legs. Now, pull your legs straight, then pull yourself back in. Six times. So you're getting a little more opening in your hips. You're using the inseams of your legs a little bit more. One more.

Now next time, we're gonna add a rotation for mobility of your hips, press out. Now, from your hips, rotate the legs in and bend and come in, back to external, press long. And feel how now you're getting your muscles, your deeper hip muscles more mobile, Great for your lower back, your leg alignment. Now, as we come in, stay at what's called internal, press long. Go to external bend and come in. And just two more and one.

Now, as you come in, come back onto the balls of your feet. And we're gonna go into double heel lowers. So press your legs long. Now in this position, find that neutral position, but just to unlock your knees, just a small amount. See if you can tone the back of your legs, like the bottom of your butt, your hamstrings.

And now lower and lift both heels. See if you can leave your toes long the whole time. Since your posture, a nice line through the crown of your head. And we're gonna do 10 of these, so four more. Slow in fluid and deliberate so that you're not bouncing.

Two more. Now, the high point of the next one, go right into what's called running. Drop one heel and press the other shin forward. Press into the ball of your foot on the bending side. Meet at the high point each time in the center.

Make it deliberate again so there's no bouncing. Couple more each side. Now the next time you drop the heel, just hold it for a stretch. Breathe into it. Notice if you're holding any tension in your shoulders, your neck, your jaw.

Just use this opportunity to let that go while you stretch your lower leg. Go right into side two. So you're always developing that awareness of scanning your body, what's going on in the air throughout the body. So you're you're heightening your ability to notice how to put your attention on areas that would use your support just by putting your attention on it. So when I put attention on my shoulders, I can relax my shoulders.

If I notice I'm holding tension in my arms, that's not area, I can start to let it go. Now from there, Ben and come in. Now we're gonna go into what's called hundred prep. So this is a way to flex your spine from the top down. Think if your head is like a wheel.

So with your heels, we'll stay on the bar for this first version. Just float your hands a few inches off the mat. Take a breath. On the exhale, pull your fingertips towards your heels like you're pulling your shoulders down and energized like you're lengthening out the crown of your head. She's not even lifting your head yet. You just elongating and sliding the shoulders down.

One more Tom, on the exhale. Now next time you do it, after you feel that elongation, it floats your head about a half inch off the off the headrest. Without looking down. Just look straight up. So on the exhale.

Reach, elongate, float. Place it back down. So it's really small. And again, Now next time, picture after you've done that your head is like a wheel, and we're gonna fold right below the breastbone to Tom into an upper ab curl. So inhale, elongate, exhale reach, float, heads of wheel. Now fold, curl till you're looking at your belly.

Lengthen back down. We're gonna do that three more times on the exhale reach, float, wheel, curl, lengthen back down. And again, inhale, float, wheel, curl, lengthen back down, one more, on the exhale, float, curl, Feel your abdomen as you reach through your fingertips, and lengthen back down. Now from there, we're gonna change the spring, so help yourself up for a little bit of arm work. So for arm work, I recommend either one red, if you've never done reform or work before, if you have any shoulder issues, but you could go anywhere from one red to two.

I'm gonna use one I'm gonna use a red into blue. Why not? And then come on down. Now, you'll take the straps in your hands. Now with your heels on the bar, set your shoulders low and just pull the arms down so the arms are directly above your shoulders without lifting your legs yet.

Now, right at the top of your abdomen, right below your breast bone, put your attention right there on the on the back of your body, and see if you can imprint that part of the back of the waistline a little more into the mat without rounding your lower back or tucking your pelvis too much. You're just trying to align and add a little core control. Now from there, float up one leg at a Tom, maintain that. Now, on the exhale from the underside of your shoulders, pull down, inhale back to the start. Since your alignment, One more. Now, next time at the bottom, stay at the bottom, turn the palms to face your body, inhale out to a t, exhale back to your hips.

Four times. If it's too difficult to hold your legs up like this, you can let them come in a little closer to your chest. Now from the bottom, we're gonna combine the two. Inhale up the middle, open down. Top of the chest stays open, all the way through.

One more in that direction. And now reverse. Nice and smooth. Two more. And one.

Now, at the bottom, stay, we're going to go into tricep press. So bend your elbows halfway, keep your wrist straight, and then straighten. Follow the belly wall in as you straighten. Four more. And three two one. Now place your feet on the bar.

Rest for a moment. We're gonna finish the sequence with what's called hundred prep. So you've like we did earlier, when your feet are on the bar, when we curled up, we're gonna do it with our hands in the strap. We'll do three where your legs will stay bent, and we'll do three where we'll extend the legs out to a 45 degree angle. So once again, reach the arms up.

Pull them down a little bit so the carriage is in the air, imprint the back of the waistline. Flowed up one leg at a Tom, now bring your heels together, knees open about armpit width. Inhale to prepare. Now on the exhale, feel that length through the crown of your head, float your head, ear wheels curl up till your arms are parallel to the ground. Roll back down with control.

And again, on the exhale. Inhale down with control. One more. Inhale down. Now, we're gonna press our legs up to a high 45 as you come up. Ben back to the start.

And one more. And lower, place the straps on the poles, roll it to your side to come up, and now we're gonna make it a little heavier for feet in the straps. So let's go to two outside red springs, and then come down onto your back. I'm gonna put the straps on your feet. So press away with one leg then put the strap on your foot just in front of your ankle.

Now take your legs out to a 45 and take a moment again to feel your pelvic position like you did in the beginning with footwork, relative neutral, back of the ribs close to the mat. Now with your shoulders, take your shoulders back. And then tone the back of your arms lightly just so you can feel your posture. I'm in a in a parallel position. We're gonna keep the legs fairly high.

We're gonna do a parallel squat. So the pelvis stays the same. Now bend the knees. Keeping the knees and feet together, and from the bottom of your butt extend. Now add to it after you've done a few.

As you bend, flex your feet, toes towards the shins, fully straighten, then point the feet. So you're including ankle movement with hip and knee movement, just like if you were squatting, if you were standing on the floor. One more. Now go into turnout heels together toes apart. It's called frog bend the knees in towards the armpits.

Press long. Inhale on the bend. Exhale on the straighten. One more. Go back to parallel and now straight leg lifts.

Go to where you can go without taking your pelvis with you. It might not be 90 degrees if you're tight. Focus on the pelvic control, now pull from the muscles of the back of your hips and the hamstrings as you follow the belly wall in. Inhale to lift, exhale. Go for even pull with both sides as best you can. Two more.

The next one at the bottom stay. Now keeping the pelvis stable, inhale open. Exhale close, reach into the strap as you open, close use your inner thighs. One more. Now inhale will put them together, come up the midline, exhale open, down, and together.

Just a little wider than your the width of your carriage, not super big. Focus more on the combination of stability with mobility. One more. Now reverse. Stay heavy in your pelvis as your legs come up. Two more.

And one. Now, let your feet go about shoulder width apart. Let them come up to where you can manage it. Now take hold of the rope. And just add Tony, even though your legs are not moving, feel like you're pushing them away from you.

But pull with your arms to deepen the stretch and just hold for five breaths. Relax through neck. One more breath. Now open them a little wider and do the same thing. Resist them away, but pull and let the arms win slightly.

Just two more breaths. Now, bend, help yourself out of the straps. Put the straps on the poles, help yourself up. And now we're gonna go into seated roll downs. So for seated roll downs, I recommend one Red spring.

Put your headrest down. You're gonna face the straps. Now when you put your heels on the shoulder, on the headrest, you wanna make sure you have about six inches of that left behind you at least. When you roll back, you'll have you won't roll off the back. Now from there, take hold of the straps and reach through the straps.

You can have this, you can have tension in the strap in your starting position with your arms straight. I sit up relatively straight now from your pelvic wheel, roll back really slow, maybe halfway. Take a short breath. And from the top of your abdomen, curl back up. Seaving keep your shoulders low away from your ears the whole Tom, we're just gonna do four before we change it.

Short breath, curl back up. And again, Feel how you're using the back of your legs, your inseams, and your belly wall. One more. And curl back up, and now we're gonna add arm work to it. So hold the strap at the end with your palms, palms up. Keep your elbows up at shoulder height if possible. Slide the shoulders back.

Now from your pelvis curl back about halfway. Now keep your upper arm still and on the exhale bend. Six reps. Feel your abdomen, your inseams, the bottom of your shoulder blades, and your arms. Two more.

Straighten curl back up. Now we're gonna take it into what's called an oblique turn. So with the arms in front of you, just from your waistline, turn, Tom one side and let your knees go a little the other way. Now curl back. Now at the bottom, switch upper body and knees, curl back up. Come to the middle.

Now reverse turn. Upper body one way knees slightly the other, curl back from the pelvis, switch, curl back up. One more each way. Turn, curl, turn curl back up. Center one more. Turn, roll back.

Turn, come back up. And rest. And there we go. Now from there, we're gonna go right into pulling straps. So I want you to grab your long box, put your long box on the reformer, and then put your foot bar down and put on one blue spring. Just one blue Now, before we do pulling straps, I'm just gonna show you standing because when you're lying on your belly, it's hard to know that if your shoulders are in the right position.

So when you're relying on your belly, what you wanna be able to do, if you can see my arm, you wanna be able to take the head of your arm bone back without arching your back to do it. So you can just touch one arm. Now take the head of the arm bone back. Now think of when the arms go forward towards the floor, you're still keeping the shoulder back. Now keep it back as you pull so you're not letting this happen, which is the tendency when your or shoulders fighting gravity. So you're gonna pull back.

Now keeping it back we do the extension, imagine you're gonna slide your heart towards the top of your breastbone to open the top of your chest. So you'll feel it more in your middle upper back without doing too much in your lower back. So first thing we're gonna do is call the rocket. So you won't need to use the spring tension. You're just gonna line your belly on the box.

So when you come on to the box, Have your hands right under your shoulders on the rails. Now reach back through your legs and tone the bottom of your butt. Set your shoulders back and feel that line through the crown of your head. Now bring the arms back. Now roll the shoulders away from the floor.

And on the exhale reach towards your your fingertips towards your heels and energize through the crown of your head like you did when you were lying on your back. Now from your upper back, slide your heart forward, start to come up. Now exhale back into that straight line. Inhale forward and up. Exhale straight line.

So as you're coming up into that extension, let the arms lift a little bit. Inhale up. Exhale straight line. One more. Inhale forward and up.

Exhale down. Now we're gonna pull with our hands on the rails. Make sure your thumb is on the top, not inside because the carriage might run into your finger. That's not so good. So when you're here, feel that straight line. Now slide your shoulders towards your hips. And feel like you're pulling from the underside more from your back than from your arms.

So on the exhale, pull from the side body, middle back, control the return. Just four of those. Feel how you're really making that connection of your arms to your back, to your middle, all the way down to your legs. One more. Now take the straps.

Reach your hand through the strap and hold just above the buckle so you get a little more range out of your arms. If anybody has shoulder problems, they can't go up there, they could start with their arms more at the end of the strap where that might feel more appropriate for you. So when you're here, first thing, set the shoulders back elongate, feel the tone at the bottom of your butt and your in seams. Now with the shoulders away from the floor, drag the arms all the way back to your sides. Just do three of those before we add upper back extension, exhale back.

Inhale to lower next time back, hold. Now start to slide the hard forward, lift the head slightly, slide the hard forward to come up. Lengthen down with control, keeping the shoulders back. And again, drag, extend and open. Lower with control.

Just two more. Drag back, add the extension. And lower one more. Extend lower put the straps back on the poles, help yourself up. And now from there, we're gonna go into round back knee stretch, which is a nice counter movement.

So we're gonna take the box off. Put your foot bar up in middle bar, which is the second notch. So and either use a red and a blue or two outside reds, and come into a kneeling position with your feet against the shoulder blocks, and take your hips about six inches back behind your knees. Now notice how you can hold yourself with your leg strength and your core. You don't even have to you're not putting weight on your arms yet.

Now with your hands on the bar, picture you're gonna initiate the movement to get in position from your pelvic wheel. From your pelvic wheel, roll the wheel back tail forward Tom round the lower part of your back. So I'm not doing a lot of upper back rounding. It's more my lower back. Now, hold on to that.

Set your shoulders low and imagine that the back doesn't change now. On the inhale, push your knees back holding that shape, and draw the belly in to pull the knees in. Think if the upper body stays relatively still. Lengthen through the neck. Four more. Accent on the in.

One more. Now we're gonna transition to flat back. So for flat back, reach the tail back. Create a nice line from your head to your tail. Now reach the legs back again with a neutral spine.

Now accent on the end. You're just working on hip stability and hip mobility all in one. Three more. One more. Now change it down to one blue spring lighter for nailing push ups.

Who knew? So in this position, You're gonna go from the flat back knee stretch into a push up. So you're gonna go slow into it because it's light. So first thing, set the shoulders low, and they're really slow. Push the knees back. To a kneeling plank. Now, pull the elbows wide as you pull the shoulder blades in and then straighten. Now if this feels too light for anybody because it's more core, you can make it a little heavier.

Four more. So you're teaching yourself that in a push up down well, your torso and core muscles are working. Two more. And one. Now from there, we're gonna go into what's called server tray. So for server tray, take the straps, still with one blue, in your hands. Now, really slow. From here, I want you to come up to, tall kneeling. So it's a moment of balance to come up nice and slow.

Now, bend your elbows with your palms up and roll the shoulders back. Feel the tone of your legs and inseams like you created from those last movements. Now as the shoulders slide down, exhale to reach the arm forward to like low mid chest level. Now open, use the muscles under your armpits to close in your chest and bend, exhale out, inhale to open, exhale to close, inhale to bend. Four more.

Feel that back to front relationship? One more, everybody. With control, slowly sit back. Put the straps on the poles. From there, we're gonna turn around and go into chest expansion.

Great postural exercise. So go up to one red. These against the shoulder block. So in modern life, our shoulders tend to get forward, head forward from being on the computer, driving all the things that we do. So in this position, I recommend you put the straps on your wrists, open the front of your hips like you just did a moment ago, but take the head of your arm bones back, and then think of leveling your chin with your eyes so you're not lifting your head, you're really leveling and draw the head slightly back so you get that sense of length through the crown of your head.

Now from the back of your shoulders and your side body, drag the arms a little behind you. Control the return. Stay nice and tall. The next time you pull back hold it, really slow with a soft, useful neck, turn your head to one side. Center, second side. Center release. We're gonna do three more. Pull.

Turn, center, turn, center, release two more, pull, turn, center, turn Center release last one. Stay tall. Turn center turn center release. Put the straps on the poles. Step off for a moment.

Now add a little weight. Let's actually go with a red and a yellow. I'm gonna do a lunging stretch. So for the lunging stretch, this is to open your hip, great for your lower back, and stretch your front of your thighs a little bit more. So put one foot right against the headrest now.

Take your front Tom. Maybe six inches away from the reformer up by the foot bar. Now the tendency when we go into this is you don't wanna just see how far you can go, which is actually not that great of a stretch. It's more gooey mobility. And one of the benefits of Pilates is to have appropriate tone while you're moving.

So think of when you're here, turn on the put your hand on your glute on that side and just without moving the carriage, push into that shoulder block so you can feel your muscle turn on. So your butt is active. Now follow the belly wall in away from the foot bar and see if you can maintain those two connections as you slowly go into the stretch. It might not be very big. You want your front knee to stay over your knee, over your ankle. Hold for a breath.

Then come up and in, and again, feel the tone. Feel the tone. Push away with control. Shoulders are dropped. Come up and in. Just two more. Now the tendency could be for this hip to come forward.

Keep the hip back because your pelvis gently rotates slightly towards the leg behind you just like if you were walking. It makes it easier to turn on your back loop too. Then come in now, this last one, go into it and hold it. Now on that stretch side, take that arm forward, a little bit overhead. I do a small, slow side bend towards the front knee side.

Just keep feeling your abdomen and glute working. One more breath, lengthen up and in, and we'll come around Tom side Tom. So foot right up against the shoulder block, front foot a little wider than the reformer up by the foot bar. Now put your hand on your back glute and turn it on by pushing back without moving the carriage just in activation, then draw the belly wall in just to feel that you're supporting your lower back. Now feel both as you slowly move into it.

Hold for a moment. Then come back up and in. We'll do four of those. Again, it's not about how far. It's about with a matching matching appropriate muscle connection, and then come in.

Two more. Pilates done well or movement done well is when your range and your strength match. One more. Now go into it and hold it on the stretch side, take the arm forward and up. Now slowly side bend towards the front front leg side and breathe into it. One more breath, lengthen up and in.

Now we're gonna finish with mermaid. So have a seat. Go down to one red. And fold one leg back against the shoulder block of the leg in front. Now if this position doesn't work for anybody, you can do this with your feet on the floor.

You wanna make sure it works for your knees and your lower back. With your hand on the bar a little bit in front of your body, press out. Now reach up on a high diagonal and take your spine. Think of taking your ribcage up towards that hand so you can keep your chest open as you side bend. And then lengthen up. And again, go up.

Feel the shoulders moving away from the ears as opposed to up into your ears. Now next Tom, go into it and hold it, wrap down to the bar. Open up your weight bearing arm a little wider and just go slightly lower with your torso. Now, bend and stretch your arms for three. Get the feeling when you're pressing your arms straight, you're keeping the shoulders away from your ears.

Now press, start to slide the heart forward and up, flex down from the top just three times. One more. Slide your hand back to the middle, come back to the side bend, lengthen up, and do a counter stretch the other way. Reach up with the inside arm, small side bend the other way, lengthen up, and we'll switch sides. Fold the leg back behind you, or feet on the floor, whatever works best for you.

Now press away. Now take that arm up on a 45. Know some dropping the shoulders as opposed to lifting them. Now start to take your spine up towards that up arm. So how far you push the carriage out is not the goal?

It's more to get clear movement in your spine. Especially in the, you know, rib cage, like, from under the armpit to the top of the hip. Next time, go into it and hold it. Now spiral down to the bar. Open up a little wider now go a little lower than bend and stretch for three.

One more. Hold the press this time. Now slide the heart forward and up. Flex down from the top three times. No rush. One more.

Slide your hand back to the middle, come back to the side bend, lengthen up, take hold of the shoulder block, reach up with the inside arm, small side bend the other way. From there, come up to standing. We'll finish in a standing position. Now, in your standing position, just put your feet right under your sit bones. Lift your 10 toes and feel your key weight bearing points of your feet, the ball behind your big toe, behind your little toe and your heel like a triangle on both feet.

And just lower and lift your toes a few times and just become aware of your posture and see if you can have the weight balanced front to back and left to right on the front of your feet after all that work. I do a small leg bend. Now we're gonna go into a small squat as you reach the arms to the front. And as you straight and press into your foot points, press the arms to the back three times. And one. Now, a sense sense your alignment, your posture, let your breathing drop, unlock your knees, Notice alignment, ease, and acknowledge yourself a great focus today, guys.

Thanks for joining. I hope you enjoyed. Great place to start, and also just to re come back as a refresher course to kind of refine your movements. Think of with Pilates in any good movement. It's not about how hard the exercise is. It's how you are doing it from the inside.

How are you self correcting? How are you getting the benefits of mind, body connection with each exercise? Thanks for joining. Thank you, Pilates, anytime, and hope to see you again. Take care.


I'm about to celebrate my first year as a teacher, and this session is incredible for continuing to learn, clarify, inspire, motivate, and review over and over again.  "It's not about how hard the exercise is. It's how you are doing it from the inside." Thanks Tom McCook, I need to hear these words. 

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As a seasoned teacher, I so appreciate this class as a reminder to honor the essence of the work with control, precision and breath!
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I feel like sometimes all I really need is beginner Pilates! Thank you, Tom!
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As a seasoned teacher , I love being a student in all your classes!!! Thank you for contributing your expertise to all of us in “Pilates Anytime Land”
MireiaBeverly LConnie M & Karen M,
Thank you all for sharing your experience and insight about quality,focus and awareness which transforms our experience and wellness!! It really is an “inside job” and a key component of Pilates done well as a lifelong practice! Keep enjoying and many thanks!!👊🙏
After a long day of helping put my clients back together this was perfect for put myself back together, agree 100% that it's an inside job!  Thanks so much as always Tom!
Taryn Upchurch
Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Plenty of good work to be found in nuanced foundational classes like this. Remember: you can't build anything of quality if the foundation is not structurally sound and well-organized. Many thanks, @Tom McCook. I'll be coming back to this one regularly.
Louisa Harris & Taryn Upchurch, Thank you both!! It’s great to hear you appreciate the foundational work!! It really is where connections are made and developed!! Enjoy!!🤗🙏

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